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Sample Introduction #1

Religious conflict can be the bloodiest and cruelest conflicts that turn
people into fanatics.

This quote by William J. Brennan, former U.S.

Supreme Court Justice, accurately describes the situation in the Middle
East today in the year 2016. Different religious groups, including Muslims,
Jews, and Christians, all claim this land as holy to their different faiths.
Within the Muslim faith, Shia & Sunni disagree over control of resources
and land. Muslim extremists have joined terrorist groups like ISIS to wage
holy war in Iraq and Syria. Leaders like Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad
have plunged their countries into civil war, which has allowed ISIS to gain
control throughout the region. All of these things result in conflict
happening. The Middle East always seems to have conflict because
of religious extremists, competition for resources, and a quest
for power.

Italics: Attention Grabber (Use of a quote or fact)

Underlined: Background information
Bold: Argument / Thesis Statement

Sample Introduction #2
Imagine that you are living in Mosul, Iraq. Muslim extremists that are
part of ISIS have just captured your city. You and your family are forced
to make a decision: join ISIS

or be killed. What would you do? This story

accurately describes the situation in the Middle East today in the year 2016.
Muslim extremists have joined terrorist groups like ISIS to wage holy war
in Iraq and Syria. Terrorism has also occurred with groups that are not
part of ISIS, including the ongoing conflict between the Israelis and the
Palestinians. This tension has led to fighting over the past fifty years, as the
two sides battle for control of extremely important land like the West Bank
and Gaza Strip. All of these things result in conflict happening in this
region of the world. The Middle East always seems to have conflict
because of three Ts: tension, territories, and terrorism.

Italics: Attention Grabber (Anecdote or Ask a Question)

Underlined: Background information
Bold: Argument / Thesis Statement

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