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SPED Summit 2016 Day 2

Cultivate positivity by embracing and discovering the

unique abilities in one another, students and

Reflections from Day 1

Our team seems very positive, optimistic, motivated, and ready for change. This
is encouraging as we are on the brink of a huge change in the way we work with
SPED kids.
Our team has the right talent, investment, knowledge and fortitude to get back on
track and improve our bottom line to improve our learners bottom line. What we
believe and hold to be true had gotten buried in our current system of operating.
Knowing that the team all developed and agreed to the same mission and beliefs
will help in strengthening our team - which will then help in the teaching and
learning of students.

-Finish aligning behaviors with beliefs
-Review Mission Statement
-Beliefs Action Plan
-MCA, Child Study, SAT Survey data
-Student data dive and case study

Beliefs and Behaviors

We believe that all staff, staff resources, and what each person brings to the team is valuable; the power of synergy is more than the
-We will collaborate and communicate effectively.
-We will communicate in person with all involved
-We will set time aside to meet with team, classroom teachers, specialists
-We will stay student and family focused (minimum frequency family communication)
-We will be goal, plan, solution oriented
-We will have communication in the appropriate place
-Problem solve for ALL students in SPED, regardless of label
-Ask questions of colleagues
-Request feedback from colleagues
-We will assume good intent
-We will ask for clarification
-We will seek to understand
-We will be the transition to help others understand
--We will...

At each poster

Write down what it would look like, sound like, and feel like if that belief was
being lived on your post it, and stick it to the paper.
If you agree with a behavior already listed, put a checkmark by it (or on the
post it)
Stay at the poster until directed to move on. Youll have an opportunity to
reflect on behaviors for all categories.

Carousel Reflection
Share the behaviors for each belief.

Mission Statement Review

Cultivate positivity by embracing and discovering the
unique abilities in one another, students and

Team Action Plan

Choose one belief and create a positive team action plan for the first trimester.
How will the team know they are successful?
Choose one belief to create a personal action plan.
How will you know you were successful?

Levels of Change
-What stands out for you?
-What type of change has happened in the past?
-What level of change does it feel like we are aiming for?




Growth Scores (4th and 5th)

Growth Scores (4th and 5th)

High: 3 (12%)
Moderate: 6 (24%)
Low: 16 (64%)

High: 3 (12%)
Moderate: 14 (56%)
Low: 8 (32%)

MCA SPED Gender Data



Child Study Survey Results

-Once teachers have a concern, staff typically wait more than 5 weeks before
requesting a Child Study meeting.
-Going to Child Study almost always resulted in evaluation.
-Staff feel the Child Study team listened and responded to their concerns.
-50% of students surveyed who qualified have not yet made improvement on initial

SAT Survey Results

-Once they have a concern, staff typically wait more than 5 weeks before
requesting a SAT meeting.
-SAT is a place to go when you have tried everything, a last resort, or it is a stop
before Child Study. Also a place to go if you have a concern, but not at the level
of special education.
-SAT should be: admin, psychologist, teacher representatives, resource, social
-SAT should meet every other week.

Proposed Child Study/SAT Process and Feedback

What do you notice?
How will this benefit students? Staff? You?
Concerns or barriers to implementation?

Student Data Dive

Case Study
Navigate Northstar and look for kids on your caseload.
What goals from their IEP address the needs their data is showing?
Pick one student for a case study who you will shift this year.
What is your action plan?
How might their IEP shift?
How will you know you are successful?
How will THEY know they are successful?

-What are you taking away from today?
-What was missing from today?
-How will the work done today impact your work with students?

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