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Sometime ago we mentioned that for security purposes, the front door
of Jodo Mission of Hawaii is locked. We have had many instances of
intruders coming to the office and the temple and because of this we must
continue this practice. Please ring the doorbell and someone will be more
than happy to unlock the door. We apologize for this inconvenience. Also, there may be instances when no one is available, i.e. minister is at a
service; a sign is normally at the front door when he will return.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Jodo Mission Is Looking forVolunteers for

Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Jodo Mission is looking for volunteers or a volunteer to help

answer the telephone, take messages, take reservations for
memorial services, allow someone to enter the nokotsudo or
columbarium, etc. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This is a
good opportunity to learn about Jodo Mission and its many activities.
If you are interested, please contact Rev. Narashiba at 949-3995.

Address Service Requested

Jodo Mission of Hawaii

1429 Makiki St.
Honolulu HI 96814

Bulletin - NOVEMBER 2016

Jodo Mission of Hawaii

The Japanese

By Rev. Kanjun Nakano

In Japan there are many temples, shrines and churches. But,

today, many Japanese do not join a specific religious group.
Why ? There is a reason.
75 years ago, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor by the false religious spirit and Japan was defeated in World War. As a result, the Japanese lost many things. After that, the Japanese society changed extensively. The Japanese abolished religion from their politics
and public education. Since then people have begun to lose the connection to
religious groups.
Actually, before, all of the Japanese were Buddhists.
During Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603-1868), every member of every
family became Buddhist. Christianity was prohibited by the then authorities.
Because their teaching was that the faith was stronger than the royal power.
The authorities required all Japanese to register as a member of a Buddhist
temple. The authorities also made use of a temple as a city hall. If people did
not do so, they could not register marriages or get an official pass for traveling. They would also be suspected of believing in Christianity. Every family
member went to a nearest temple and registered as a member. Then Japanese
peoples sects were decided by the family. And many families have inherited
it now.
However, most Japanese today may not know which sect they belong to
and it does not matter to them. Well, Japanese know that God, Buddha and
other spirits have powers to humans. So, for example, they pray to ShintoGod for health, Buddhas for ancestors and Christian-God for marriage.
Most Japanese do not have a belief to a particular sect. But, simply, they
visit shrines, temples and churches to ask for help, profit and protection. Now,
this is the way most Japanese pray.

Jodo-E or Bodhi Day Celebration

Please save December 4, 2016 for Hawaii Buddhist Councils Jodo-E service at Jodo Mission of Hawaii at 9:30 a.m. This is the celebration when
Buddha attained enlightenment. Further information will come in December Bulletin.
Page 2

16, 2016. The Bazaar doors opened at 8:00 a.m. but for some reason, some people like coming
early and the earliest person stood in line at 5:00 a.m. The weather was great on the day of the
bazaar .
THANK YOU for coming and hope you found some wonderful things! For all those who
came to help, we cannot thank you enough. Also THANK YOU to all who came to help on
Sunday, October 9, 2016 for Bazaar preparation and taking all the stored things out. THANK
YOU TO the members, family and friends who came all week from October 10 to October 15
to sort and price items. THANK YOU so much for your time! Thank you also for the Kiwanis
Club for assisting with parking on Bazaar Day. There were people who left things to be sold
just outside the closed social hall doors for the Bazaar.!

Photo at left
was taken at
6:30 a.m. before the door
to the social
hall was open.
Rev. Narashiba gives the
Bazaar blessing before the
door is open

The Bazaar day was a beautiful

sunny day!

Aove photo: Shoppers

everywhere. Good buys!
Craft items, dishes, handbags, suitcases, DVDs, etc.
Karamatsu family: Richard Karamatsu (with hat
bending over) is the plant person and Jon assisting him
with the plant sales. There were all kinds of plants,
fruit trees, anthurium plants, tea leaf plants, and also a
lot of donated clay pots.

Right photo: Shopper

who found lots of goodies:
cereal mix, cookies
oatmeal cookies, chocolate
chip cookies, little cakes,
spam musubi, sekihan.

Arigato for all your donations throughout the year! Things that one person does not
need is another persons treasure! See you again next year!
Page 3

More Bazaar Photos:

Lots of toys, jewelry, dolls and trinkets for sale.

Lots of people looking for good buys.

Also Ian Kitajima had a chance to chat with
Yoshiko Kitagawa.
Below left: Shoppers every where!
Below right: After all the shoppers are
gone, all the tables are put away and floors
swept and cleanedcan you imagine all
those things on the left were gone!

Thank you again for all your donations, volunteered hours and all the many
shoppers who came. See you again next year!
Page 4


Deadline for order is Sunday, December 4, 2016












Order accepted by: _______________

Received by: _______________

Date accepted: _____/_____/_2016 (In person/ Mail / Phone)

Date paid: _____/_____/_2016 (Cash / Check#


With the New Year just around the corner it is once again time to order our delectable mochi. This year, we will be selling Okasane and Komochi. Please fill out the
mochi order form above. The deadline to submit your mochi order form is
Sunday, December 4th.
Mochi is to be picked up on:
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
From 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
And to those who would like to learn and make mochi with us, we will be making
mochi on Tuesday, December 27th from 7:00 am. This is a fun and memorable
experience for all, especially families (a family who makes mochi together sticks
together). Please come and join us. We look forward to seeing you.
Page 5

What is Perpetual Memorial

Service? (Eitaikyo)
This record of a perpetual memorial service and is
called Eitaikyo in Japanese. When the date of death
occurs for a person listed on this record, the ministers pray for that individual during the morning service. The prayers will continue each year for as long
as Jodo Mission exists.
Anyone can be included in it. You may put your
own name on the list, too. This also helps when it is
difficult to have memorial services. We also welcome
you to attend the morning service at 9:30 am.
How to apply: Stop by the office, and fill out the
application form. Each name costs $200. After the
application is accepted, the name will be listed on the

O-Juya Service

Will be held on Sunday,

November 13 at 10:00 a.m.
Doing good deeds (reciting Namu Amida
Butsu) here and now exceeds a thousand years
of good deeds in the land of all the Buddhas.
At Jodo Mission, it is customary for us to
offer sweet treats to Amida Buddha. Please do
not forget your sweet treats to share with everyone. (But not leftovers from Halloween.)
Please join us for our O-Juya Service on
Sunday, November 13, at 10 a.m.

2017 Jodo Shu Calendar

Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sincere
condolences to the family members and loved
ones of the following members who have recently left this world for the Pure Land.
Suzuko Ono


Jodo Mission Office Hours:

Monday to Saturday: 8am5pm
Sunday & Holidays: 8am3pm

Live the Jodo Shu style

each and every day,
sharing in the love and
compassion of Amida
Buddha year round with
the messages of distinguished priests. Calendar is for January through December
2017. Free calendar is available.
Please order your calendar now before we run out. Please call Jodo

Mission of Hawaii at 949-3995 by

November 13.

Phone: 949-3995

Bishop Gensho Hara

Lahaina, Maui
Page 6

Rev. Yubun Narashiba

Head Minister

Rev. Kanjun Nakano

Resident Minister

Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo) for November

1 Gensaku Nakagawa
The Nakagawa Family
Hidetsugu Kanai
Sadao Hedani
Masao Taketa
Tadao Murashige
2 Koichi Yoshiumi
The Yoshiumi Family
Koichi Nakamura
Jiro Masuda
Kenjiro Ishii
Tari Sato
Miyakawa Family
3 Fuji Yoshisaki
The Yoshisaki Family
Tsurue Hayase
Fumiaki Tamura
Riley Tetsumi Mende
4 Kiichi Saiki
Kanji Kimoto
Emi Taira
Shigenobu Tamashiro
5 Kanichi Iwamoto
The Iwamoto Family
Matsutaro Tanimura
The Tanimura Family
Yuriko Sano
Yasuichi Hamasaki
Katajiro Yamamoto
Yuki Miyagawa
6 Kinroku Morita
The Morita Family
Jihei Shimokawa
The Shimokawa Family
Tokizo Fujita
Tomi Tominaga
Jihei Shimokawa
Bert Takeshi Higa
7 Taeko Mizuno
Mizuno & Ota Family
Tadahito Sakuda
The Sakuda Family
Shoichi Hisamura
Kimiko Nobuji
Hatsue Gonhata
Aki Ikeda
Kenji Sano
Hatsuhei Horiuchi
8 Machida's Baby
Masao Uno
The Uno Family
Bansuke Tomai
The Tomai Family
Tsutomu Hanano
Kazuo Gonhata

Kazo Kubota
9 Iwao Iwamoto
The Iwamoto Family
Natsu Kanemoto
The Kanemoto &
Miyamoto Family
Otome Sugiyama (2)
Yoshio Kanehira
Mildred Asako Tsuda
10 Yoshisuke Miyakawa
The Miyakawa Family
Shinayo Kano
The Kano & Watabe
Rev. Myoshun Hayashi
The Hayashi Family
Shuichi Ota
Clarence Katsuji
Ronald Tatsushi
11 Tsuru Teramoto
The Teramoto Family
Tamotsu Sugiyama (2)
Soyo Nishida
Yonoichi Kitagawa
Herbert H. Kano
Hisayo Okawa
12 Tomohei Tejima
The Tejima Family
Sueji Yano
13 Matsujiro Tsurusaki
The Tsurusaki & Inada
Lucy Hisako Yoshimoto
14 Shiro Fukunaga (2)
Alice Chieko Masatsugu
Kingsley K. Luke
15 Gentaro Arita
The Arita Family
Toyomi Moritsugu
Kana Teruya
Enosuke Kawasugi
Rosalie Katsuko
Toyoichi Yamada

The Ono & Yamada

Mitsuko Yanagihara
Fumi Miyamoto
18 Jinkichi Tanaka
The Tanaka & Noda
Kimie Hashimoto
19 Onsho Chinen
The Chinen Family
Saku Fukuda
The Fukuda Family
Mamu Iwasaki
Yaeko Uesugi
Kaname Tanimura
20 Naka Iwamoto
The Iwamoto Family
Totaro Nomiyama
Toyo Terada
Yoshi Yamanaka
Taru Namihira
21 Bishop Kyokujo
22 Wasa Hamada
The Hamada Family
Shina Karamatsu
The Karamatsu Family
Minnosuke Ebisugawa
Mamoru Tatei
Fusae Oshita
Paul Shigeyuki Sakuda
23 Matsue Inoue
The Inoue Family
Sano Matsumoto
Yutaka Matsumoto
Yoshiichi Takemoto
Kinji Yamamoto
Takami Aoki
Kameyo Ohnaga (2)
24 Tatsuo Tsuda
Yonezo Kitagawa
25 Tadao Nakamura
Matsuyo Yamamoto
Tsutomu Kuniyuki
Eleanor Masako Tanaka

26 Asako Yamamoto
16 Tora Otani
Kieko "Kay" Fuse
The Otani & Yanagihara
Miyoko Matsumura
Noboru Tarumoto
Shosaku Yagi
The Yagi & Okada Family 27 Chisaburo Azuma
Kazuo Hayashi
The Azuma Family
The Hayashi Family
Jane Hatsuko Higa
Koichi Ono
Hisako Kurakake (2)

28 Tameno Fujimoto
The Fujimoto Family
Hatsuo Murao
Tomoichi Kunimura
29 Junichi Oki
Heizo Furukawa
Walter Kazuo Nagasako
30 Tsuma Ishida
The Ishida & Aimoto
Shizu Shigeoka
Usanosuke Otani

Dec. 4
Dec. 4
Dec 13
Dec. 26
Dec. 27













NO Meeting in November

November 6 at 11 am

Sunday School

NO classes for NovDec-Jan-Feb

November 6 at 8:30 a.m.

Sewing Circle





(Womens association)



Phone: 949-3995

Jodo Mission of Hawaii

Fujinkai Meeting




YBA Meeting





November 2016

DEADLINE for Mochi orders

at 9:30 am HBC Jodo-e (Bodhi Day)
at 8:00 am General Clean-upWe need your help!
Mochitsuki Preparation DayHelp needed
Mochitsuki DayHelp needed


10:00 Sunday Service

10:00 Sunday Service

10:00 O-Juya Service

11:45 Board Meeting

8:30 Fujinkai Meeting

10:00 Sunday Service
11:00 Sunday School





9:30am Morning Service


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