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Internship BlueBook


The bluebook is entirely based on the feedback obtained from the fellow seniors over the
past year. They do not, in any way, represent views of Internship Office, IIT Madras.

The style of feedback varies with the company. Some may have a 1st person feedback
while it may not be the case with others.

This is not an exhaustive list of all the companies which came last year, nor an indicator of
this years internship process. The companies are bound to vary.

Please refer to the website of each company in order to get detailed information.

Though we have been very alert in compiling the work, there still might be some glitches in
the book. We request you to please contact any of the team members to suggest any major
changes in the book.





Credit Suisse

Dalmia Cements


Deutsche Bank


Eaton Technologies








Futures First






Goldman Sachs




HHV Pumps








ITS Planners and Engineers


Jindal Steel Works (JSW)


Linked In


Mahindra & Mahindra


Nadhi Information Technology


National Instruments




PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLC




Rakshak Foundation


Reliance Industries


Saint Gobain






Sony Japan


Sumitomo Chemicals


TATA Steel




Tech Mahindra




Vios Medical










Open for: CS,EE,EP [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].
Came around: 4th week of November.
Selection Procedure: Test + Interview.

Technical and Aptitude.

Data Structures.
Asked to write code.

Open for: CS,EE [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: September end.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Test + Interview.

Major Topics/Areas covered in test:

General Math, English.
Analyzing skills, Logical Thinking (psychometric type).

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

They stressed on programming skills.
Analytical ability.
Questions about your academic achievements and Areas of Interest.
Logical algorithmic questions, probability and other on binary search tree, data mining,
real life situation thinking, some questions on database management systems.

Other Suggestions:

Be perfect with your resume, make it simple and straight. Just be confident and keep

For Test speed is necessary rather than topics to learn.

Focus on OOPS, Database, DSA, AI, OS. DSA is the most important one (Trees, Sorting

Should have good coding skills.

Open for: CS,EE,EP,ED,ME [B.Tech. & Dual].

Came around: 3rd week of March.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Telephone Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Questions specific to one of the eight profiles offered by them.

Other Suggestions:
Project under a professor might help. (e.g. For CFD department, ANSYS software that
deals with engine simulations)
Focus on skills built during project under a professor.
Make proper resume.

Open for: AE,ME,CS,EE,ED [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: Second week of November.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Test + Interview.

Test Topics:
Coding Basics (C/C++/Java/JSS).
Mathematics (probability and statistics).
Aptitude and Logical Reasoning.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Basic economics (How a bank works etc.).
Mostly HR ("Why Citi?", "What do you know about Citi?", "Your interests", "Your
projects/interns" etc.).

Other Suggestions:

Be confident, speak clearly.

Know programming languages like C, Python etc.

Prepare for test well.

Know your resume well.

Open For: All Branches [B.Tech. only].

Came around: Third week of September.

Selection procedure: Resume shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

General HR questions.
Basic questions on Finance.

Awareness regarding recent happenings in finance world.

Other suggestions:
Inclination for finance will definitely help in the interview.

Open for: CH,ME,EE [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: 1st week of October.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Projects that you have done in the 2nd year.
Mention relevant course work if any that is related to their profile.
A list of job profiles was shared. One of them needs to be selected and you need to
explain what you know about it and why you are interested in it.
Standard HR questions ie. "Introduce yourself", "Why Dalmia Cements?", "Why should
we hire you?", "What do you want to achieve in life?", "What are your interests?", "Will
you be okay to work in a group?" etc.

Other Suggestions:
Try to impress them with the enthusiasm towards your work which you have done so
You can also include some personal motivation while presenting your review of your
past experience.
It is good to do some homework about the company.

Open for: All branches [B.Tech. only].

Came around: 3rd week of August.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

DB offered two profiles last year: Corporate Finance and Global Markets. There are three
HR and one Technical interviews.
Sample questions for HR interview are "Why choose a non-core company over a core
company?", "Why Deutsche Bank?", "What do you hope to achieve through this
intern?", "Which profile are you interested in and why?" etc.
In HR interviews, certain questions are intentionally repeated in order to check whether
the candidate is consistent with the answers.
In the Technical interview for Global Markets, important topics stressed on are
Probability, Statistics, basic programming in C/C++ and Puzzle Solving. 'Hard on the
Street' is a useful book in preparing for math technical questions.
In the Technical interview for Corporate Finance, the interviewers tend to grill the
candidate on Finance-based questions. It is important to get proper Finance fundaes
from seniors and to show enthusiasm towards Finance. It is better to apply to this profile
only if you are confident about Finance, otherwise make it clear in the interview that
you do not have sufficient knowledge in that area.
Mention any non-core interns that you have done in the second year. It carries a lot of
The questions of the interview are such that there are multiple right answers but there
is always a wrong answer. It is important to be able to immediately identify what these
wrong answers are.

Open for: AE, EE, ED, ME [Dual Degree only].

Came around: 4th week of September.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist (CGPA based) + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

There are two interviews: Technical and HR.
For the technical interview, the focus is mainly on the projects that are mentioned in the
resume. Explain the project in a detailed manner ie. what was your role, how did you do
it, what were the challenges faced, what are the assumptions made, etc.
Tech-related activities outside campus, Technical Conferences, Paper publication if any.
Sample question: " What are the trends that we are seeing in the new airplanes coming
to the market?". The interviewer also stressed on points like Efficient Power
Management, Zonal Architecture etc.
For HR interview, they ask only standard HR questions: "Introduce yourself.", "What are
your strengths and weaknesses?","Why Eaton?", "Where do you see yourself after 5

Other Suggestions:

Be thorough with the project work/intern you have done

Try to relate your work in the institute (project under any professor or CFI projects) to
the mechanical or electrical (controls) sector.

For Aero students, try to relate your project to controls part of Aerospace engineering.
For other branches, try to read about the major works done by EATON in those

Go through the company website and have an idea of what are their recent works.


Open for: CS [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: 3rd week of September.

Selection Procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Focused on the past projects and total understanding of the subject.
Questions related to OOPs concepts.
JAVA language and asked questions on new features of latest versions in JAVA, writing
of JAVA code.
Questions related to Databases and multithreading in with DBs.
Multithreading in JAVA.
A couple of algo questions.

Other suggestions:
Learn JAVA collections, framework.
Knowledge of DB and JAVA are important.
Do not panic if you dont know the answer and try to explain clearly.


you want to convince.

Open for: AE,BT,CE,CH,ME,CS,NA,EE,EP,MM,HS,ED [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: 2nd week of February.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Questions based on resume.
Questions based on previous internships.
Discussed about pros and cons of MOOCS.
Tell me about yourself? What do you do in free time?
Basic programming questions.
Ex: For 1-100, print :
a.fizz, if the number is divisible by 3. if it is divisible by 5 and
c.fizzbuzz if it is divisible by both 5 and 3.

Write a program such that the total number of operations is minimum when tested for
numbers 1,3,5,15.

Other Suggestions:
Should be thorough with basic syntax and loops of the language you mentioned in the
Be confident and speak about whatever you are comfortable about in interview.


you want to convince.

Open for: AE,BT,CE,CH,ME,CS,NA,EE,EP,ED,MM [B.Tech only].

Came around: 3rd week of September.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + GD + Test + Interview.

GD Topics:
Should Flipkart venture into offline stores or not?
Inventory and Non-inventory models. Which is better?

Test Topics:
General English grammar and reading comprehension, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative
Aptitude [Different profile].
Data Structures and Number Theory [Different profile].
Algorithmic Coding.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Mostly HR related and based upon resume and previous internship (if any).
Questions on your ability to take responsibility and your response under different
Some sample questions: How will you mitigate any losses incurred in the firm under
your department? | How will your experience in IIT help solve problems in Flipkart?
| If there has been a drop in sales in a particular month, how will you diagnosis the
problem? [Different profile].
Simple array operations like maximum element in different scenarios. Also basic
questions on probability [Different profile].
Basic math and logic questions and also some related to your project work.

Other Suggestions:
Think of few suggestions to improve Flipkart on the whole, or come up with solutions
to some problem you feel is existent.
GD matters a lot, so speaking loudly and confidently counts.
The interview is very informal and tests your problem diagnosis and solving ability.


Open for: All Branches [B.Tech. only].

Came around: Third week of March.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Interview was mainly HR. Confidence and stress handling is tested.
Be very fast in calculations.
Puzzles, speed math, probability are the topics to be concentrated on.

Other Suggestions:

Be confident, clear and never fake anything.

It will be easy to get into this company if you dont panic and crack under pressure
which is what they basically test.

Prepare HR questions. Its your involvement which matters a lot.


Open for: CS,EE,ME,AE [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: Second week of November.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Test: Aptitude + English + Logical Reasoning.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Projects and course work related to Course Work.
Knowledge of probability and statistics.
Know about GE projects.
Questions were asked on the projects and internships .
Image processing (for EE).
Other Suggestions:
Be very honest in the interview and dont mention anything in your CV which you
cannot defend.

Be well prepared for TR as it will be a deciding round for most of the students.


Open for: All Branches [B.Tech & Dual Degree].

Came around: Second week of April.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + GD/ Group Activity + Interview.

GD topics:
Marketing strategies for the product - RAFT.
Methods to publicise an App.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

The profile offered is "GROWTH HACKER".
Questions on Marketing strategies and previous experiences.
You should have in depth knowledge on the product they have.
Traffic analysis was also asked.

Other Suggestions:
Traffic analysis is often discussed. So you should be thorough with it.
Transportation Engineering I and II are also discussed.


Open for: All branches [B.Tech. only].

Came around: 3rd week of August.

Selection procedure: Test + 5 rounds of Interviews.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

More of general math.

Other Suggestions:

Be perfect in your math right from what you learnt in your schooling.

Be perfect in what you know and improve your ways of problem solving.


Open for: CS [B.Tech & Dual Degree].

Came around: Beginning of October.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

BST, DP, Local minima and BFS are the topics to be concentrated.
Mostly algorithms and data structures.
Possible questions on OS like Garbage collection.
Some questions on projects you have done will be asked.

Other Suggestions:

Prepare DP problems from GeeksforGeeks.

Practice coding quickly without errors.


Open for: EP,MM,ME [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: 3rd week of February.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Question on why engineering stream and the branch you are pursuing were chosen.
General HR questions (like "Tell me about yourself", "Why this company?", "How do you
see yourself in future?").
Questions also related to the previous internship asked (like "Why did you do an intern
at the chosen place?" and "Tell us about it").
Knowledge on the core-courses tested (like for MM related to metal casting and for me
related to vacuum friction, thermal material testing).

Other Suggestions:
Be confident and honest. Dont beat around the bush.
Pay more attention to the core-courses and sometimes a bit more attention in labs
pays off).
Try mentioning those words which the representatives use in the PPT related to the


Open for: CS, EE [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: September end.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Text processing and Number theory.
Only project related questions and some basic math questions.

Other Suggestions:

Be thorough with your projects. They will definitely stress on them.

If you have a good resume, there is 90% chance to get selected.

Be thorough with all the resume points.


Open for: All Branches [B.Tech & Dual Degree].

Came around: Second week of February.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Modeling techniques.
Projects and course work related to Modelling and use to statistical tool R.
Knowledge of probability and statistics.
Any prior knowledge in Data Analytics.
Questions were asked on the projects and internships and on validation of the algorithm
used in the project.

Other Suggestions:
Be very honest in the interview and dont mention anything in your CV which you
cannot defend.
If you are interested in Analytics or Modelling be sure to take up Decision Models,
Probability & Statistics before the intern process starts. Be confident about your


Open for: All Branches [B.Tech & Dual Degree].

Came around: Second week of February.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Web development frameworks like Angular and Ruby. Not related to courses.
Questions were related to small details like primitive classes, event propagation in
JavaScript were asked during the interview.

Questions on your recent projects will also be asked.

About 10 -15 questions were asked.

In a one hour interview, questions were asked about MVC frameworks and why they
were preferred. Are frameworks better or from scratch is better? Data retrieval was
also asked.

Other Suggestions:
You will be tested on how spontaneous you are at getting solutions for problems.
Keep a cool head and you will get through the interview.


Open for: CE,CS,EE [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: 2nd week of February.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview .

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Coding questions and questions about projects if any.
Main topics covered: Transportation network analysis, Mathematical Logic,
Combinatorial Optimization.
Practice Algorithms and Puzzle Solving as the Technical Interviews will have only these.
Sample Questions:
1. There is a kind of rope mde from some non-homogeneous material. Because of this
special material, the rope takes exactly one hour to burn if lighted from one end.
However, as the material is not uniform across the rope, different parts of rope may take
different amount of time. So for example, one half may take 1 minute where as other
half may take 59 minutes to burn. Measure 45 minutes with two such ropes, 15 minutes
with one rope.
2. How will you divide 1000 one Rupee coins in ten bags so that you can give any amount
between 1-1000 by just giving the bags without changing the no of coins in each bag?
3. You have two character arrays. Find whether one array is a permutation of other with
the minimum complexity possible.

Other Suggestions:
Mention coding related projects in the interview if any.
Mathematics in Computer Science minor helps.


Open for: All Branches [B.Tech. only].

Came around: 3rd week of October.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Test + Interview + SoP.

Test Topics:
Logical Reasoning.
Verbal and Psychometric.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Resume based questions.
Situation-based questions on current affairs.

Other Suggestions:
Solve puzzles given online.
Give a good amount of time preparing your SoP.
Test conducted is important.


Open for: CS [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: Third week of September.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Test + Interview.

Test : Test is purely technical. Practicing coding is the only way to prepare.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Interview is similar to tests. Programming questions are given to solve.

Other Suggestions:
Work hard to improve coding skills.


Open for: ME [Dual Degree only].

Came around: Third week of February.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + GD + Test + Interview.

GD topic : Customer Service ; Complaint Redressal.

Test : Heat transfer, IC Engines, Turbo machines, Design of Machine Elements, Kinematics
and dynamics of machinery.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Vibrations and acoustics.
Kinematics and Dynamics of machinery.
Basic HR questions like "Why IIT?", "Why Mahindra?" etc.

Other Suggestions:
Be very confident and try to do a company background analysis.
Work on your basics like Doppler effect etc.


Open for: CE,CS,NA [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: 2nd Week of March.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Test + Interview.

Test :
Simple guestimate and aptitude questions were asked. Ex: No of petrol pumps in
Tested about knowledge on the company and its activities.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Questions were based on resume and also tested the knowledge about the company.
For the lean construction services profile, questions about the understanding and
application of the lean methodology were stressed upon.
Ex : What/how do you know about lean concepts?
Have you applied this knowledge in the past in any field?
What is its relevance in construction company?
How do you think it increases efficiency?
What do you think are the major difficulties you would face when you change
the working methodology of construction workers?

They gave opportunity to ask questions to them.

What kind of work profile you are interested in?

Other Suggestions:

Get to know about company and its work before hand.

If you have any institute PORs pitch them for relevant questions.

Support your answers by statistics/numbers.


Open for : EE,ED,EP,ME [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around : Third week of October.

Selection procedure : GD/Group activity + Test + Interview.

GD Topics :
Disaster Management.
ISL vs. IPL.

Test :
Test was completely JEE level.
Major topics stressed upon in interviews:
Questions were asked on control engineering.
Question like: In a water tap system what is a pole and a zero?
Questions were asked on daily life mechanisms
They stressed more on if will join NI in future.
Prepare well for GD and Interview.

Other Suggestions:
Be true to your resume.
Projects and good CG will help. Try to make maximum out of 2nd year intern (If done).
Conceptual clarity on 2nd year topics.
Do well in tests and for interviews be through with your projects and intern.


Open for: All branches [B.Tech. & Dual Degree]

Came around: 2nd week of November.
Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.
Major topics stressed upon in interviews:
Many questions related to finance asked (about the 2008 crisis, mutual funds,
Current affairs also tested.
General HR questions (related to the company, the profiles it offers).
Guess-estimates (quantity of paint required, no. of passengers travelling by plane in a

Other Suggestions:

Always good to prepare a bit about finance as they search for people interested in

Brush up your quant skills for answering guess-estimates.

Have a good knowledge about the company and the reason why you are opting for an
internship in it, particularly when your GGPA is good.

A good knowledge about current affairs will always be fetching.


Open for: All Branches [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: Second week of February.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Main topics tested in interviews are infrastructure development, construction
management, operations research, guess-timate and HR questions.
1. Tell us about yourself. (There were two interviewers)
2. What do you know about infrastructure development in India? What are some recent
happenings in that field?
3. What would be the challenges faced in implementing the policies in the above
4. What areas of Civil Engineering are you interested in?
5. What relevant courses have you done for the same?
6. What is Operations research?
7. What are all the methods and types of problems you know in OR?
8. Explain the Simplex algorithm.
9. We want to test your analytical ability, so tell me, how many laptops are
manufactured in India per year?
10. If we were to offer you a position as an intern at PwC would you accept it?
11. Do you have any constraints related to the internship?
12. Do you have any questions for us?

Other Suggestions:

Read up on current affairs relevant to the profile you are interviewing for. The tone
and manner of speech is really important in a telephonic interview.


Open for: EE,CS [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: Third week of September.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Test + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

In tests questions were asked on topics like aptitude, algorithms, programming and
coding and questions on electronics.
Questions on previous projects and interns.
Questions on 2nd year EE and MA courses.
For software profile, questions on coding like C language, compiler and computer

Other Suggestions:
Be true to your resume.
Projects and good CG will help. Try to make maximum out of 2nd year intern (If done).
Conceptual clarity on 2nd year topics.
Do well in tests and for interviews be through with your projects and intern.


Open for: All Branches [B.Tech. only].

Came around: Beginning of February.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Constitution of India and current laws.
Current affairs, government policies and basic civics.
Also they ask questions on fundamental rights, constitution act, republic day,
transparency and role of public.
Also be perfect in political sciences.

Other Suggestions:

Show interest in political science and government policies.

Be very truthful and innovative, always in a high pitch mode (active).

Read newspaper regularly. It will help to a great extent.

They wanted people who had enthusiasm to work for the society.

Have basic knowledge about social issues and speak out your views.

Go through the company website and profile before the interview.

Speak more and ask questions to the interviewer (depicts curiosity).


Open For: CH,ME,MM [B.Tech. only].

Came around: Last week of March.

Selection procedure: Resume shortlist + Test.

Test Topics: Aptitude and Core (Basic questions on Momentum transfer, CRE, Distillation,
Heat transfer, welding).

Other suggestions:
Basic English grammar questions were also covered in the Aptitude test.
Prepare GATE questions.
The basic concepts of chemical engineering was tested .They did not ask any advanced
topics in the test.


Open for: CE [B.Tech & Dual Degree].

Came around: Second week of April.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Heat transfer.
Projects and course work.
Functional Design of buildings.
Statistics and little analytics.
Previous Internship experience and basic HR questions.
Other Suggestions:

Functional Design should be revised thoroughly with concepts learnt during 1 st and 2nd

Be confident and go through your resume.


Open for: AE,CH,CE,ED,EE,EP,ME,MM,NA [B.Tech. only].

Came around: Mid-September.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Why Schlumberger? (Important)
HR related questions: About yourself, situation where you demonstrated leadership
skills, your weakness and strength, what object can define you.
Questions about your Positions of Responsibility and their significance.
Courses you like and their relevancy to the profile.
Questions pertaining to previous internships (if any).
Simple puzzles and general knowledge questions.
How will you be able to live in a hostile environment? e.g. Offshore site.

Other Suggestions:
Involvement in some sport activities and extra-curricular activities matters.
Be very through to your resume.
Prepare for questions about courses mentioned in your resume.
Have answers for any abstract questions & prepare some common HR questions.
Try to incorporate the companys values and principles in every answer you give.
Enterprising and dynamic people are preferred.


Open for: CS,EE [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: First week of November.

Selection procedure: Test + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in Test:

Basic coding in C.
Aptitude questions.
3 codes + few multiple choice questions.
Duration of test is 1 hour.

Major topics stressed upon in Interview:

Coding questions.
Topics related to Microprocessor Lab.
Answers for questions in test and their justification.
Standard HR questions.

Other Suggestions:
Basic knowledge in C programming is enough.


Open for: EE,EP [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: Mid-February.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview/Essay.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Why Sony and how will your experience help in internship.
Technical questions on our projects.
A thorough understanding of your projects is necessary to answer the questions in
If you have PORs on Electronics they will ask about it.
Your Ideas on Sony products.
What are your ideas about wearable technology.
Your future plans, Your pros and cons.
Tell us about yourself? Are you veg or non-veg?
Usual HR questions along with the project description.

Other Suggestions:
They look for people who have enthu in electronics. So, Write good essay and impress
them via essay.
You need to convince them you are totally enthusiastic to work with them and you can
fit it into their culture.
Be true to your resume.
Find more about the interviewer and interact with him. This is two-sided interview.
Try to understand the Japanese accent. It will be helpful.


Open For: CH,ME [Dual Degree only].

Came around: Third week of October.

Selection procedure: Resume shortlist + GD/Group Activity + Interview.

GD Topics: Problems you could face during working in Japan and their solution.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Brief history about the company and Japan.
Detailed questions on Resume (mainly on the projects and internships).
Basic HR questions like:
1) Why Sumitomo? Why Japan?

Why should we select you?


Why chemical engineering in IIT Madras?

4) Tell us about yourself.

5) What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Other suggestions:
One should be completely honest and confident in the interview.
Having a good CGPA and experience of some projects (department or otherwise) will
definitely add value.

Meet seniors who have interned in this company.


Open for: ME,MM [B.Tech. only].

Came around: 3rd week of November.

Selection Procedure: Resume Shortlist + Test + Interview

Aptitude Test and Technical Test.
Questions on English, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning and core section.
Core section was about Thermodynamics, Engineering Mechanics (ME) and other PMT

Both Technical and HR interviews were held.

Questions based on the subject of interest, for example, Strength of Materials and

Questions on Physical Metallurgy, Basics of Metal Forming, Iron Carbon and Heat
Treatment, Iron Carbide diagram.

Particular Questions:
Fe-C diagram.
Bending Moment and Shear Force diagrams.
Failure theories.
TTT diagram significance, metal forming and casting properties.
Law of Proportionality, what is differential.
Conventional engineering Stress-Strain relationship.
Brittle materials.

Steel phase diagram.

Other suggestions:
Questions are asked on the topics you select, so wisely choose the topics.
Prepare all the core courses for interview and test


Open for: BT,CS,CE,EE,ME [Dual Degree only].

Came around: First week of April.

Selection procedure: Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Vibrations, Fourier transform (As for the project requirement of particular project) and
some questions based on resume.
Questions related to structural dynamics, Abaqus and Python.
Questions on Fourier series and Fourier transform are frequently asked. Questions on
projects and internships also asked.
Questions on vibrations were also asked.

Other Suggestions:

Be confident and dont get panic while giving telephonic interviews.

They dont go into much detail so answer the questions asked specifically.

You should know your project well, as they might ask questions on it.


Open for: AE,BT,CS,CH,EE,ED,ME [B.Tech & Dual Degree].

Came around: September middle.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Questions about your Previous Projects and Areas of Interest.
They stressed on programming skills and product development, Image Processing.
Points mentioned in Resume.
Questions pertaining to previous internships (if any).

Other Suggestions:
Prepare for the technical question on your past projects.
Involvement in extra-curricular activities matters.
Be very through to your resume.


Open for: CH,EE,ME,MM [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: November starting.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Points mentioned in Resume.
Questions about your Previous Projects and Areas of Interest.
Questions pertaining to previous internships (if any).
Question on manufacturing of products and testing products: Material Science , Stress
Questions on design related issue.
HR related questions.

Other Suggestions:

Know your resume thoroughly.

Be confident, clear and stick focus on a single opinion.

Come prepared regarding the projects you have done.


Open for: CH,ME,MM [B.Tech. only].

Came around: Second Week of November.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

They stressed on digital circuits.
Questions testing logic were asked as well.
Terms and basics used in digital circuits were asked.

Other Suggestions:
Go through the previous projects and internships you have done.
Go through the company details.
Study thoroughly about the topic you are interested in.


Open for: CS,EE,EP [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: September end.

Selection procedure: Test + Interview.

Test Topics:
Test has two sections: Theory and Coding.
Topics for theory section: basics in computer architecture, mathematics, logic design
and programming.
For coding section: Data structures and algorithms, operating systems, Database
Management systems. Programs will be tested against public and private test cases.
Important course work: Computer Organization, Switching Theory, Basic probability,
Operating Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms. To tackle the programming
section participants should be well aware of basics of OOP concepts of either of

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

You will be asked to mention important coursework and projects. Questions will be
asked based on these.
OOP, Data Structures, Operating Systems, C++ and JAVA are frequently tested.
Interviewer also asked questions about the project you are going to work on during

Other Suggestions:

To solve algorithmic problems start participating in contests on Hackerrank / CodeForces/

CodeChef/TopCoder, though the questions asked in these contest are tougher than what
students would face during intern-tests, but these would definitely help them in avoiding
the test-phobia.


Open for: CS,ED,EE,EP [B.Tech. & Dual Degree].

Came around: September end.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + GD + Interview.

GD Topics:
The Great Indian Jugaad.
Digitalization in India.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Interview was mainly HR.
Be through to your resume.
Questions about your projects and Positions of Responsibility.

Other Suggestions:

Prepare well for HR type questions.

Be confident, clear and stick focus on a single opinion.

Research on your desired projects and how it can benefit the company.


Open for: ME [B.Tech. & Dual Degree] and ED.

Came around: 4th week of September.

Selection procedure: Resume Shortlist + Test (Aptitude + Technical) + Interview.

Test Topics:
Structural Mechanics (beams) and Gear designs.
Mechanics of Materials. (15-20% weightage)
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics.
JEE level Physics.
Aptitude test and Logical Reasoning.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

The interviews were mainly technical.
The single most important topic stressed upon is Strength of Materials.
Other important topics include Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Manufacturing
Methods and Polymer Processing.
Projects which are mentioned in resume.

Other Suggestions:

The questions asked in interview are mainly aimed at testing conceptual


Review your resume properly and have proper knowledge about your projects from
basics to details.

Know basics of the courses you like the most.


Open For: CH,ME [B.Tech. only].

Came around: Third week of August.

Selection procedure: Resume shortlist + Interview.

Major topics stressed upon in interviews:

Detailed questions on Resume(mainly on the projects and internships).
Basic HR questions like "Why do you want to be a Mechanical engineer?", "Where you
see yourself in the next 5 years?"

Other suggestions:
Certain question where also asked about family of the candidate.

Being thorough in your projects and internships in the past two years will definitely


Dipten Mondal
Shashank Jujare

Aishwarya Menon
Anurag Kola
Jay Panji
Pranith Kiran
Prateek Nagrale
Rozen Moon
Sai Sindhu
Shivam Munshi
Shubam Agarwal
Sumanth Naik


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