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JumpStart Model Lesson Plan

Course Name: HRM 2204 Topic: Making Selection Decisions Week/date/hours Week 12, 1 hour lesson
Learning Objective:
Upon successful completion of this learning unit, the student will have demonstrated the ability to:

Explain hits and misses in hiring decisions

Describe approaches to assembling data for decision making in staffing

Explain cut-off scores and their use in decision making

Connection Activity:

Face-to-Face: Online:

To introduce the topic of making selection decisions,
students will view a video called The Candidate
v=IPx27ctGcEM& which describes how
Heineken selected the right candidate from over 1,7000
applications. Students will be asked to consider the
following questions while they are watching the video:
1. Did Heineken follow a structured or unstructured
interview process?
2. Who was involved in the decision making?
3. Did you like their interview and selection process?
Why or why not?
At the conclusion of the video we will discuss the answers
as a group.


Time Required

Laptop, Projector, Video

Video: 3.36
Discussion: 5

Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment (C.A.F.E) Durham College

JumpStart Model Lesson Plan

Sections or Sub-Topics of the Learning Unit:




PowerPoint, Projector

5 minutes

PowerPoint, Projector

2 minutes

1. Explain hits and misses in hiring decisions

Content Activity: Image/Lecture: Using PowerPoint, describe
with image (Figure 10.1 of the textbook) and
Face-to-Face: with text, desirable (hits) and undesirable
Online: (misses) outcomes of the selection process.
Practice Activity: As a class, students can call out answers to
Multiple Choice and True and False questions
Face-to-Face: displayed on the PowerPoint to test their
Online: knowledge of the hiring decision terminology
just discussed.

2. Describe approaches to assembling data for decision making in staffing

Content Activity: Image/Lecture: Using PowerPoint, describe
with image (table 10.1 from the textbook) and
Face-to-Face: with text, an overview of statistical and
Online: judgmental methods of collecting and
combining applicant information.

PowerPoint, Projector

5 minutes

Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment (C.A.F.E) Durham College

JumpStart Model Lesson Plan

Practice Activity: Students to read the Harvard Business School
Article Man vs. Machine: Which Makes Better
Face-to-Face: Hiring Decisions?
Online: Individually, or in pairs, they will answer the
following questions based on the article:
1. What type of applicant data listed in the
article would be considered statistical
2. What type of applicant data listed in the
article would be considered judgmental
3. If hiring decisions were made solely
based on machines using algorithms
what method of combing applicant
information would this illustrate?
4. What is the articles conclusion
regarding which makes better hiring
decisions man or machines?
Answers will be discussed as a class.

Harvard Business School

article available as a
handout and online (DC
Connect). Article retrieved

15 minutes
to read
article and
5 minutes

3. Explain cut-off scores and describe their use in decision making

Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment (C.A.F.E) Durham College

Content & Practice


Summary Activity:

JumpStart Model Lesson Plan

Students will have the choice to work
individually or in pairs to investigate cut-off
scores. They will use the internet to access
the Public Service of Canada guidelines for
cut-off scores and answer the following
1. What is a cut-off score?
2. How do you determine the minimum
cut-off socre?
3. How might labour market conditions
affect cut-off scores?
4. Contrast performance-related and
group-related cut-off scores and provide
an example of each.


10 min

Face-to-Face: Online:



Students will form groups of four and be

asked to prepare two potential short
answer test questions with accompanying
correct answers based on the lesson.
Questions will be handed in or emailed to
me and subsequently used to facilitate an
in-class review session and one question
will appear on the final exam.

Paper/Pen or Laptop/email.

15 min

Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment (C.A.F.E) Durham College

JumpStart Model Lesson Plan

Context of Unit
This lesson plan is for the course HRM 2204 Recruitment and Selection. This is a mandatory course for second year
students in the Human Resources Diploma program and is conducted face to face. This lesson plan is a component of
a larger unit delivered in Week 12 regarding making hiring decisions.
Use of Universal Design for Learning Principles
Provide Multiple Means of Engagement
This lesson plan addresses the Multiple Means of Engagement UDL principle by providing multiple ways to engage
students interest and motivation. To generate interest the lesson begins with a review of the learning outcomes and
objectives and ends with students developing test questions to be used on future assessments. To help develop
student persistence students are provided an opportunity to work in ways that they deem to be the most comfortable
individually or in pairs/small groups. I have also attempted to incorporate real-life examples as much as possible,
such as the connection video illustrating how Heineken makes their selection decisions. Real-life examples will
hopefully not only make the topic more interesting for students but also enhance the relevance of the lesson and
highlight how understanding the process of decision making in staffing will be applied in their future HR careers.
Provide Multiple Means of Representation
This lesson plan addresses the Multiple Means of Representation UDL principle in that multiple formats and media are
utilized. Prior to the beginning of the lesson, students are provided via DC Connect with all course material including
power point slides, links to the YouTube video, government websites and the Harvard Business School article (and
provided equivalent PDF versions). This material is posted in advance so that students have the opportunity to
preview/print material off prior to class and to allow for study aids and note taking material. In the PowerPoint
presentation, I explain key concepts using both images and text to appeal to different learning modalities. Finally, I
also include a video as the connection portion of my lesson to appeal to those who may learn better from real-life
examples/stories as expressed in video.
Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression

Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment (C.A.F.E) Durham College

JumpStart Model Lesson Plan

This lesson plan addresses the Multiple Means of Action and Expression UDL principle by incorporating choices made
by the students and providing a variety of learning activities. The connection activity involved class discussion and
most content and practice activities involved students choosing to work on their own or in pairs. There were
opportunities for students to obtain information by watching a video, listening to a lecture, viewing an image and by
researching information on their own or in pairs. Finally, the summary activity was both an opportunity for social
learning (group work) as well as an opportunity for students to contribute to the evaluation process by creating test

Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment (C.A.F.E) Durham College

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