EAS-1600 Sustainable Energy Assignment #3 - Fall 2016 Assessment of Electric Vehicles

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EAS-1600 Sustainable Energy

Assignment #3 - Fall 2016 Assessment of Electric Vehicles

PART A: Vehicle 1 T3 (5)
1. Estimate the energy use of this vehicle in kWh per 100 p-km. How does
this compare with the vehicles in MacKay Figure 20.9?
A. It takes 4 hours to recharge the T3. The voltage is 120V. The
amount of current coming out of the outlet is 15A. Power = 120 * 15
= 1800W. It takes 4 hours to charge. That is equivalent to 7.2kWh.
One charge gives 40km. Per 100km, it takes 7.2*2.5=18kWh. That
is less than 20% of the power consumed by an average new car in
the USA.
2. the emissions in g CO2 per km - assuming energy use at the point of
A. 0
3. the total emissions in g CO2 per km - adding in the cost of producing
the electricity to power this vehicle (Mackay, page 131)
A. Considering an average footprint of CO2 of 500g per kWh, it comes
to 500*18/100=90g/km.
PART B: Vehicle 2 Nissan Leaf (5)
1. Estimate the energy use of this vehicle in kWh per 100 p-km. How does
this compare with the vehicles in MacKay Figure 20.9?
A. The Nissan leaf takes 30kWh per charge and runs 107km on it. That is
equivalent to 28kWh/100km. That is about 1/4th of the power
consumed by an average new car in the USA.
2. the emissions in g CO2 per km - assuming energy use at the point of
A. 0
3. the total emissions in g CO2 per km - adding in the cost of producing
the electricity to power this vehicle (Mackay, page 131)
A. Considering an average footprint of CO2 of 500g per kWh, it comes to
500*28/100= 140g/km.

PART C: Vehicle 3 Chevy Volt (11)

Answer the following 3 questions separately for the
Electric Performance (answers 1,2,3)
Gasoline Performance (answers 4,5,6)
Overall Performance (answers 7,8,9)
1. Estimate the energy use of this vehicle in kWh per 100 p-km. How does
this compare with the vehicles in MacKay Figure 20.9 and Vehicle 2?
A. The Chevy Volt takes 18kWh per charge and runs 85km on it. That is
equivalent to 21.1kWh/100km. That is about 1/5th of the power
consumed by an average new car in the USA. This is better than
vehicle 2.
2. the emissions in g CO2 per km - assuming energy use at the point of
A. 0
3. the total emissions in g CO2 per km - adding in the cost of producing
the electricity to power this vehicle (Mackay, page 131)
A. Considering an average footprint of CO2 of 500g per kWh, it comes
to 500*21.1/100= 105.5g/km.
4. Estimate the energy use of this vehicle in Gallons per 100 p-km. How
does this compare with the vehicles in MacKay Figure 20.9 and Vehicle
A. The energy use of this is 6.26 L/100 km, which is much cheaper
than the average car in the USA.
5. the emissions in g CO2 per km - assuming energy use at the point of
A. 56.65g/km
6. the total emissions in g CO2 per km - adding in the cost of producing
the electricity to power this vehicle (Mackay, page 131)
A. Considering an average footprint of CO2 of 2400g per L of gasoline, it
comes to 2400*6.26/100= 150.24g/km.
7. Estimate the energy use of this vehicle in Gallons per 100 p-km. How
does this compare with the vehicles in MacKay Figure 20.9 and Vehicle

A. The energy use of this is 5.6 L/100 km, which is much cheaper than
the average car in the USA.
8. the emissions in g CO2 per km - assuming energy use at the point of
B. 50.65g/km
9. the total emissions in g CO2 per km - adding in the cost of producing
the electricity to power this vehicle (Mackay, page 131)
B. Considering an average footprint of CO2 of 2400g per L of gasoline, it
comes to 500*5.6/100= 134.4g/km.

PART D: Vehicle 4 Tesla Model S (5)

4. Estimate the energy use of this vehicle in kWh per 100 p-km. How does
this compare with the vehicles in MacKay Figure 20.9?
B. The Tesla Model S takes 100kWh per charge and runs 507km on it.
That is equivalent to 19.72kWh/100km. That is about 1/5th of the power
consumed by an average new car in the USA.
5. the emissions in g CO2 per km - assuming energy use at the point of
B. 0
6. the total emissions in g CO2 per km - adding in the cost of producing
the electricity to power this vehicle (Mackay, page 131)
B. Considering an average footprint of CO2 of 500g per kWh, it comes to
500*19.72/100= 98.6g/km.
Part E: (7) Estimate the MPGe for the T3 (1), the Leaf (1) and the
Volt (3).
Compare these values with MPGe ratings found in refs at bottom of Cars
Class Notes (2)
Chevrolet Volt- 62MPGe
= 503MPGe
Total Marks: 31
See separate document for some vehicle information.

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