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Publicity photo
Screen on the Green gay audience
target of melee? Page 4
Atlanta Police chief finalists
meet in town hall forum. Page 4
Gov. candidate Karen Handel
dogged by past gay support. Page 6
ARCA seeks volunteers for
historic HIV vaccine trial. Page 8
U.S. House, Senate committee
vote to repeal DADT. Page 10 “Every man I know is watching
No Georgia hospitals rated this show — this live show — about
‘top performers’ by HRC. Page 10 lesbian lovers of Miami!”
Longtime LGBT volunteer —Man-hungry “Golden Girl” Blanche, played by
Greg Barrett remembered. Page 12 Rue McClanahan, lamenting when ditzy Rose
casts Blanche and Dorothy on a local TV segment
VOICES about “women who love each other and sleep
together.” McClanahan died June 3 at age 76.
Guest column: Sylvia Rivera Community (, June 3)
“I promise you I did not kiss her and it is ridiculous that two
Publicity photo

Brunch is important to Pride. Page 14

Mike Ritter Cartoon: Scandal entertainers can’t even rock out with each other without the
in the Wind. Page 14 media making it some type of story.”
Speaking Out: Readers react to new APD — Pop singer Miley Cyrus, 17, defending her recent performance on “Britain’s Got Talent,” in
gay liaison, anti-bullying bill. Page 15 which the Daily Mail reported she simulated a kiss — but did not actually touch lips — with a
female backup dancer. (Us Magazine, June 5)
A&E Photo by Nora Feller Photography

Chely Wright comes out of the country

closet. Page 16 “If you are straight, gay or bisexual,

The road to country music’s first openly I want to walk through the scrip-
gay star. Page 17 tures with you.”
Art: Gay artist tackles homophobia in

— Rev. Ted Haggard, who lost his conservative
black community. Page 18 Times for a man to have had sex mega-church in 2006 after a scandal with a male
Books: ‘Mama Deb’ finds happy ending with another man since 1977 in prostitute, on the new church he is founding
to grim fairy tales. Page 20 order to be permanently banned with his wife, Gayle. Haggard maintains he is
from donating blood straight and his same-sex desire came from being
Across the Table: Best tacos molested by a man. (The Guardian, June 6)

under the sun. Page 21 Years that a person who has had
heterosexual sex with someone

Photo via Facebook

Theater: ‘Little House’ may have special
meaning to LGBT fans. Page 23 who is HIV-positive is banned from
giving blood

Years since the lifetime ban
Atlanta’s Stonewall Week honors Pride’s on gay male blood donors was
beginnings. Page 25 instituted in 1983, during the
Georgia celebrates Pride month. Page 26 height of the HIV epidemic. PRINCESS CHARLE

Milestone: Erica French and Nina Gooch IT Y & EM CE E
Photo via Facebook

celebrate 21 years. Page 26 View the full interv “One thing I stand for is hip hop
t h e GAVO IC E .co mat music. And hip hop music knows no
race, no color, no age, no gender, no
Estimated pints that would be added to the US blood
supply per year if the gay ban is lifted sexual orientation — none of that.”
Pages 28-30
“I get to perform me.
Times the Food & Drug Administration has — Hip hop artist Wale speaking from the stage at
reconsidered the gay blood ban. In 2000
and 2006, the FDA decided to keep the It’s androgynous. I don’t DC Black Pride over Memorial Day Weekend. The
performance drew controversy when one of Wale’s policy; it is set to be studied again in
meetings June 10-11.
have to wear hip pads staffers initially canceled it, claiming he didn’t know

Sources: CNN, HRC, The, Williams Institute

and look all feminine.” Black Pride was an LGBT event. Wale apologized for
the mishap. (Metro Weekly, June 1)
4 GA Voice June 11, 2010 News

Gay slurs cited in Screen on the Green melee “We felt like sitting ducks,” he said. “They Hice and his friend were hit while they were in
Violence causes were definitely targeting gay people. One of
my good friends, who is gay and works at
Hice’s open Jeep driving past Piedmont Park.
Sgt. Curtis Davenport, public information

delay of Piedmont Swinging Richards, got jumped by five people

and beat up.”
The friend did not file report of the incident
officer for the APD, told the Georgia Voice he
looked through numerous reports from June 3
and said nothing in the reports stated anything
Park film showing to police.
Rhodes added that when he was walking
about a hate crime against anyone at the park.
“I have not heard anything about that and
out of the park he was called “faggot” and other nothing is mentioned in any of the reports,”
By Dyana Bagby obscenities and said women at the event were he said. also called lesbians. Acall to Officer Patricia Powell, the new LGBT
“I was called a faggot. There were a couple liaison for the APD, was not returned. A follow-up
The same day the Atlanta police chief fi- of fights in front of Blake’s [the gay bar on 10th email this week was also not answered.
nalists met in a town hall forum, the popular Street] — it was all pretty pathetic,” he said.
“Screen on the Green” movie showing in “I was verbally discriminated against based on ‘Take Back Screen on the Green’
Piedmont Park ended abruptly after several my sexual preference.” Davenport said the APD was not providing
fights broke out and there were unconfirmed Rhodes said he was called the anti-gay slur Screen on the Green’s showing of ‘Dream Girls’ in security for the event. Screen on the Green is
reports of gunfire. while walking along 10th Street from Charles Piedmont Park was postponed from June 10 to June sponsored by Peachtree TV in conjunction with
Jesse Rhodes, who is openly gay, said what Allen toward Piedmont Avenue. 17 after violence erupted at the June 3 event, which the Piedmont Park Conservancy and the spon-
happened at Screen on the Green on June 3 was He said the people causing the problems featured ‘Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen.’ sors are required to provide security. The spon-
an “insult” to the people of Midtown, including were not from Midtown. (Photo courtesy Dreamworks) sors submitted a security plan to the APD for
its gay residents. He lives at Post Parkside and “They were young and definitely looking approval, Davenport said.
walked to the park with a group of gay friends. for trouble,” Rhodes said. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution quoted a “We are investigating whether what was ap-
While the fights and rowdy behavior broke out “It went from the people with Chick-fil-A Newnan man as saying he and his friend were proved was actually what was in place,” he said.
around them as they tried to watch “Transform- being overwhelmed to females being called les- victims of a “hate crime” during the melee, and APD Interim Chief George Turner said there
ers: Revenge of the Fallen,” he and his gay bians. It was more of an insult to the people of later clarified that the man felt targeted because were 23 off-duty officers providing security for
friends felt very vulnerable, he said. Midtown regardless of who we are,” he said. he is white and his attackers were black. Josh the approximately 10,000 people who showed
up to watch the movie.
When the fights became very disruptive, the
Gay issues mentioned in forum for Atlanta police chief finalists security company on site asked APD for assis-
tance, Davenport said.
By Dyana Bagby “This was an off-duty event [for the APD]. They [the sponsors] provide security. APD was
called in when the event was canceled and we
At the recent town hall forum to let the deployed nine or 10 officers and had the park
public meet the three finalists to be the next cleared out in 15 minutes,” he said.
Atlanta police chief, Mayor Kasim Reed ac- Police cannot confirm whether there was gun-
knowledged that many believe there has been fire as reported by some attendees. Davenport said
a breach of confidence between the city’s resi- the APD did receive reports from the prior week’s
dents and the police department. Screen on the Green that fireworks were used.
“Tonight we begin repairing that breach,” Davenport added that it appeared there were
Reed said during opening remarks on June 3 The three finalists for Atlanta Police Chief participated in a recent town hall forum. From left are two groups of females and a group of males that
at the Atlanta Civic Center. Dr. Cedric Alexander; interim APD Chief George Turner; and Robert White. (Photo by Dyana Bagby) were causing the disruptions and fights.
The three candidates are interim Chief Rhodes, who said he was distressed there
George Turner; Dr. Cedric Alexander, head of the face,” Nigut said, adding that Hispanics and live in their own homes. was not more of a police presence at the park to
the Transportation Security Administration at Muslims also complain about alleged bias. “[But] we have to be responsible to citizens, provide security, started a Facebook group ask-
the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas International Air- Turner responded by acknowledging the we have to treat people correctly … we have to ing people to “Take Back Screen on the Green.”
port; and Robert White, the Louisville, Ken- department gets “a number of complaints on make sure we have officers that the citizens are “It’s time to stand up as a community and
tucky Metro police chief. Red Dog on how we deal with citizens.” pleased to have on the street,” Turner said. boycott Screen on the Green. This past Thurs-
Reed said he would make an announcet- The Red Dog Unit, a paramilitary narcotics White answered by saying the police de- day’s event was full of hatred, and unlawful
ment of his choice to lead the APD between 10 street force, was utilized in the Atlanta Eagle bar partment must treat all citizens the same. people. Midtown is home to a proud, and di-
to 12 days after the June 3 town hall meeting. raid in September. Some patrons and employ- “It’s a leadership issue. People have to be- versified group of people who already fight
Gay issues were addressed briefly dur- ees of the gay bar alleged they were roughed lieve that there’s a department that cares about social prejudice, we don’t need to invite it into
ing the nearly two-hour forum by emcee Bill up during the raid and also had anti-gay slurs its community and treats everyone … regard- our own backyards,” he states on the page.
Nigut, southeast regional director of the Anti- hurled at them the Red Dog Unit. Many in the less of their station in life the same. The flip The APD public information office could not
Defamation League. bar during the Sept. 10 raid are plaintiffs in a side is they have to believe in a department that be reached this week for a follow-up interview to
“How do you balance, in these times espe- federal lawsuit against the city and police. can hold officers accountable,” he said. find out if there were any actual incidents reports
cially, your force’s ability to be tough on crime Turner defended the Red Dog Unit’s work Alexander said police have social respon- as a result of Screen on the Green, but the AJC
but sensitive to the concerns of various elements without mentioning directly its participation sibilities as well as being firm on crime. reported June 7 only one was filed. The report
in the community. For instance, being able to in the Atlanta Eagle raid. “We have to be clear about the line that was filed by a teen whose purse was stolen.
deal with various constituent groups who feel “Our Red Dog officers arrested as of to- does not get crossed. It doesn’t give officers The June 10 Screen on the Green showing of
discriminated against. We had the Eagle bar raid day more than 1,000 people and made those the right to mistreat people, to degrade peo- “Dreamgirls” was postponed due to the June 3
which the gay community believes was a slap in arrests where people are being challenged to ple,” he added. violence. The series will resume with “Dream-
girls” on June 17, according to Peachtree TV.
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6 GA Voice June 11, 2010 News

Gay baiting in GOP primary for governor However, the same August 2003 Southern
Under attack by Deal, Voice article that included Yeager’s comment
Handel tries to deny past on gay adoption included a quote from then-
Georgia Equality Executive Director Allen
support for gay issues Thornell, who referenced the survey that Han-
del submitted the year before.
Reads the article: “In the candidate survey
By Laura Douglas-Brown Georgia Equality distributed last year, Handel indicated support establishing a domestic part-
ner benefits policy, but opposed creating a do-
The gay Republican activist who stated in a mestic partner registry, citing privacy concerns,
2003 interview that Karen Handel supports gay Thornell said.”
adoption and domestic partner benefits told the Thornell passed away last year.
Georgia Voice that he stands by the quote, and McLagan also noted that “the one opportu-
provided email exchanges with the GOP politi- nity [Handel] had to vote on the issue, she voted
cian that show her desire to win gay support. against them.”
Meanwhile, another gay Republican leader The Fulton County Commission approved
noted that the staff of Nathan Deal, who is attack- domestic partner benefits for county employ-
As the G0P gubernatorial primary heats up, Nathan Deal is attacking Karen Handel on her previous
ing Handel on gay issues as they battle in the GOP ees in 2003, when Kenn was chair. The issue
stands on gay issues — positions Handel and her campaign are trying to refute. (Handel photo from
primary for governor, welcomed and helped him Handle voted against was whether to also expand
campaign Facebook page; Deal photo from U.S. Congress)
when he visited Washington, D.C., for the gay the county’s pension plan to include domestic
Log Cabin Republicans national conference. partners — and that vote came in 2006, the same
“We will be continuing our support for Kar- he remembers receiving a check for the mem- ports the benefits for county workers, but has year she ran for Secretary of State.
en Handel,” Marc Yeager, then-president of the bership from Handel at the LCR booth at the privacy concerns about a DP registry open to
Georgia Log Cabin Republicans, told Southern Atlanta Pride Festival, held at the end of June. all Fulton residents. Log Cabin leader welcomed
Voice newspaper in an article published Aug. “She definitely was a member of Log Cabin The third exchange, from September 2003, by Deal’s congressional office
15, 2003. “She demonstrated in her last run that and she was for at least two years,” said Yeager, came after Yeager’s comment to Southern Voice Asked about Handel’s past stands on gay
she was supportive of domestic partner benefits, who is no longer a leader in the group. about Handel’s support for gay adoption, and rights, the current president of Georgia Log
and she’s supported same-sex adoptions on the Neither Handel nor Deal’s campaigns re- shows Handel continued to seek his advice after Cabin Republicans, Jamie Ensley, focused on
basis of the best interest of the child.” sponded to interview requests by press time. that interview. In these emails, Handel responds Deal’s decision to attack Handel on the issue.
At the time, Handel was running for Ful- positively to Yeager’s invitation to join Log Cabin “I’m extremely disappointed with former
ton County Commission chair.  The quote has Emails show relationship in the Atlanta AIDS Walk, and recounts more dis- Rep. Nathan Deal using the same tired old gay
dogged her in her race for governor, with Deal between Handel, Yeager cussions with Georgia Equality. boogeyman scare tactic against Karen Handel,
— a former congressman and one of Handel’s Handel lost her bid for an at-large seat on the As part of Southern Voice’s election cover- and I think it reflects a losing campaign,” Ens-
five opponents in the July 20 GOP primary — Fulton County Commission in 2002, then won age, the newspaper invited political candidates ley said. “I would rather former Rep. Deal ad-
using it to paint her as not a true conservative. the Fulton County chairmanship in a special to submit statements from a gay supporter. The dress his corruption accusations instead of this
“Records prove Handel’s support of gay election in 2003 after Mike Kenn resigned. Oct. 31, 2003, issue included a statement sub- nonsense, it really makes his campaign appear
adoption, domestic partner benefits,” reads a Handel’s outreach to gay voters in her Ful- mitted by Handel’s campaign. In it, Log Cabin to be a few clowns short of a circus.”
May 11 press release from Deal’s campaign. ton County races included seeking endorse- member Mike Horton noted that Handel “has Deal consistently opposed LGBT issues in
Handel’s camp now says the comment from ments from Log Cabin and Georgia Equality, long supported domestic partner benefits” and Congress, but Ensley noted that Deal’s U.S. House
Yeager was inaccurate, but she never asked the state’s largest gay political group. was a member of Log Cabin. office “was very helpful to me” when he attended
Southern Voice for a correction or retraction. This week, Yeager provided copies of three the national Log Cabin conference in April 2006.
Yeager told the Georgia Voice on June 7 that email exchanges with Handel from 2002 and Changing stands “His office staff gave me a private tour of
Handel, with whom he had frequently talked and 2003. They show the two had a friendly as well Handel has tried to disavow her outreach to the capital, and arranged a tour of the White
emailed, never told him that it was wrong, either. as political relationship, with Handel inquiring gay voters in her bids for state office, including House for me, so I’m totally baffled by his new
“As closely as I was working with her at the about Yeager’s vacations while also telling him her successful 2006 campaign for Secretary of bipolar political affliction,” Ensley said.
time, I certainly would not have made any state- about gay endorsement interviews and seeking State and her current gubernatorial race. Other GOP candidates for governor include
ment like that if it had not been expressed from advice on the Georgia Equality survey. In 2006, Bill Stephens, one of Handel’s GOP Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxen-
herself and clearly understood that that was her The first exchange, from July 2002, shows primary opponents for Secretary of State, also dine, who tried unsuccessfully to bar private
position,” Yeager said. Handel sending Yeager a draft of her answers to made an issue of her past stands on gay issues. insurance companies from offering domestic
Yeager said at the time he had personal rea- Georgia Equality’s candidate survey, and Yea- On June 7, her current campaign spokesper- partner benefits; Eric Johnson, who opposed
sons for being concerned about gay adoption, ger responding with recommendations. son, Dan McLagan, told the Atlanta Journal-Con- gay issues in the Georgia General Assembly;
adding to his certainty about Handel’s position. “As I’ve told you, I do support domestic part- stitution that despite being written in the first per- Jeff Chapman and Ray McBerry.
“I had friends who are same-sex parents, ner benefits, and confirm my position here, al- son and signed “Fondly, Karen,” the email with Log Cabin does not plan to make an en-
and at the time my partner and I were also con- though I do have concerns about a domestic part- the draft of the Georgia Equality survey was sent dorsement in the primary, Ensley said.
sidering adoption, so it was a personal issue,” ner registry,” Handel writes in the email. “Bottom by her campaign manager, not Handel, and did
he said. “Certainly if she had the position she is line is that I will work with you and other GLBT not accurately reflect her positions. Note: Southern Voice shut down on Nov.
affirming now, I would not have been as active leaders to develop workable legislation. Give me He did not comment on the veracity of the 16, 2009, when its parent company filed for
in her campaign as I was at the time.” a call if you have questions.” other email exchanges, which also showed bankruptcy, causing its archives to no longer
Yeager also confirmed that Handel was a In an exchange in mid-October 2002, Han- Handel actively courting gay votes. be available online. A separate company pur-
dues-paying member of the Georgia Log Cabin del and Yeager discuss her interview for Geor- Handel would not speak directly to the AJC. chased the assets in bankruptcy court in Feb-
Republicans, noting that the LCR database gia Equality’s endorsement and her stand on McLagan also told the daily paper that the ruary 2010 and sporadically publishes a new
shows she became a member in July 2002 and domestic partner benefits. Handel said she sup- Georgia Equality survey was never submitted. newspaper with that name.





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8 GA Voice June 11, 2010 News

First therapeutic HIV vaccine trial underway

AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta seeks volunteers for testing cause of the amount of testing required volun-
teers must live in the Atlanta metro area or be
By Matt Schafer that the vaccine was effective in preventing willing to relocate to the city.
simian HIV from spreading, and controlling GeoVax CEO Dr. Bob McNally is confident
The AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta HIV in positive primates. The animal studies that the vaccine will reproduce its effects in hu-
is currently seeking 10 to 12 volunteers to help were conducted at the Yerkes National Primate mans the way it did in the primate tests.
test the safety of a vaccine that shows the poten- Research Center, an affiliate of Atlanta’s Emory “One of the objectives of a trial like this is
tial of reversing HIV viral loads in HIV-positive University. The preventative portion of the vac- to ultimately wean people off their meds and
individuals. cine is currently in a Phase II human trial. let their immune system fight the virus on their
The 77-week trial of a vaccine from Ge- “We were very impressed with the animal own,” he said. “It’s the meds that have the huge
oVax, a biotechnology company based in data that GeoVax has for this vaccine… Mon- cost and over time some of them stop working,
Smyrna, Ga., that specializes in developing an keys aren’t people, but it’s very impressive data ARCA principal investigator Dr. Melanie Thompson and so it’s really not a long-term solution.”
HIV vaccine, is the first of its kind. and we wanted to work with them to design a is seeking a narrow group of HIV-positive people for The study consists of four vaccinations
This study is “the first therapeutic trial ever study to see if this would be applicable to hu- a new HIV vaccine trial. (Photo by Dyana Bagby) given about eight weeks apart. After the vac-
conducted using a promising HIV vaccine can- mans,” ARCA principal investigator Dr. Mela- cination stage there would be an interruption
didate from GeoVax, Inc.,” according to a May nie Thompson said. MORE INFO of medication so that researchers can monitor
18 press release from ARCA. “Although the Thompson helped found ARCA 21 years ago To be considered for the ARCA study: if the vaccine suppresses the viral load and a
GeoVax vaccines are currently being studied to perform HIV clinical trials and has helped to 404-876-2317 T-Cell count to gauge how the immune system
for HIV prevention, this is the first study using investigate 27 HIV drugs now licensed by the handles the HIV virus.
the same products for treatment of persons who federal Food & Drug Administration. For the After this information is gathered, volun-
already have HIV infection. ARCA is the only GeoVax trial, the non-profit organization needs when they were infected, and have that docu- teers will go back on their medications.“We
site for this trial.” a very narrow group of people. mented with a negative test and then followed have gone through of effort to make sure that
The GeoVax vaccine boosts the body’s im- “They are people with very special char- that up with a positive test.” people are very well observed during the in-
mune system by increasing T-Cell counts and acteristics, and so we know it is not going to Specifically, ARCA is looking for volun- terruption phase,” Thompson said. “We have
anti-HIV antibody response. Dr. Harriet Rob- be easy to find these people,” Thompson said. teers who tested negative for HIV six months or built-in safeguards to make sure that if they get
inson began her research in the 1990s and has “Based on study in monkeys it appears that less before a positive HIV test. Volunteers must into a situation where they could be in trouble
been moving the vaccine through the clinical people who are earlier in their infection are have gone on medication within six months of they will be returned to their medication, but
trial process. most likely to benefit from the vaccine, so what the initial test and that medication must have based on the data we saw in primates we don’t
Data from Robinson’s primate trials show we are looking for is people who know roughly successfully suppressed their viral loads. Be- expect that to happen.”


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June 24, 2010

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The Human Rights Campaign Foundation researched 200 of the largest healthcare facilities in
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information and to find resources on how you can protect your healthcare rights.
10 GA Voice June 11, 2010 News

U.S. House, Senate committee vote to repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
The Defense bill still has to pass the full Sen-
Two Ga. Democrats cross ate, where debate could begin as early as June How Georgia’s U.S.
party lines to vote ‘no’ 18, and some Republicans, including Sen. John
McCain (R-Ariz.), have threatened filibuster. House delegation voted
After the Senate, the bill would then go
By Laura Douglas-Brown through a conference committee to resolve YES on repeal any differences between the House and Sen- DEMOCRATS
ate versions, and then the House and Senate District 4: Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Lithonia)
Efforts to repeal the military’s “Don’t Ask, would have to vote to approve conference re- District 5: Rep. John Lewis (D-Atlanta)
Don’t Tell” policy gained significant momen- port, according to Servicemembers Legal De- District 12: Rep. John Barrow (D-Savannah)
tum May 27 when both the U.S. House and fense Network, before it would go to President District 13: Rep. David Scott (D-Atlanta)
the Senate Armed Services Committee passed Obama for signing. During debate on the House floor, Rep. John REPUBLICANS
amendments to repeal the ban. The full U.S. House voted 234-194 May 27 Lewis (D-Ga.) called the ban on openly gay peo- none
“Just like the military helped end segrega- in favor of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal ple serving in the military ‘an affront to human
tion based on race, we should have put an end amendment, which was sponsored by Rep. Pat- dignity.’ (Courtesy photo) NO on repeal
to ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ long ago. It is an af- rick Murphy (D-Pa.) and needed 217 votes to
front to human dignity and to the dignity and pass. Only five Republicans voted in favor of military … there would be no option but to rec-
District 2: Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Albany)
the worth of every man and woman serving in repeal, while 26 Democrats voted against it. ognize a man’s husband or a woman’s wife and District 8: Rep. Jim Marshall (D-Macon)
our military,” U.S. Rep. John Lewis said during All of the Republicans in Georgia’s del- to provide spousal benefits thus contradicting
debate on the House floor. egation voted against repeal. Two Democrats the federal law,” he said in a press release. REPUBLICANS
   “We cannot wait. We cannot be patient,” from Georgia, Reps. Sanford Bishop and Jim Kingston also suggested chucking DADT District 1: Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Savannah)
Lewis said. “We must end discrimination in the Marshall, were among the 26 Democrats who would “lead to further acts of censorship and a District 3: Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Grantville)
military, and we must end it now. Discrimina- crossed party lines to oppose repeal. clamp down against religious freedom.” District 6: Rep. Tom Price (R-Roswell)
tion is wrong, and we must end it now.” Kingston said he opposes repealing “ Don’t “What happens when clerics are told they District 7: Rep. John Linder (R-Duluth)
District 10: Rep. Paul Broun (R-Athens)
Both the House and Senate efforts would Ask, Don’t Tell” because it would somehow can no longer preach against a practice their District 11: Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Marietta)
add “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal to the mas- lead to recognizing gay marriage.
Note: District 9 seat is vacant
sive Defense Department authorization bill. “With homosexuals serving openly in the Please see MILITARY on Page 12

No Ga. hospitals rated ‘top performers’ in Healthcare Equality Index

Emory, Piedmont hospitals cite some gay-supportive policies
By Laura Douglas-Brown policy that include gender identity. Health & Human Services to create policies Nationwide, some 42 facilities answered requiring all hospitals that receive federal
“yes” to all of the gay and transgender-inclu- funding through programs like Medicare and
The Human Rights Campaign, the na- sive policies. That includes the Kaiser Per- Medicaid to treat LGBT people fairly in visi-
tion’s largest gay political group, released its manente Network, which includes several tation and other services.
annual Healthcare Equality Index on June 7. locations in Georgia, although none are listed In addition, HRC reports, “the Joint Com-
Two Georgia hospitals, both in Atlanta, were individually in the index. mission, which accredits and certifies health-
among the 178 facilities rated on policies af- Kaiser Permanente updated its patients’ care facilities, has announced new, fully inclu-
fecting LGBT patients and staff. bill of rights to include LGBT patients and sive patient non-discrimination standards as
Emory University Hospital received credit their families, with the new policies taking ef- part of their accreditation process.”
for having an equal employment opportunity fect June 7, according to HRC.
policy that includes sexual orientation. The new policies make Kaiser Permanente Grady partners with Pride
Piedmont Hospital received credit for hav- the first health network, as opposed to an in- Atlanta’s non-profit Henry W. Grady Health
ing a gay-inclusive Equal Employment policy, dependent hospital, to earn HRC’s “top per- System, which includes Grady Hospital, was Lisa Borders, president of the Grady Health
as well as visitation policies that give same- former” status, the group notes. not included in the Healthcare Equality Index System Foundation, notes that for the first time,
sex couples the same access as opposite-sex “The healthcare landscape for LGBT pa- Lisa Borders, president of the Henry W. Gra- Grady will provide medical services for Atlanta
Pride this year. (Courtesy photo)
couples and next of kin, visitation polices that tients and their families is about to change dy Health System Foundation, said she could not
give same-sex partners the same visitation for dramatically,” Joe Solmonese, president of the determine by press time if the survey was sent
their minor children as opposite-sex partners, HRC Foundation, said in a press release. to the hospital, but Grady is working to build its Grady Health System will be the medical
and cultural competency training that includes “We all know horror stories of loved ones relationship with the LGBT community. vendor for Atlanta Pride this year, a relation-
healthcare issues that impact LGBT people. torn apart, already heart-wrenching decisions Borders previously served as Atlanta City ship Borders said she brokered and hopes to
It is not included in the survey, but Pied- made even harder, and basic human rights Council president and was endorsed by Geor- build on for the future.
mont Hospital has also partnered with the At- denied. Bold action by the president and the gia Equality in her unsuccessful mayoral bid “We’re very excited and want to continue
lanta Lesbian Health Initiative to provide free Joint Commission mean many of those stories last year. to grow it into an even more impactful rela-
health screenings. will be a thing of the past — and not a moment “Clearly the LGBT community is im- tionship,” Borders said.
According to the Healthcare Equality In- too soon, because as of right now huge chal- portant to me, personally and professionally. Grady includes sexual orientation in its
dex, neither Atlanta hospital offered a patients’ lenges remain on the books.” I have always been LGBT inclusive, and I non-discrimination statement and offers do-
bill of rights that includes sexual orientation In April, President Barack Obama issued continue that approach with my presidency at mestic partner benefits to employees, accord-
or gender identity, or an equal employment a memorandum directing the Department of Grady Health Foundation,” Borders said. ing to Borders and Georgia Equality.

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12 GA Voice June 11, 2010 News

Greg Barrett Pride and the Atlanta Gay

Men’s Chorus.

remembered for
Originally from Dora,
Ala., Barrett was a 1984
graduate of Corner High
community work School and a 1987 gradu-
ate of the University of
Alabama at Birmingham.
Friends and family of Greg Barrett came to- According to a police
gether at Christ Covenant MCC in Decatur June Greg Barrett report obtained by Proj-
7 to honor his life and remember his community (Photo via Facebook) ect Q Atlanta, Barrett was
volunteerism. Barrett died June 3. visiting a friend on June 2
Attendees remembered Barrett, 43, for his and inhaled the recreational drug poppers and
dedication to local nonprofit organizations as took a tablet of Levitra, a prescription drug for
well on the impact he had on friends and family. erectile dysfunction. When he did not wake the
A long-time Atlanta Pride volunteer, Barrett next morning, the friend called an ambulance;
was actively involved with several Atlanta-based Barrett was dead at the scene.
nonprofit organizations, including the Atlanta Levitra warns that it should not be used with
Gay Men’s Chorus and AIDS Walk Atlanta. poppers. Police do not think Barrett’s death was
JP Sheffield, executive director of Atlanta the result of foul play, but they are awaiting the
Pride, said of Barrett, “Greg was a really, really results of a toxicology report, Project Q reported.
good man. I know Pride was really important Barrett was chair of the Atlanta Pride Op-
to Greg, but everything he did was important. erations Committee, putting him in charge of
That’s the kind of character he had.” the golf carts, radios, and tens of thousands of
“I can’t count the number of times Greg dollars worth of equipment needed to put on the
Barrett was there for me,” Sheffield said at the annual festival.
memorial service. In an interview, Sheffield estimated Barrett
Barrett also staffed the bar at the Atlanta had been volunteering with Atlanta Pride for at
Eagle every other week and donated his tips to least 15 years.
Atlanta Pride. “He was the one always doing the work and
“It’s because of people like Greg that we all our organizations have people like him,” he
have a voice in this town,” Atlanta Eagle co- said. “They’re not in the paper or getting awards
owner Robby Kelley said at the service. and Greg was a shining example of that. Even if
Barrett leaves behind his partner, Tim Garrett, people didn’t know him, we should all be grate-
and many other family members and friends. ful for his work.”
Memorial donations are requested for Atlanta —Ryan Watkins & Dyana Bagby

Compromise plan delays implementing DADT repeal

MILITARY, continued from Page 10 of the repeal amendment. Only one Democrat,
Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), voted against it.
faith tells them is wrong,” Kingston asked.  National LGBT groups heralded the votes
Bishop issued a statement explaining that as a significant step towards ending “Don’t
he voted against repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
Tell” through the Defense bill, even though he “The importance of this vote cannot be
supports repeal, because he wanted Congress to overstated — this is the beginning of the end of
wait until a Pentagon study is complete. a shameful ban on open service by lesbian and
“I agree with the Secretary of Defense and gay troops that has weakened our national secu-
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that rity,” said Human Rights Campaign President
the time has come to repeal the current ‘Don’t Joe Solmonese in a press release.
Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy, which dishonors men The current amendments  are a compro-
and women who are willing to give their lives in mise plan that attempts to reconcile the desire
service to our country and also prevents capable of  LGBT rights advocates  and congressional
men and women with vital skills from serving supporters to repeal the ban now, before the
in the armed forces.  However, I believe a vote end of this Congress when vote counts could
today is premature,” Bishop said. be impacted by the November elections, with
In addition to Lewis, Democratic Georgia Pentagon leaders who want repeal to wait until
Reps. Hank Johnson and John Barrow voted after the military completes a study on remov-
for the amendment. ing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The study is not
The House vote came just hours after the expected to be finished until December.
Senate Armed Services Committee voted 16- The White House announced support of the
12 in favor of a similar amendment. compromise early in the week before the vote.
The Human Rights Campaign had called on It would delay implementation of the repeal un-
Georgians to call Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), til the Pentagon study is complete; the presi-
who serves on the Armed Services Commit- dent, Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the
tee, to ask him to vote in favor of repeal. Joint Chiefs of Staff certify that repealing the
But only one Republican on the committee, policy will not negatively impact the military;
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), voted in favor and then after a 60-day waiting period.
14 GA Voice June 11, 2010 Voices

The Georgia Voice

1904 Monroe Dr., Suite 130
Atlanta, GA 30324
Honoring Pride’s true roots
Editor: Laura Douglas-Brown Today, our movement’s Since the Stonewall Riots, Pride has
been the most visible aspect of the mod-
Deputy Editor: Dyana Bagby leadership rarely ern gay rights movement, a movement
that has bettered the lives of gay people
Web Manager: Ryan Watkins reflects those who around the world. But unfortunately, it is
Art Director: Bo Shell started our revolution also a movement that has left the margin-
alized in a similar place from which they
Contributors: Jim Farmer, Shannon Hames,
started the movement — marginalized. Sylvia Rivera (right), a participant in the 1969
Shannon Jenkins, Robin Kemp, Ryan Lee, Mike Ritter, Guest column Trans people still find themselves fighting Stonewall Riots, speaking at the Stonewall Inn in
Matt Schafer, Christopher Seely, Steve Warren, Justin Ziegler By Cain Williamson for acceptance, much less for equality. 2002 (Photo via Sylvia Rivera Law Project)
BUSINESS I’m not missing a minute of this, it’s the rev-
Publisher: Christina Cash olution. That’s what Sylvia Rivera said of the 1960s New York, she lived life as one of the most find themselves fighting for acceptance, much Stonewall Riots. And she was right. Not just marginalized segments of society. So you can less for equality.
Business Manager: Tim Boyd about the beginning of the revolution but about imagine that she did not have an easy life. So this year, on our 40th anniversary, At- a lot of things. Nor did the drag queens and transgender lanta Pride is going back to our roots. With Jux-
We commonly credit the Stonewall Riots with people who raised her and helped to keep her taposed Center for Transformation and Trans-
Sales Executive: Marshall Graham
being the tipping point for the modern gay rights safe. But these are the people to whom we owe gender Individuals Living Their Truth (TILTT),
and Pride movements. And it was. But what we our movement. These are the people who said Atlanta Pride is co-sponsoring the Sylvia Rivera
National Advertising: don’t commonly acknowledge is that the demog- “Enough!” one night in June of 1969. And for Stonewall Community Brunch. The event will
Rivendell Media, 908-232-2021 raphy of the rioters is not the demography of the the past 40 years, Pride events across the globe focus attention on the issues still faced by the
contemporary leadership of the movement. have commemorated the riots at Stonewall. most marginalized segments of our community
BOARD OF ADVISERS Sylvia started life as Ray, a Hispanic boy who Since the riots, Pride has been the most vis- in hopes of moving us all forward toward full
Richard Eldredge, Sandy Malcolm, was abandoned by her father, orphaned when her ible aspect of the modern gay rights movement, equality and acceptance.
Lynn Pasqualetti, Robert Pullen mother committed suicide when she was 3 years a movement that has bettered the lives of gay Pride will still be the open, honest, and vibrant
old, and maligned by her grandmother for being people around the world. But unfortunately, it is celebration of the gains our diverse community
All material in the Georgia Voice is protected by federal an effeminate boy and wearing makeup to school also a movement that has left the marginalized has made over the last 40 years or so. But it will
copyright law and may not be reproduced without the written
in the 4th grade. Living on the street from the age in a similar place from which they started the be in October, adjacent to National Coming Out
consent of the Georgia Voice. The sexual orientation of advertis-
ers, photographers, writers and cartoonists published herein is of 11 as a gender non-conforming Latina in early movement —marginalized. Trans people still Day. After all, the world doesn’t change if we
neither inferred nor implied. The appearance of names or pic- don’t make ourselves known and what better
torial representation does not necessarily indicate the sexual way to do that than with a Pride celebration.
orientation of that person or persons. We also do not accept The world has evolved since Sylvia and her
responsibility for claims made by advertisers.
sisters took the first step on the long road to equal-
Unsolicited editorial material is accepted by the Georgia
Voice, but we do not take responsibility for its return. The editors
ity. We’ve not reached the goal yet and hopefully
reserve the right to accept, reject or edit any submission. Guide- more change is to come. And for our part, Atlanta
lines for freelance contributors are available upon request. Pride is changing our approach this year.
A single copy of the Georgia Voice is available from autho- By cosponsoring the Sylvia Rivera Stonewall
rized distribution points. Multiple copies are available from the Community Brunch on the last weekend in June
Georgia Voice office only. Call for rates. If you are unable reach
a convenient free distribution point, you may receive a 26-issue
and moving Pride to coincide with National Com-
mailed subscription for $60 per year. Checks or credit card or- ing Out Day, we feel we are honoring our history
ders can be sent to Tim Boyd, as a movement and remembering how far we have
Postmaster: Send address changes to the Georgia Voice, yet to go, while simultaneously casting a hopeful
1904 Monroe Drive, Suite 130, Atlanta, GA 30324. The Georgia eye to the future and the better times ahead.
Voice is published every other Friday by The Georgia Voice, LLC.
Individual subscriptions are $60 per year for 26 issues. Postage
I hope you will join us for both.
paid at Atlanta, GA, and additional mailing offices.
The editorial positions of the Georgia Voice are expressed Cain Williamson is chair of Atlanta Pride’s
in editorials and in editor’s notes. Other opinions are those of board of directors. He can be reached via this
the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publication.
Georgia Voice and its staff.
To submit a letter or commentary: Letters should be fewer
than 400 words and commentary, for web or print, should be fewer MORE INFO
than 750 words. Submissions may be
edited for content and length, and must Sylvia Rivera Stonewall Community Brunch
include a name, address and phone num- June 26, 11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
ber for verification. Email submissions to Central Presbyterian Church or mail to the 201 Washington St. SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
address above. Voices June 11, 2010 GA Voice 15

Atlanta police still need Editor’s note: These comments on Georgia
to apologize for Eagle raid Voice articles were submitted via our
Facebook page (
Re: “Atlanta police want to sweeten relation-
voice). Want to weigh in? Follow us there or
ship with LGBT community” (News, May 28)
submit comments on our website.
Of course they want to sweeten the relation-
ship. They are tired of being sued. on June 19. We have a long way to go before
we’re anybody’s Mecca, but hey, we’re trying!
Except for [GA Voice Deputy Editor Dyana
Bagby’s] astute, articulate articles, and [Eagle East Point. Yes, we are a separate city.
lawsuit attorney] Dan Grossman’s comprehen-
sive legal expertise, there has been no sense that Decatur (despite being surrounded by Atlan-
anyone, including the APD, the City of Atlanta, ta). Savannah is also decent; gay people always
or our local LGBT so-called leaders have had find a niche in any city basically run by old
the slightest clue about the seriousness and le- white women who control the old white men
galities of what happened at the Eagle. If the they married… Meet any real Steel Magnolia
police and the city had, even after the fact, real- and you know who sets the pace in any South-
ized the gravity of their actions, they wouldn’t ern city or town. And Steel Magnolias all have
have taken the “underwear dancing” case to gay friends; they admire our class and “spunk”
trial. And the police would have apologized as my late aunt used to describe gay men.
formally by now for their Gestapo-like actions
in September.
We need to insist on the police having “sen-
sitivity training,” and we need to insist that the
HRC award winner is
police spend some time helping with Gay events trans, but not ‘activist’
and causes, so they will get to know us as “nor- To the Editors:
mal citizens” and not as “freaks with problems.” Re: “HRC Dinner seeks equality ‘Every
Day’” and “Out of the ballrooms and into the
streets” (news and editorial by Laura Douglas-
Bullying bill a good first Brown, May 14)
step, but more needed
I want to voice my disappointment that the
Re: “Governor to sign anti-bullying bill”
Human Rights Campaign seemed not to be able
(, May 27)
to find a transgender person more worthy to
award the “Community Service Award” to, and
A day for everyone to celebrate. Now if we
your Laura Douglas-Brown to apparently see
can just get it enforced. Bullying is more than
this as deserved and calling Vandy Beth Glenn
“getting beat up.”
an “activist” of all things!
This a further spotlight on the division of the
Wonderful news. Hurray for Rep. Mike Ja-
“privileged” from those who are “in the trench-
cobs and Gov. Sonny Perdue!
es” for transgender rights. Vandy Beth has not
been an activist for any transgender rights but
One small step for the “lost” governor of
her own.
Georgia, but the bill still does not say anything
Her face has, however, become known as
about sexual orientation or gender identity.
the “privileged” who lost it when she lost the
job it allowed her when she began transition.
Georgia’s second most She has eschewed participation in any activities
LGBT-friendly city is… that would strive toward advancement of other
Re: “What Georgia city should get second transgenders but herself, while quietly accept-
place as the best for LGBT residents?” (Dis- ing public support from other transgenders.
cussion at, May 23) What “community service” has she pro-
vided, besides her image as the “Poster Trans-
Decatur. And no Decatur is not Atlanta. gender” for job discrimination? I suppose she
would/should be “humble,” Ms. Douglas-
Since Decatur is so close to Atlanta, I would Brown!
have to go with Savannah.
Cheryl Courtney-Evans
Augusta is having its first large-scale Pride Atlanta
2 GA Voice June 11, 2010 A&E


‘Incendiary’ art
Black gay artist tackles the rough environment in which they live.
The black church also makes appear-
homophobia head on ances in Morgan’s “Jack in the Box” series,
where a pastor may be preaching damnation
As a gay, black, HIV-positive man, Michael to homosexuals but in the
Morgan finds solace in his art. background has his own
From his painting “In the Garden” that de- group of young men
picts the shame of being gay and resorting to who are his lovers. The
finding sex in Piedmont Park, to his “Jack in the hypocrisy is blatant,
Box” series with dolls caged behind chicken Morgan says, and con-
wire to symbolize struggles with drugs, sexu- tributes to the confusion
ality and poverty, Morgan wants the African- many young, gay black
American community to address taboo topics men grapple with.
and not hide from them.
“The last eight years I started focusing my Repression of
work on my environment, things that have af- desire lurks as
fected me for so long. I did a lot of artwork on dark figure
social commentary, civil rights and the family,” In Morgan’s paint-
he says. ing “In the Garden,” a
“Then I turned it around — I wanted to see dark figure hovers in
me projected, my life projected in what I did. So the background while
I started focusing on more social commentary another shadowy figure Gay artist Michael Morgan, whose work is currently on display at the
on gay life and being black and a minority.” stands to the side. In Hammonds House Museum in West End, depicts the struggle against
Morgan’s work is currently on display at the the foreground are men homophobia among African Americans in many of his pieces. (Photo
Hammonds House Museum with the works of openly having sex. The by Dyana Bagby)
Daryl Harris, a straight artist who also tackles the shame and guilt of being
social taboos of contemporary African American gay, of wanting to love
culture, explains Hammonds House Museum another man, lurks in the
curator Kevin Sipps. The exhibit, “Incendiary background for many as
Exposure: The Works of Daryl Harris & Michael they seek to express their
Morgan,” continues through June 27. desires.
“This piece ‘In the Garden’ is dealing with
‘Thug mentality’ and sexuality and shame around sexuality we, I, ex-
men having sex with men perienced growing up as a gay male,” he says.
Morgan, 54, loved art as a boy growing up Morgan, who used to live near Piedmont
in the public school system of Charlotte, N.C. Park, recalls seeing men going in and out of the
When he became a senior in high school, he park seeking sex.
wanted more, so he transferred to North Caro- “When you repress a lot of stuff, he [the
lina School of Performing Arts in Winston-Sa- dark figure] appears. I was thinking in the park,
lem. In 1976, he moved to Atlanta to study at meeting in the park, how some men don’t feel
the Atlanta College of Art, now known as the safe, don’t have enough esteem to form a rela-
Savannah College of Art &Design. tionship in a so-called ‘normal’ way.”
The black men Morgan paints and draws are And while Morgan has been out to friends
often sad, angry and indifferent. They reflect the and family for more than 30 years, he says “com-
young men he says he sees on the streets near ing out” is still an ongoing process in his life.
his home on North Avenue — often mixed up in “I’m still learning about myself as I go on,”
drugs and alcoholism as well as having sex with he says.
men and women. But these men don’t want to be For Sipp, the curator, combining Morgan’s rooted in ancient scripture,” says Sipp, who is MORE INFO
labeled gay or bisexual, Morgan says. They just work with Harris’ work was meant to provoke straight. “It is much older — it is one of the ear- “Incendiary Exposure: The Works of Daryl
don’t care who they have sex with. dialogue in the African-American community as liest civil rights movements. And both artists are Harris & Michael Morgan”
Oppression and repression contribute to the well as the community at large about how black dealing with racism and sexism. They were both Continues through June 27
malaise of many of Morgan’s characters, who people express themselves in today’s society. speaking to social taboos and confronting them Hammonds House Museum
are desperate for understanding and acceptance The friction in the African-American com- head on and not burying them under the rug.” 503 Peeples St. SW, Atlanta, GA 30310
but feel trapped in a culture where they cannot munity about homosexuality — how some With immigration phobia, homophobia and
be who they truly are. black people believe the gay rights movement people believing we live in a post racial country
Many of the men Morgan meets on the is superceding the civil rights movement while with Barack Obama as president, there is still the last thing we need to be doing is basically
streets, who have a “thug mentality,” are in- the progressive black community is accepting plenty of discrimination and racism going on discriminating against people who want to love
telligent and compassionate, he says, but are — was something Sipp wanted to address. that is causing people harm, Sipp says. another. We have so many other problems in
afraid to show their true character because of “In my opinion the gay rights movement is “Of all the problems we have in the world the world,” he says. June 11, 2010 GA Voice 19

DIRECTORY LISTINGS To advertise, email
2 GA Voice June 11, 2010 A&E


Motherly wisdom
Debi Lowry, AKA Mama Deb,
spreads message of
unconditional love in new book
Debi Lowry is already a bit of a legend
in gay Atlanta: a fixture on dance floors and
at charitable fundraisers, a surrogate mother
to the dozens of gay men who affectionately
know her as Mama Deb. As much as Lowry
revels in her popularity and being able to of-
fer a compassionate shoulder to those who feel
turned away from their biological families, she
was unsatisfied by the thought of her legacy be-
ing limited to her being a social butterfly.
“When I’m gone, when I die, I want to have
had an impact on someone else’s life — I don’t
want it to be just, ‘Oh, she was a really nice
person’ or ‘She made me laugh,’” Lowry says.
“If I can change their lives for the better, I ab-
solutely have to do that.”
Lowry, the heterosexual mother of two adult
children, one of whom is gay, is on a crusade
to remind other parents about unconditional
love, and to challenge the subtle and aggressive himself and show his parents who he was, and
ways that they deny their children happiness. he committed suicide,” she recalls. “The ex-
She recently published her first book, “Three tremes that people go through emotionally to
Grim Fairy Tales and a Happy Ending,” which avoid or mask themselves based on what they
she hopes will be “a tool to start the dialogue” perceive the expectations are from their family
about parents being more accepting. are very painful to me.”
“I wanted to talk with parents, I wanted to The will be a July 7 book signing at Outwrite
knock on their doors and say, ‘How come you for “Three Grim Fairy Tales,” which is aimed
don’t get it? What do you see as wrong with not only at openly hostile parents, but also those
your child?” Lowry says. “When they were ba- who take a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” approach to
bies, you loved them and you never questioned their children’s sexual orientation, Lowry says.
your love and affection and your loyalty for “Sexuality is only a part of who they are,
your child, and so when they become sexual but it does affect who they give their heart to,
beings, why does that stop? and so it’s a major part of who they are,” she
“What’s important to remember is when says. “If you fall in love with somebody, how
they were babies, when they were learning to do you not tell your mom?”
walk, when they were learning to talk, when However, the themes in “Three Grim Fairy
they went to elementary school,” Lowry adds. Tales” transcend sexual orientation, and “apply
“Those are the milestones you remember and to everybody who doesn’t meet their parent’s
cherish, and then they go, ‘I’m gay.” How do expectations.”
you wipe the slate clean and say that that was “Parents need to remember in regards to
all good but now you’re different? No, they’re their children, my ambitions for you are not
still the same person.” your ambitions, and that doesn’t change the fact
All proceeds from “Three Grim Fairytales that you’re an amazing person,” Lowry says.
& a Happy Ending” are being donated to the
Atlanta-based For The Kid in All of Us and MORE INFO
CHRIS Kids’ Rainbow Program, and the Gay
‘Three Grim Fairy Tales & A Happy Ending’
& Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. The
By Debi Lowry, $12.95
book is divided into two sections, with the first
part chronicling heartbreaking stories of some
of the gay men who Mama Deb bonded with Book Signing
over the years. July 7, 7:30 p.m.
“The first one was someone who lived his Outwrite Bookstore & Coffeehouse
entire life pleasing his parents, and in the end 991 Piedmont Ave., 404-607-0082
was still so unhappy and couldn’t be true to A&E June 11, 2010 GA Voice 21

by ROB ANDREWS pecially at lunch. Here, you can see hot guys in
ACROSS THE TABLE MORE INFO designer suits relaxing with a delicious meal.

Best tacos under the sun

The Cheshire Bridge location is likely the
Taqueria Del Sol most popular with the gay set, and particularly
popular for those seeking a light meal before hit-
Westside ting the clubs. I was on the patio at the Cheshire
menu is inexpensive ala carte 1200-B Howell Mill Road Bridge TDS on a recent weekend and the vibe
Great food, scene so you can have as much or
as little as you want. I love the
Atlanta, GA
was kinetic, but not rowdy.
It was mainly gay men, but also peppered with
make Taqueria del Sol $3.20 enchiladas with tender
shredded beef brisket, topped
359 West Ponce De Leon Ave.
some straights and lesbians. But really, no one
cared who was who. It’s amazing when a group of
perfect for summer with an addictive deep red beef
chili sauce, which is paired
Decatur, GA
404-377-7668 strangers laugh and connect with each other after
having superior food on a beautiful day.
Cheshire Bridge
There are certain Mexican restaurants in with a roasted chicken enchi- So the food is terrific, on a nice day or night
2165 Cheshire Bridge Road
Atlanta that have a great vibe plus stellar food, lada topped with green chili or Atlanta, GA the patio scene is happening, plus you just
and Taqueria Del Sol is definitely one of them. a melted gooey cheese version 404-321-1118 might meet Mr. or Ms. Right. What are you
As summer heats up, who doesn’t like Mexican with a light cream sauce. Athens
waiting for? Vamanos!
food on a patio with a tasty cold beverage? The chain also has artisanal 334 Prince Ave.
As an Atlanta native, I remember when the $2.19 street tacos like the crispy Athens, GA Other Latin restaurants
only Mexican food you could get was at El Chi- fried chicken taco paired with 706-353-3890 with hot summer patio scenes
co and Chi Chi’s. We didn’t even know what a cool jalapeño lime mayo, and the Memphis taco Las Margaritas (Cheshire Bridge): The
Taqueria was and now thankfully upscale Latin with smoked pork, crunchy jalapeño slaw and a gayest patio in the city; food is good but the
food is everywhere. tequila barbecue sauce. There are also daily spe- if you feel crazy and want to do shots, and we people watching is better.
Don’t be put off by the long line you are cials and vegetarian options. all know how those nights end. They also have Pure (Inman Park): Mixed scene; amaz-
likely to encounter at any of Taqueria Del Sol’s Whatever you order, start with chunky fresh a good beer selection and a small but effective ing crab fritters, chipotle mussels and Baja
locations. It moves quickly, and you will be re- guacamole or creamy rich shrimp and corn wine selection. Alcohol prices are inexpensive, fish tacos
warded with some of the best Mexican/South chowder and their special West Side margarita. and if you don’t drink you can have an amazing Frogs Cantina (Midtown): Very gay, friend-
Texas/Taqueria fare in Atlanta because it’s chef- You know how some margaritas taste like sour meal for under $10. ly cute staff, excellent inexpensive Tex-Mex
driven by the very talented Eddie Hernandez, dishwater that burns your stomach? Available The people-watching scene in Decatur is, of Agave (Grant Park): Mixed scene, small
who creates creative from-scratch cuisine. by the glass or pitcher the TDS margarita is course, more family oriented during the week, patio, the absolute best Southwestern in the
Taqueria Del Sol has one of those menus smooth and strong — like I like my men — be- but features plenty of spicy ladies on the week- city, great first date place
where you can’t go wrong. This is not a Mexi- cause our people hate weak margaritas. end. The Westside location has a postcard view Raging Burrito (Decatur): Eclectic scene,
can place where you order the number 21. The There is also an enormous tequila selection of the city and has a mostly straight crowd, es- huge inexpensive burritos and Tex-Mex
2 GA Voice June 11, 2010 A&E

East Point Dating men was ‘sin’


Photo by Michael Granberry & Laura Crosta

Chely Wright hopes her coming out will inspire struggling gay youth.

WRIGHT, continued from Page 16 For the first time in 10 years, my char-
ity concert, “Reading, Writing and Rhythm,”
her. This isn’t going to be easy, but I am going [on June 8] isn’t sold out. Only about half the
to come out to her.” tickets have been sold. It could be that because
Nashville had the flood, people might just be all
You made a statement when you were charitied-out.
on Oprah where you were talking about the I can tell you this, though: We’ve been beg-
gay children in this country who are hearing ging the other acts to please put the event on
churches preaching that they are damaged their social networking sites. That’s never been
goods and that their parents are echoing that a problem in the past to get them to help us
in their homes. advertise it to their fans. Other than Rodney
Do you think that if the parents and church- Crowell, SheDaisy and Jann Arden, nobody
es would just let these children know that they else is telling their fans that they are performing
are unconditionally loved and accepted, they at my event.
wouldn’t grow up thinking that they must at-
tempt a “normal” life where innocent people That’s eye-opening.
are dragged into their attempts to “be normal” Isn’t it? I think that they don’t want to cancel
like this poor man and his family? because what would it say about them if they
The parents are quite as culpable as the canceled? So they just want to quietly slip in,
church. When parents take a child to a church sing their few songs and get out of there.
and say, “This is my baby, help me raise them,”
they’re well-intentioned. I don’t want to point Next week is Fan Fair in Nashville. [The of-
fingers but I do want to identify where we ficial CMA Music Festival is June 10-13.] Are
13 thAnnual BENEFITING ATLANTA PRIDE AND THE are going wrong. We need to start looking at
churches where kids are hearing this message
you expecting to get a better feel for the reac-
tion from country fans when you’re there?

SHOW ATLANTA LESBIAN HEALTH INITIATIVE of “You are broken.” This whole “Love the sin-
ner, hate the sin” — I’m so tired of that. That’s
Nashville whispered about me for years. I
didn’t come out to confirm it to the people in
a problem for me. Isn’t that so empty? Nashville who had heard that I was gay. I came
out for the 14-year-old kid sitting in church be-
Yes, because a gay person rarely, if ever, ing told, “Don’t be that, because you’re doomed
sees any “love” from someone who uses that to a life of ruination. You’re not going to be a
On the Commons, Downtown East Point phrase. good human being if you’re going to be that.”
After Party hosted by the East Point Corner Tavern Sin is decision-making. I don’t have a choice
to love a man. It’s a sin for me to try to love a When you and your dad recently ap-
man. I will mess a man up. I will mess me up peared on Oprah, your dad spoke of his im-
Visit for show information & details and I will leave a wake of carnage behind me. mediate change of heart when you came out
to him.
Do you get the feeling that country music When I told my dad that I was gay and he
was ready for your coming out? heard that word “gay” next to his daughter’s
Not entirely. People who are supportive are face, name and heart, it changed that word for
so excited that there is someone who has fi- him. My dad was more effective in moving a
nally stepped out. That’s been so amazing that million small mountains on the Oprah show
people are posting positive comments on my than I was.
Facebook page. Oprah asked him, “Stan, what changed? You
On the other side, people really hate quietly. went from thinking that gay meant sinful, per-
Barb Rowland
Let that not go unnoticed. Some of the most verted and sick to being accepting the moment
Dr. CHIP HILL damaging hate in history has been done pri- Chely said she was gay. What changed?”
advanced dentistry of atlanta LLC vately behind closed doors or with hoods over He looked at Oprah and he said, “I know
their heads. her heart.” A&E June 11, 2010 GA Voice 23


Out on the ‘Prairie’ stage

Gay performer says ‘Little
House’ may have special
meaning for LGBT fans
For out performer Tony Vierling, the news
that “Little House on the Prairie” was being
adapted into a stage musical came as something
of a surprise — at first.
“I was surprised but after thinking
about it, it made total sense,” he says. “As
literature and as a TV show it has such a
legacy. The stories were written so well
and were so successful. I’m very excited
to be part of it.”
Like millions, Vierling read Laura In-
galls Wilder’s “Little House” books, first
published in 1932, as a child. He was not
Melissa Gilbert (center) played Laura Ingalls in the iconic television
a regular watcher of the television series,
series ‘Little House on the Prairie,’ and portrays Ma Ingalls in the
although he did see certain episodes. musical. (Photo by Carol Rosegg via Theater of the Stars) Nicholas
Melissa Gilbert, who played Laura Koperski plays the lead in LeBuzz’s production of ‘Hedwig & the
for 10 years in the series, has come full Angry Inch.’ (Photo courtesy Koperski)
circle and is playing “Ma” in the produc-
tion. The musical tells of the family’s
pioneering spirit as they settle into their new ‘Hedwig’ comes to LeBuzz ‘A Funny Thing’ at Lyric
home in Kansas. AtlantaLite Entertainment and the Marietta Atlanta Lyric Theatre opens “A Funny
Vierling admits to being a longtime fan of gay bar LeBuzz host a one-night version of Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum”
Gilbert and says her contributions to the show John Cameron Mitchell’s musical “Hedwig and this weekend with a gay touch: Both its di-
have been invaluable. the Angry Inch” as a fundraiser for AID Atlanta rector Alan Kilpatrick and main actor Glenn
“What she brings to it is a sense of history, on June 25. Rainey are gay. Rainey stars as Pseudolus,
a real sense of connection,” he says. “We “I’ve loved this show, the movie, forever,” a role he first tackled back at GSU when he
worked together for many months before the says Nicholas Koperski, who plays the lead in was 25.
tour began and now we are all a family. She is the musical. “It’s such a timeless show, with vaudeville
so down to earth.” “Hedwig” tells the story of a gay man who shtick type comedy and great music by Stephen
Although Gilbert’s professional singing ex- seeks to marry another man but must have a sex Sondheim,” he says.
perience has been limited, Vierling feels she has change to do so. The surgery is botched, how- Rainey and Kilpatrick worked together in
nailed that aspect. ever, leading Hedwig, a punk singer, on a jour- Aurora Theatre’s recent “Kiss Me Kate” and
The beloved character of Nellie Olsen also ney of self-discovery. will share the stage in the Lyric’s upcoming
appears. “The story, the music, the idea of search- version of “Hairspray” in July.
“She shows up about halfway through the ing for your other half but in essence that is in “We’ve known each other for a long time
first act,” Vierling says. “She is the comic relief, yourself is completely original,” Koperski says. and as an actor too, he has a great feel for what
the levity of show.” “That idea of being comfortable in your own works on stage,” says Rainey.
“Little House on the Prairie” has its darker mo- skin by giving up a piece of yourself — literally
ments, such as elder daughter Mary going blind doing so in this production — and this spiritual
and the family struggling with a long winter. journey you go on is what struck a rich chord MORE INFO
“It has an epic quality, but it’s not in the line with me.”
of something as dark as ‘Les Miserables,’ Vier- “Madonna had her ‘Evita’ and I have ‘Hed- ‘Little House on the Prairie’
ling says. “You need to have dramatic effects to wig,’” he adds with a laugh. June 15 – 20 at the Fox Theatre
show the struggles with the prairie life.” Koperski, one of the Atlanta Eagle patrons 660 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30308
The musical premiered in 2008 in Minne- in the bar the night it was raided, has never per-
apolis where it promptly sold out for 12 weeks. formed on stage before but knew this role was ‘Hedwig and the Angry Inch’
As a member of the ensemble, he has played made for him. June 25 at LeBuzz
585 Franklin Road, Marietta, GA 30067
virtually all the male characters at one time or “I’ve been singing since I could open my 770-424-1337,
another. He is also the show’s dance captain. mouth and performing is something I’ve al-
‘A Funny Thing Happened
Gays and lesbians can especially relate to ways loved, but this is the first musical/play
on the Way to the Forum’
“Little House,” Vierling says. I’ve been in,” he says. “And once I got the June 11 - 27 at The Strand Theatre
“We can certainly appreciate the struggle of role, I started digging deeper and deeper into 117 North Park Square, Marietta, GA 30060
finding a new home, creating a family and feel- the character and a force greater than me has 404-377-9948,
ing safe,” he says. “That is universal.” taken over.”
24 GA Voice June 11, 2010

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to 200 words and can include a photo. E-mail editor@ with your milestone and contact info
to see your name in print!

Atlanta’s Stonewall Week honors Pride’s beginnings

By Dyana Bagby MORE INFO
Stonewall Week
It all started in someone’s backyard 13 years
ago over the Fourth of July weekend and has Saturday, June 19
now grown into one of the largest drag shows The East Point Possums Show
in the Southeast, organizers say. 8 -11 p.m.
Downtown East Point, on the Commons across
The 13th annual East Point Possums Show

from City Hall at 2727 East Point St.
kicks off Atlanta Pride’s Stonewall Week on East Point, GA 30344
June 19 in East Point with, well, a sashay —
perhaps a clumsy sashay at that.

celebrates Rick Westbrook, a.k.a. Shenitta Lott, is one Wednesday, June 23

Out and OutLoud: Stories of Love & Community
of the founding members of the show along 7-9 p.m. at Radial Café, 1530 Dekalb Avenue NE
with his partner, John Jeffrey (a.k.a. Prissy Cil-

Pride month
Atlanta, GA 30307
la), Chuck Jenkins (a.k.a. Rococo Baroque) and
Chesley Thurman (a.k.a. Dina Daintymouth).
Thursday, June 24
For Westbrook, the show’s popularity is a testa- Evening for Equality
ment to people’s desire to come together for a 6:30 p.m. at Hilton Garden Inn
By Laura Douglas-Brown good time and for a good cause. 275 Baker St, Atlanta, GA 30313 This year, all money made at the Possums The East Point Possums Show on June 19 kicks off
show will be donated to the Atlanta Pride Com- Stonewall Week in Atlanta. (Courtesy photo)
Friday, June 25
The Atlanta Pride Festival, by far the mittee and the Atlanta Lesbian Health Initiative. Out on Film Screening: “Stonewall Uprising”
largest Pride festival in Georgia, may not “Last year we made $11,000 and this year ern gay civil rights movement. Tentative times 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
take place until October, but there are we’re hoping to make $20,000,” Westbrook says. A new organization is joining in this year’s Midtown Art Cinema, 931 Monroe Drive
plenty of other events around the state to And people tip well at the Possums show — activities with a picnic in Piedmont Park on Atlanta, GA 30308
mark June, which President Obama offi- but you just don’t know where the money’s been. June 26. Named the “Queer Justice League,”
cially declared as LGBT Pride Month. “I can’t tell you how many $20 and $50 dol- the group is made up of anonymous young ac- Saturday, June 26
“As Americans, it is our birthright that lar bills I’ve pulled from the crack of my ass over tivists who are asking people to join them in the Sylvia Rivera Stonewall Community Brunch
all people are created equal and deserve the years,” he says. “This is unlike any other drag park that afternoon for food and fellowship. 11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
the same rights, privileges, and oppor- show — this is good work through bad drag.” “They are an anonymous group of young ac- Central Presbyterian Church
tunities.  Since our earliest days of inde- The show includes 20 to 30 acts and include tivists — they are not about any one individual 201 Washington St., SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
pendence, our Nation has striven to fulfill favorites like Ginny Tonic, a drag legend who and are about coming together for the good of the ‘Be Visible, Make a Statement’
that promise.   An important chapter in now only performs at the Possums show, and community,” says Westbrook, who said he was Rally & Community Photo Shoot
our great, unfinished story is the move- Alexandria Martin and her infamous roller asked to speak for the Queer Justice League. “We 2-3:30 p.m. at State Capitol
ment for fairness and equality on behalf skates, as well as new acts from such shows as need to put together a united front.” 100 Washington St. SW, Atlanta, GA 30334
of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans- Sukeban, now held at My Sister’s Room. The picnic is the Queer Justice League’s
gender (LGBT) community,” the presi- “This show is off the hook,” Westbrook “coming out” event — the first of many it hopes Stonewall Pride Picnic
dent’s proclamation reads. promises. to hold in the future, Westbrook says. But the 3 p.m. at Piedmont Park
Pride month is observed in June to There will be surprises, he adds, including a picnic is simply a way for people to gather on In the meadow by Park Tavern
mark the anniversary of the 1969 Stone- “rumor” that the Atlanta Pride Committee itself the day of Stonewall and “celebrate our libera-
wall Riots, when patrons of the Stonewall will perform a number. tion,” Westbrook adds. Out on Film Screening: “Stonewall Uprising”
Inn, a New York City gay bar, fought The crowd for the show grows each year The picnic in Piedmont Park on June 26 fol- 7 p.m. at Midtown Art Cinema
back against police harassment. with East Point residents as well as those from all lows a full day of activities beginning with the 931 Monroe Drive, Atlanta, GA 30308
The rebellion is frequently seen as the over metro Atlanta attending. And women like to first Sylvia Rivera Community Brunch spon-
launch of the modern gay rights move- make their husbands dress in drag just to watch sored by Transgender Individuals Living Their Panel discussion about Eagle bar raid follows
ment, and in 1970, activists in cities the shownumerous families — gay and straight Truth (T.I.L.T.T.) and the Juxtaposed Center for
around the country began holding march- — gathering as well to help LGBT causes. Transformation, in conjunction with the Atlanta
es and rallies during the last weekend in “This is truly a community event, and at the Pride Committee. conference at Georgia State University on May
June to commemorate it. same time, we are proud to promote that our The brunch is named for trans activist Ri- 18 and spoke about the violence transgender
“This month, as we recognize the event has now become the largest drag show in vera, a veteran of the 1969 Stonewall uprising. people face for simply being who they are.
immeasurable contributions of LGBT the Southeast,” boasts Thurman. The community brunch includes speakers Tra- McDaniel also recently spoke at the first In-
Americans, we renew our commitment cee McDaniel, founder of the Juxtaposed Center, ternational Day Against Homophobia in Atlanta,
to the struggle for equal rights for LGBT Remembering 1969 and Cheryl Courtney-Evans, founder of T.I.L.T.T., organized by Betty Couvertier and her LGBT ra-
Americans and to ending prejudice and Stonewall Week continues through June both noted Atlanta transgender activists. dio show, “Alternative Perspectives,” that airs on
injustice wherever it exists,” Obama’s 26 with a host of events to celebrate the 1969 Courtney-Evans recently was a panelist
proclamation declares. uprising at the Stonewall Inn, a gay New York at the first Matthew Shepard & James Byrd
Please see STONEWALL on Page 26
City bar, that is credited with starting the mod- Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act community
26 GA Voice June 11, 2010 Community

June Prides heat up around Ga.

King says she reached out to her friend,
Georgia Equality Jeff Graham, who offered to
send out information about the picnic to mem-
bers in those cities.
First Augusta Pride draws well-known ing down 10th Street along Broad Street to 6th “The response we got was amazingly pos-
entertainers, support from mayor Street, where it will disband at Reynolds for the tive,” King says. “Come to find out there is an
festival to start at the Augusta Commons. awesome, thriving LGBT community on the
The first Pride festival in Augusta got off to a The festival runs from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. with east side that wants to be active socially, and it
rocky start earlier this year, when some citizens of a variety of theater performances, musicians just took somebody to say, ‘Hey, let’s do it.’”
the city on the border of South Carolina contacted and guest speakers, including Elke Kennedy, Last year, Clarkston added sexual orienta-
the mayor to protest a gay event in their town. whose son, Sean Kennedy, was killed by an at- tion and gender identity to its non-discrimination
Augusta Mayor Deke Copenhaver respond- tacker who used anti-gay slurs. policy. King says the “old guard” in Clarkston
ed by seeking a legal opinion confirming his “American Idol” Frenchie Davis and Gram- still might not be excited about the Pride event, Thelma Houston and Frenchie Davis headline Au-
belief that the First Amendment would prevent my winner Thelma Houston headline the festi- but it is drawing some support from city leaders. gusta Pride on June 19. (Publicity photo)
banning an LGBT event on city streets and val. Davis performs at 4:45 p.m.; Houston takes According to King, while the city declined
property. And since then, it’s been full steam the stage at 6 p.m. to close out Augusta Pride. to officially sponsor the picnic and list it on the
ahead for planning the June 19 parade and fes- And with all that is scheduled, Bannochie city calendar, Mayor Howard Tygrett has said MORE INFO
tival, according to Christopher Bannochie, PR says he is most excited just that “it is finally he will attend, as will another City Council Augusta Pride
and marketing director for Augusta Pride. happening.” member in addition to White. June 19
“There has been no further public response “There has been tremendous growth in the The picnic is mostly informal, with attendees Parade: 10:30 a.m., assemble at 10th & Jones Street
to the parade and festival,” Bannochie says, overall community in accepting this event and asked to bring items to grill and a side dish to Festival: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m., Augusta Commons
noting that “no requests for a protest demon- by the LGBT community in coming forward share. There will also be a DJ, door prizes, and
stration permit have been received by the sher- and supporting it,” he says. “We’re already remarks from Georgia Equality’s Graham and East Side Pride
iff’s office.” working on making 2011 Augusta Pride bigger State Rep. Karla Drenner (D-Avondale), who Saturday, June 26, 1-5 p.m.
Copenhaver has also issued a proclamation and better.” was Georgia’s first openly gay state lawmaker. Milam Park, Pavilion One
declaring June 19 as “Augusta Pride Day” and — Laura Douglas-Brown “This is our first event out of the chute, so 3867 Norman Road, Clarkston, GA 30021
urging “all citizens to recognize and applaud we will use it as a yardstick for how we will do
the numerous contributions of the Augusta East Side Pride seeks to unite LGBT it again next year,” King says. “We want it to be
Pride Committee as well as all gay and trans- community beyond Atlanta a regular thing.”
gender community members.” — Laura Douglas-Brown The mayor also thanked residents Erik Friedly
“Gay and transgender citizens contribue to Lorrie King jokingly describes herself as “a and Joel Tucker for their help in helping write the
the fabric of diversity within our community,” drag queen trapped in a bio woman’s body,” and East Point declares June as proclamation. The two openly gay men are also
states the proclamation, which also notes that more seriously as an LGBT rights advocate. So Gay & Lesbian Pride month on the city’s Planning & Zoning Commission and
LGBT people “contribute to the success of our when her husband, Adam White, was elected to Tucker serves also on the Ethics Board.
employers and businesses,” “donate their time, the City Council in Clarkston, the couple saw Close to a dozen gay and lesbian East Point The proclamation was Pittman’s idea, Friedly
talent and labor to community organizations,” the opportunity to help unite gay residents of residents gathered around Mayor Earnestine and Tucker said.
and “express the full range of faith traditions as the area. Pittman as she read a proclamation at the May After the acceptance speech was finished,
other members of our community.” “We wanted there to be a recognized pres- 17 City Council meeting declaring June 2010 Eric Morrow, who ran unsuccessfully for East
Bannochie said Pride organizers are plan- ence of the LGBT community,” King says. as Gay & Lesbian Pride Month. Point City Council last year, presented Pittman
ning for about 2,000 attendees, and some 60 The result is the first-ever East Side Pride, a “The city of East Point embraces diversity with a Pride rainbow flag.
vendors are scheduled for the festival. picnic and potluck set for June 26 that focuses and understands that the Gay and Lesbian com- “The mayor has done a great thing for our
The event begins with a parade that steps off on Clarkston, Avondale Estates, Tucker, Stone munity is an important part of East Point’s diver- community,” Morrow said.
at 10:30 a.m. from 10th and Jones Street, com- Mountain and other areas east of Atlanta. sity...” Pittman read as part of the proclamation. — Dyana Bagby

MILESTONES Stonewall Week Other events taking place during Stonewall

Week include the Out & OutLoud StoryCorps,
an oral history project, on June 23 at Radial
rising” on June 25 at the Midtown Art Cin-
ema. Told by those in attendance of the 1969
Stonewall Inn raid, including patrons and po-
STONEWALL, continued from Page 25
Café from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. StoryCorps, part of lice, the film looks at the political and social
National Public Radio, has collected thousands climate that led to the raid.
WRFG 89.3 FM. McDaniel spoke of transpho- of life stories LGBT people and their families The movie will also be shown on June 26
bia that is rampant in society, not just homopho- and friends. and after the 7 p.m. screening that night, a
bia, and often talks about how many people re- On June 24, Georgia Equality hosts its public discussion will take place at the theater
fuse to see transgender people as humans. premiere event and fundraiser, “Evening for with patrons and employees of the Atlanta Ea-
But it cannot be forgotten, or erased, from Equality,” at the Ventanas atop the Hilton Gar- gle, who will discuss how the bar’s police raid
the history of the LGBT movement that trans den Inn. This year’s honorees are Ken Britt, on Sept. 10 compares to Stonewall, says Jim
Erica French and Nina people were at the forefront, including at Stone- Phillip Rush Community Builder Award; Farmer, executive director of Out on Film.
Gooch were joined in holy wall, both women often stress. Fulton County Commissioner Nancy Box- And while Atlanta Pride now takes place
union (married) 21 years After the brunch, the public is invited to ill, Guiding Star Award; Maru Gonzalez and in October, the Atlanta Pride Committee
ago on May 20, 1989, at the gather on the steps of the state Capitol for Austin Lauferweiler, Champions for Equal- knows the importance of commemorating
Metropolitan Community the “Be Visible, Make a Statement” rally and ity Award; and state Rep. Mike Jacobs (R- the Stonewall Riots through events that build
Church of Boston. They community art project. Pride photographers Atlanta), recipient of the first Allen Thornell community, says JP Sheffield, executive di-
have been together since
they met over 25 years will be on-hand to take pictures of attendees, Political Advancement Award, for his work rector of Atlanta Pride.
ago as interns at the which local artists will turn into a work of in gaining bipartisan support in the passage “If we look at where the movement has tak-
Virginia Stage Company in art that will be displayed at the 2010 Atlanta of the anti-bullying bill this year, now signed en us since Stonewall, we can see the growth
Norfolk, Va. Pride festival in October. Participants are en- into law by Gov. Sonny Perdue. of a variety of causes championed by the queer
couraged to bring their own materials. Out on Film will screen “Stonewall Up- community,” he said in a statement. Community June 11, 2010 GA Voice 27




The Journey MCC The Journey MCC
Sundays, 10 a.m.
The Journey Metropolitan Community 1509 Suite C General Arts Drive
Church holds services at 10 a.m. on Sundays in Conyers, GA 30012
Conyers. The congregation is part of the Metro-
politan Community Churches, a denomination
founded in 1968 by Rev. Troy Perry to provide Shawver, who served as pastor of Atlanta’s & HOLIDAY RESERVATIONS TODAY!
an inclusive church for LGBT Christians. Christ Covenant MCC before joining the pas-
The Journey MCC was founded as an out- toral staff at First MCC, and Music Director
reach of First MCC in Atlanta. The church’s Gregg Tomlinson.
mission is to reach people in Conyers, Coving- In 2009, the church moved to its current, larg-
ton and other cities south of Atlanta. er and more accessible location. They also “re-
“We believe in the call of Jesus to make ceived their first Sunday offering over $1,000 to
disciples of all nations; we believe there are help them meet their obligations,” the MCC Im-
many outside of the Metro Atlanta area who pact newsletter reports in the May 2009 issue.
want and need to hear the message of God’s In addition to Sunday services, the Jour-
all-inclusive love as only MCC can deliver,” ney MCC fields a softball team in the Deca-
the church states on its website. tur Women’s Sports League and hosts events
The Journey MCC is led by Rev. Renne like potlucks.

Evolution Center MORE INFO

Evolution Center
Evolution Center, a project of AID Atlanta, 250 Auburn Ave., Suite 601, Atlanta, GA 30303
is a community center created for young black 404-524-5441,
gay men ages 18-28. Located on Auburn Av-
enue, the center is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Activities at Evolution Center include
Monday through Thursday. professional development, leadership develop-
Evolution Center was founded in 2006. In ment, art classes, a book club and game night.
addition to free HIV and STD testing, it offers a The center hosts Brother 2 Brother, a peer-led
variety of social and support groups designed to discussion group, as well as Brothers Speak,
empower young black gay men, who often face a professionally moderated group that is “fun,
both high degrees of discrimination and high friendly and fabulous.”
rates of HIV. “The primary goal of the Evolution Project
“Throughout the City of Atlanta, young is to address the prevailing rates of HIV infec-
black gay men are emerging as a diverse culture tion among young black gay men,” the project
with complex identities, backgrounds, talents states. “Utilizing a science-based methodol-
and aspirations,” the Evolution Center explains ogy, the project will address HIV prevention,
on its website. testing, and treatment in a way that is culturally
“Like other historically oppressed groups, competent, sound and engaging to the program
they are often in conflict with the dominant cul- participants.
ture that imposes unjust social, cultural, sexual,
religious and political barriers.” — Laura Douglas-Brown
28 GA Voice June 11, 2010 Calendar

BEST BETS 06.11 - 06.25 Friday, June 11

There are two ways to add your events to
our online and print calendars. Submit your
info to or e-mail
details to

SPOTLIGHT Enjoy coffee and dinner with the Southern Bears &
Friends. 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Starbucks, 3983 LaVista Road,
Tucker, GA 30084, 770-270-0611,

Congregation Bet Haverim, founded by gay and

lesbian Jews, celebrates 25 years with a “Silver
Jewbilee.” Early members will be honored and
stories of the congregation’s origins shared. 7 p.m.-9
p.m., Central Congregational UCC, 2676 Clairmont
Photo courtesy CHRIS Kids

Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30329, 404-315-6446,
Friday, Juneof 18
the month, “Who?”
Held the third Friday
First Metropolitan Community Church presents dance party. This
is a live artist showcase and
the “Spirit of Broadway,” a production of Broadway Woods, Catherine
month’s artists include Eryn
show tunes set in an original story line. 8 p.m.-9:30 ni Stephens and
Striplin, Jed Drummond, Sun
p.m., 1379 Tullie Road, Atlanta, GA 30329, o performing will
Saturday, June 12 members of Le Sexoflex. Als
404-325-4143, JLR. $6 cover. 10 p.m., My
be Barry Brandon and
Ave. SE, Atlanta, GA
The popular Premiere Party returns Sister’s Room, 1271 Glenwood
with DJ Chris Griswold spinning and No rest for DJ Vicki Powell as she spins at the 30316,
an open bar included with admission. Blackout Party. 10 p.m. at Bellissima, 560 Amster-

Photo by Dyana Bagby

Proceeds benefit CHRIS Kids and its dam Ave., Atlanta, GA 30306. 404-917-0220,
programs to help LGBT homeless youth
transition to self-sufficient adults.
Festive white attire is suggested. After Friday, June 11-Sunday, June 13
party at Las Margaritas. $60 at the door. SouthEast LeatherFest continues through the
6 p.m.-10 p.m. Mason Murer Fine Art, 199
weekend with workshops on piercing and sadistic
Armour Drive, Atlanta, GA 30324. bondage as well as how to bootblack and erotic Looking for more events? Visit our website for our extensive daily calendar, including nightlife waxing. There will be speakers, parties and numer- schedules and community organization meetings, provided by our friends at
ous other events for those who embrace the
leather lifestyle as well as competitions to select The Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra, Atlanta’s LGBT in California that made it illegal for same-sex couples
the next SouthEast Master/slave, Mr. SouthEast community orchestra, holds its Summer Pops con- to marry. 9 p.m., 585 Franklin Road SE,
LeatherFest, SouthEast LeatherFest boy, Ms. cert. Tickets are $20 and $15 at door. 7:30 p.m., North Marietta, GA 30067, 770-424-1337,
SouthEast LeatherFest,and SouthEast Bootblack. Decatur Presbyterian Church, 611 Medlock Road,
SELF is held at Holiday Inn Select – Decatur, 130 Decatur, GA 30033. Hotlanta Soccer hosts a beer bust and fundraiser
Clairemont Ave., Decatur, GA 30030, secure. while cheering on the USA as they play their first
Photo courtesy Augusta Pride The Armorettes present “Wild Cherry Sucret: This game of the 2010 World Cup against England.
Is It?” to honor the retirement of Wild Cherry Sucret, Meet the team and learn about soccer. $10 bottom-
aka Tony Kearney, after 10 years with the popular less beer, $6 Patron margaritas. 5:30 p.m., F.R.O.G.S.
The 2010 Indiegrrl Fest will be in North Georgia
camp drag troupe that raises funds for HIV/AIDS orga- Cantina, 931 Monroe Drive #A107, Atlanta, GA 30308,
at Jonica Gap Campground. Weekend pass is
nizations. 8 p.m., Jungle, 2115 Faulkner Road, Atlanta,
$60 for adults, $30 for children 6 to 17, free for
GA 30324,
children ages 5 and younger. Musicians participat-
ing include Vicki Blankenship, Renee Mixon and
Sunday, June 13
The queer-friendly third annual “Art B Que” in Avon- “Splish 2010,” a fundraiser for GLAAD, will have
Saturday, June 19 Virago. Jonica Gap Campground is located at 1412
dale Estates opens tonight including a performance DJ Brian Beck spinning and models wearing the
Haygood St., Mineral Bluff, GA 30559, 706-374-5465,
by local band Snagglepuss. 9:30pm, The Alcove Gal- latest trends in swim wear from Boy Next Door. $20
Augusta holds its inaugural Pride
lery, 2852 East College Ave., Decatur, GA 30030, suggested donation includes open bar. 1 p.m.-6 p.m.,
event in the downtown Commons area 388 4th St., Atlanta GA 30308.
with three blocks of festivities over- Saturday, June 12
looking the Savannah River. A parade The 15th annual Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow It’s a Hot Mess with DJ Homosexual spinning the
The men of Second Sunday invite the public to at-
begins at 10:30 a.m. coming down from Festival includes entertainment as well as vendors in beats to make you gay. 10 p.m., Mary’s, 1287 Glenwood
tend a special discussion of the new book, “Visible
10th Street along Broad Street to 6th arts, fashion, food and beverages. The Wheelbarrow Avenue SE, Atlanta, GA 30316,
Lives,” a tribute to groundbreaking black gay au-
Street and disbanding on Reynolds Festival is the Reynoldstown Neighborhood’s biggest thor E. Lynn Harris. The book contains three original
Street where the festival takes place. A LeBuzz hosts a party for a screening of “8: The
fundraiser of the year. Proceeds from the festival Mormon Proposition” with hostess Nicole Paige novellas by authors Stanley Bennett Clay, Terrance
free concert featuring Grammy winner go to senior programs, youth programs and public Dean and James Earl Hardy and the authors will be
Thelma Houston and Grammy nominee Brooks and a photo booth for partiers to have their
safety. 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Reynoldstown Neighborhood at pictures made with the movie logo. The movie hits on hand for the discussion. While Second Sunday of
Frenchie Davis closes Pride. 11 a.m.-7 the intersection of Gibson and Kirkwood, Atlanta is typically geared toward black gay men,
p.m., theaters June 18 and is an in-depth look at the Mor- mon Church’s participation in the passage of Prop 8 this meeting is free and open to everyone. 2 p.m., Calendar June 11, 2010 GA Voice 29

Publicity photo
Wednesday, Ju ne 16
Movie and TV star Pa
m Grier, known for
starring roles includ her
ing “Foxy Brown,” “Ja
Brown” and Showtim ckie
e’s “The L Word,” sig
book “Foxy: My Life ns her
in Three Acts” from
-7:30 p.m. at Outwrit 5 p.m.
e Bookstore & Coffe
991 Piedmont Ave. NE ehouse,
, Atlanta, GA 30309, www.

Fulton County Central Library (basement level), 1

Margaret Mitchell Square, Atlanta, GA 30303, 404- Caroline Aiken, Dede Vogt and Caroline Herring
730-1700, perform together at Eddie’s Attic from 8 p.m.-11
p.m., 515 N McDonough St., Decatur, GA 30030,
SUNsets on the Patio @ Noni’s returns with DJ
Vicki Powell, DJ William Roman and a special early
set by DJ Kyle Keyser. 5 p.m., 357 Edgewood Ave.,
Atlanta, GA 30312.
Friday, June 18
Enjoy cocktail hour with the piano stylings of David
Reed from 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. at Mixx, 1492 Piedmont
Monday, June 14 Ave. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309.
The Atlanta Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Com-
merce hosts a business builder luncheon. $20.
Grammy-nominated storyteller and Atlanta native
11:55 a.m., Cowtippers, 1600 Piedmont Ave. NE,
Milbre Burch presents “Changing Skins: Folktales
Atlanta, GA 30324,
about Gender, Identity and Humanity.” Sponsored
by the congregation’s LGBTQ and Allies Interweave
Atlanta, a gay running, walking and
Front Runners Atlanta
group, the gender-bending tales from around the
social club, meets for its weekly Monday run at 7:15
world are aimed at adults. Tickets for “Changing Skins”
p.m. at 905 Juniper St., Atlanta, GA 30309. www.
($10 in advance and $15 at the door) may be reserved
by calling 404-634-5134 ext. 216. Event at 8 p.m. at
Tuesday, June 15 Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, 1911 Cliff
A memorial for Phil Hickman, former doorman at Valley Way, NE, on the I-85 access road just north of
Blake’s on the Park, will be held at the popular gay North Druid Hills Road.
bar. Hickman worked the door at Blake’s for about 10
years, ending in 2005. He died May 27. 9 p.m., Blake’s Fortify Fridays is presented every Friday by Wassup-
on the Park, 227 10th St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309. NAtl with DJ Truz and MC Scotty. Doors open at 11 p.m. Free admission. Steel, 950 West Peachtree St., Atlanta,
GA 30309, 404-246-9000,
Wednesday, June 16
AID Atlanta’s Gay Men’s Outreach Group hosts
“The Writings on the Wall: A Look at Public Sex.”
Saturday, June 19
Stop and Smell the Rosés is a wine tasting
Discussion will center on the historical precedence fundraiser to benefit the Audubon Nature Institute
for public sex in the gay community, its decline due and it efforts to care for the wildlife affected by the
to increased visibility and acceptance and the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Tickets are $15 for one,
incidences of police crackdowns. 7 p.m. Free. Call $20 for two. Raffles include prizes from the Georgia
Steven Igarashi at 404-870-7763 or email steven. Aquarium, Zoo Atlanta, Horizon Theatre, Six Feet for more information. 1605 Under and Watershed. 2 p.m.-6 p.m., Whole Foods at
Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA 30309, 650 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta, GA 30306. Call 404-
853-1681 for more information.
Thursday, June 17
The Atlanta Executive Network and Stonewall Bar
Association partner to host openly gay State Rep.
Simone Bell at the monthly AEN meeting. 6:30 p.m.-7:30 CONTINUED
p.m., Alston & Bird, 1180 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA 30309 ON PAGE 30
30 GA Voice June 11, 2010 Calendar

“Sunrise was
our first and
very best
- Cathy Luce, Magical

Michelle Malone Banned CD release party. Doors

open at 6:30 p.m. Show starts at 8 p.m. Eddie’s Attic,
Meals Personal Chef Service 515-B N. McDonough St., Decatur, GA 30030,

Photo courtesy Showtime

Families trust Sunrise as their
Traxx Girls presents Secret Party hosted by Twee
and DJ M every Saturday. Free before 11 p.m. and $5
before midnight. Endenu (aka Inferno), 393 Marietta
choice for Senior Living. Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30313,

Sunday, June 20 Sunday, Junewat20

ch the premiere
My mother has been lovingly cared for at Sunrise of Decatur Traxx Atlanta presents Scores @ Underground Join HRC Atlanta to
series ‘The
every Sunday. 10 p.m. 50 Upper Alabama St., Atlanta, of the new Showtime reality
the cre ator of the
for ten years now. There is an inexpressible comfort to GA 30303, Real L Word’ — fro m
ies, with
original ‘L Word’ lesbian ser
know she is happy, peaceful, content and lovingly cared for Wednesday, June 23 actual L.A. women. 5 p.m . to 8 p.m., with
g at 6 p.m . 502 Amster-
in the safety of Sunrise of Decatur. It has been such a bless- Dine at La Tavola and 20 percent of the night’s the show startin
food sales will be donated to For the Kid in All of dam Ave., Atlanta , Ga. , 303 06
ing to my partner and me to see my mother’s contentment Us, the non-profit behind the annual Toy Party and

Backpack in the Park. 5:30 p.m. - 10 p.m., La Tavola,
and happiness. It allows us to sleep well at night knowing 992 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30306, latavolatrat-
she is “at home” and that my partner, our son and I are,

always welcomed and communicated with as a family. The Queer Literary Fiction Group discusses “Sa-

-Cathy Luce, Magical Meals Personal Chef Service,

cred Country” by Rose Tremain. 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m.,
Charis Books & More, 1189 Euclid Ave. N.E., Atlanta,
Saturday, June 26
The Sylvia Rivera Stonewall Community
GA 30307, Brunch brings together the Juxtaposed
Call 404-377-6111 to schedule Center for Transformation, the Atlanta Pride
The popular NPR StoryCorps invites LGBT
a personal tour today! residents to record their stories and have them Committee and Transgender Individuals Liv-
archived. Hosted by John Lemley of WABE’s City ing Their Truth to highlight transgender com-
Café. 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Radial Café, 1530 DeKalb Ave. NE, munity involvement in the 1969 Stonewall
Atlanta, GA 30307, Riots. $5 suggested donation. Proceeds go to
the 2010 Transgender Day of Remembrance
Thursday, June 24 and the 2011 Bayard Rustin-Audre Lorde Com-
Georgia Equality holds its annual Evening for munity Breakfast. 11:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m., Central
Equality Awards & Silent Auction. General admis- Presbyterian Church, 201 Washington St. SW,
sion is $75, VIP and Host Committee: $150- $250. Atlanta, GA 30303
Sunrise of Decatur 404-377-6111 920 Clairemont Avenue 5:30 p.m.-9 p.m., Ventanas atop the Hilton Garden
Inn, 275 Baker Street Atlanta, GA 30313. To purchase “Be Visible, Make a Statement” rally and
>ÀiÊ tickets, visit community art project is held at the State
For more information and a FREE online newsletter, visit Capitol following the Stonewall Community
Indulge with the hottest men at the W Midtown At- Brunch. Participants are asked to dress for a
lanta Hotel. Held every Thursday by Chris Coleman. photographic project “that represents all our
9 p.m., 125 10th St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309, queer colors” with the final results displayed
Color at Atlanta Pride in October. 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

40436 Friday, June 25 The new Queer Justice League presents

Sunrise Senior Living “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” will be performed “Stonewall Pride: Picnic in the Park” at
Community: Decatur at LeBuzz with proceeds benefiting AID Atlanta. Piedmont Park. Bring your own food and
blankets and enjoy a day of fellowship.
PUB: GA Voice
Purchase $5 tickets online at 8
p.m., 505 Franklin Road, Marietta, GA 30067 Gather in the meadow near Park Tavern. 3
Title: Ellis Testimonial p.m.-6 p.m.,
Size: 4.917”X 7.583” Out on Film screens “Stonewall Uprising.” Told by
Join the Flaming Sugarbaker Sisters for
Insertion: 6/11, 7/9, 8/6 those in attendance of the 1969 Stonewall Inn raid,
including patrons and police, the film looks at the po- “Stonewall, Sisters and Spirits!” $10
Material: 6/4 litical and social climate that led to the raid. 7 p.m. and bottomless beer and raffles. 4 p.m.-8 p.m.,
9 p.m., Midtown Art Cinema 931 Monroe Drive, Atlanta, F.R.O.G.S. Cantina, 931 Monroe Drive #A107,
GA 30308, 678-495-1424, Atlanta, GA 30308 June 11, 2010 GA Voice 31

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