Accelerated Medical Imaging Workshop

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Scientific Program

“2nd Madison-Freiburg Workshop on

Accelerated Medical Imaging “
June 17-18 2010

Workshop Description

Objectives of this workshop are to discuss the current state of the art accelerated
imaging concepts and applications, roadblocks to clinical applications and vendor
implementation, and strategies to effectively address these limitations.
• New Hardware Developments
• Constrained Reconstruction including parallel imaging
• Accelerated MR Applications
• Rapid Quantitative Imaging
• Performance Metrics – Connecting Imaging Science with Radiology

Invited speakers will present keynote lectures on pertinent topics with further
presentations by contributed papers. The workshop in Madison will also be tailored
towards students' education.

Extended poster viewing and discussion sessions are an integral part of the scientific
program and will allow discussions about new concepts.

The workshop will take place in Madison, WI at the Health Science Learning Center
(HSLC), which is located on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus adjacent to
the UW Hospital & Clinics.
Day 1, Thursday, June 17, 2010
8:00 - 9:30 Registration

9:30 - 9:45 Welcome and Introduction

Plenary Lecture
9:45-10:15 Frontiers in Post-Cartesian MRI
Jim Pipe, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ

10:15-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:15 New MR Hardware Developments

10:45 Non-bijective spatial encoding (PATLOC)
Dan Gallichan (University Hospital Freiburg, Germany)
11:10 New concepts in coil design
Mark Griswold (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH)
11:35 Realtime Motion Correction
Maxim Zaitsev (University Hospital Freiburg, Germany)
12:00 Proffered paper: A PatLoc Gradient Insert Coil for Human Head Imaging: Preliminary In-vivo Results
C.A. Cocosco et al., (University Hospital Freiburg, Germany

12:15-14:00 Lunch and Poster Viewing

14:00 – 16:00 The Constrained Reconstruction Rainbow

14:00 Compressed Sensing
Miki Lustig (University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA)
14:25 Compressed sensing extensions and their applications in MRI
Leslie Ying (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, WI)
14:50 MR Encephalography
Juergen Hennig (University Hospital Freiburg, Germany)
15:15 Parallel MRI with spatio-temporal processing
Simon Bauer (University Hospital Freiburg, Germany)
15: 35 Proffered paper: k-t ISD: Dynamic Cardiac MR Imaging Using Compressed Sensing with
Iterative Support Detection
Dong Liang et al., (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, WI)

15:50-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:00 ‘Fishbowl Discussion’: Data Acquisition and Reconstruction

16:30 - Bringing Applications to the standard clinical practice Wally Block
16:40 Guided discussion – Moderator: Wally Block
Panelists: Dana Peters, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Michael Hansen, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Dan Thedens, University of Iowa

Workshop will agree on an adequate and robust processing method for acquisition in these areas
- B0 corrections
- Calibration procedures / acquisition
- Gradient trajectory measurement & correction (gradient delays, eddy currents, etc)
- Gridding kernel / oversampling ratio
Plan multisite / multivendor ISMRM submission: demonstrate imaging robustness in each of the
areas above using the agreed upon correction method on multiple platforms using the agreed
upon standard correction method.

19:15 Workshop Dinner at the University Club

803 State Street, Phone 608-262-5023,
Day 2, Friday, June 18, 2010
9:00 – 10:30 ‘Fishbowl Discussion’: Performance Metrics
9:00 Imaging performance: The Radiologist perspective
Pat Turski (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
9:20 Performance Metrics Overview – What do we have and what do we need?
Wally Block (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
Guided’ discussion – Moderator: Wally Block
Panelists: Keving King (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI)
Tim Carroll (Northwestern University, Chicago, IL)
Maxim Zaitsev (University Hospital Freiburg, Germany)
Common acceleration definitions / image quality metrics / Design of Clinical Verification
Validation for outside the box imaging

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:15 Proffered papers and Poster Sneak Peeks

11:00 Proffered paper: Spoiling in 2D Radial FLASH MR DSA
Parmede Vakil et al., (Northwestern University, Chicago, IL)
11:12 Proffered paper: Time-Resolved Long FOV 3D CE-MRA with CAPR-Based MR Fluoroscopy
Casey Johnson et al., (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN)
11:24 Proffered paper: 3D Dynamic Pulmonary MR Perfusion Imaging using Interleaved Variable Density Sampling,
Parallel Imaging and Cartesian HYPR Reconstruction
Kang Wang et al., (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
Poster Sneak Peeks:
11:36 Accelerated 3T Whole liver perfusion imaging with a Narrow Temporal Footprint
Ethan Brodsky et al. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
11: 39 Accelerated Point Spread Function Mapping Using Compressed Sensing for EPI Geometric Distortion Correction
Iulius Dragonu et al., (University Hospital Freiburg, Germany
11:42 Cross-Sampling GRAPPA for PMRI
Haifeng Wang et al., (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, WI)
11:45 Nonlinear GRAPPA Using Volterra Filter
Yuchou Chang et al., (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, WI)
11:48 Parallel Through-Time Spiral GRAPPA for High Frame Rate MR Imaging
Nicole Seiberlich (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH)
11:51 Simultaneous Proton and Hyperpolarized Carbon Imaging
Eric Peterson et al. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
11:54 T1 Relaxometry Using Constrained Reconstruction in Parametric Dimension
Julia Velikina et al. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
11:55 An EM approach to image filtration: denoising without blurring
John Flohberg et al. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
12:00 GE Healthcare T1 FLAIR PROPELLER using parallel imaging with shared calibration data
Jim Holmes et al. (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI)
12:03 Accelerated 4D Phase Contrast Velocimetry of Intracranial Aneurysms
Steve Kecskemeti et al. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
12:06 Comparison of Multi-Venc Encoding Strategies for PC VIPR
Liz Nett et al. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
12:09 Radial Undersampling for Acceleration of 2D PC-bSSFP Slow-Flow Measurements
Ashley Anderson et al. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)

12:15-14:00 Lunch and Poster Viewing

14:00 – 15:40 Accelerated MR Applications
14:00 Radial MRI
Tom Grist (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
14:25 Radial Imaging for Neurovascular Applications
Tim Carroll (Northwestern University, Chicago, IL)
14:50 CAPR: Accelerated Vascular Imaging With Cartesian Methods
Petrice Mostardi (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN)
15:15 Parallel Imaging with non-Cartesian Trajectories
Nicole Seiberlich (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH)

15:40-16:15 Coffee Break

16:15 – 17:30 Rapid Quantitative Imaging

16:15 Rapid T1,T2, quantitative MT, and fat/water imaging
Alexey Samsonov (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
16:40 Flow-sensitive MRI
Jelena Bock (University Hospital Freiburg, Germany)
Kevin Johnson (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
17:05 Hyperpolarized gas imaging – The UW experience
Sean Fain (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)

17:30-18:00 Summary and Discussion

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