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Lesson Three : Annie Lonergan S280680 EST204 Assignment Two

Learning Area:
40 Minutes
Celebrations and events around the world
Curriculum Connections

Year Level :

Class Size:

Draw connections between personal experiences and the worlds of texts, and share responses with others (ACELT1596)
Celebrations and commemorations in places around the world (for example, Chinese New Year in countries of the Asia region, Bastille Day in France,
Independence Day in the USA), including those that are observed in Australia (for example, Christmas Day, Diwali, Easter, Hanukkah, the Moon Festival
and Ramadan) (ACHASSK065) (ACARA, 2016)




We are learning about: Religious celebrations and world wide holidays

We are learning to: Identify different religious holidays and who celebrate them such as Christmas
Day, Chinese New Year and Ramadan. I
Students will have completed the independent learning activity
Students have participated in discussion, and shared prior knowledge with class- Teacher to
observe, and use open questions, to create conversation and discussion.

Teacher to prompt discussion on unit, asking open questions about why, how and what people

celebrate. Teacher to record responses on the whiteboard for future reference. Learning
experiences will increase this knowledge by providing students with interactive and engaging
activities based around this unit theme.
Students will be given a choice on what they would like to write about as it is a personal

Students will be given a choice of what celebration they may choose to research for their

Choose students to share their special gift, as requested to bring to school in previous
lesson, ask why they have it, and what was the special occasion. (5 Minutes)
Outline the focus question of the lesson: What is Chinese New Year? What is the
religious origins of Christmas? Why is the Importance of having a holiday at
Christmas for you and your family?
Learning experiences:
Initial engagement to lesson: Decorate the Christmas tree game to be played on the IWB.
Teacher to select students, to come out to the front and manoeuvre the decorations around
the tree. Click link to access website
Class discussion: Ask students, if they know why Christmas is celebrated? What is the
religions origin? Teacher to use IWB to write students answers, and ask students to share
with the class ways they celebrate this holiday if they do in their family. For students who do
not celebrate Christmas if any, ask them if they celebrate any other important occasion? (15
Teacher to show class short video on Chinese New year and its holiday origins. Click link
to access website.
Students to complete: Chinese New Year Cloze Passage Work Sheet, teacher to support
students, and go through answers at the completion of the activity. (25 Minutes)

Adapted from Forthcoming John Wiley publication, 2010. Sally Godinho

Lesson Three : Annie Lonergan S280680 EST204 Assignment Two

Classroom organization: Students will begin class by sitting in front of the IWB to view the
Christmas game.
For independent activity, students will work at their desks to complete the Chinese new year cloze
Closure: Teacher: Teacher to brief the class on the assessment task.. Students are to research an
allocated holiday which has been covered in the unit. The choices are: Chinese New Year, Australia
Day, Independence Day, Christmas day and ANZAC Day. Other important dates can be chosen by
students wishing to further their inquiry. Students are to present their inquiry on a slide presentation
(to use google slides), adding photographs and dot points to answer the questions, and present to
class. Students are to work in groups of 3-4 students, teacher to choose groups.




Interactive white board

Chinese new year cloze worksheet (20 Copies)

Book Computer lab for next session.

Links to websites:

What religious events do people celebrate?

What type of things do people celebrate?

Do all people celebrate the same things? Why is this?

What does your family do to celebrate Christmas?

What is the important significance of the Chinese New Year?

When discussing the independent activity, inform students that they can share their ideas with the
class in the last 5 minutes of the lesson.
What worked well? What would I modify? What would I do differently next time?
Which students do I need to follow up? What do I need to build on in the next lesson?
How can I use the assessment information to improve student learning?

Lesson Planning Checklist

Have I consulted relevant curriculum organizers?
Are my learning objectives and/or purposes clearly defined?
Have I determined students prior knowledge and experiences of the topic?
Are there some opportunities for some student input/choice?
Have I considered how I will set the room up and use the learning spaces?
Have I thought about the grouping arrangements I will use?

Adapted from Forthcoming John Wiley publication, 2010. Sally Godinho

Lesson Three : Annie Lonergan S280680 EST204 Assignment Two

Is my lesson content inclusive of all students in the class?
Will my lesson both engage and challenge the students?
Do the learning experiences cater for students abilities different and learning
Is the sequencing and timing of activities logical and achievable?
Are the learning strategies appropriate for this class?
Have I prepared some open-ended questions to focus discussions?
Have I created spaces for student questions?
Have I checked the availability of resources and tested equipment?
Have I considered how I will draw closure?
Have I considered how will I assess the students learning?
Have I included opportunities for students to reflect on their own learning?

Adapted from Forthcoming John Wiley publication, 2010. Sally Godinho

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