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House of Cards

Season 1, Episode 6 Chapter 6

Summary: Frank strikes back at the striking teachers. Claire is caught off
guard by a deathbed confession.
American Government Basics: Judicial Branch


Supreme Court Justices

Interpret the law
Nine total; new justices chosen by
the President, approved by the
Serve for life, or until they step down
Judge cases which have already been
heard by lower state or federal
courts, but are being appealed
Judge whether new laws are

1. Nosedive: a steep, fast, and dangerous fall

2. To cross the Rubicon: doing something that you cannot change once
done; passing the point of no return
3. Square one: the beginning; the first step
4. Tour: a period of work and travel for a person in the military
5. Slug: a bullet
6. Front stoop: the front of the home; the front steps
7. To beef up: to make stronger or larger
8. To blow over: to become unimportant or less talked about
9. A whole other ball game: a completely different issue
To put to bed: to finish dealing with something
Put a nail in someones coffin: to do a final act that will
destroy someone or something
To school: to beat someone in a competition
Gaffe: a mistake that causes embarrassment
AA: Alcoholics Anonymous; a club where alcoholics can go to
get support so they can stop drinking alcohol
To white-knuckle: to hold in stress and fear rather than letting
it go
Man the fort: to stay in place and be in charge of something
To coddle: to be kind (to someone), almost too much
White-trash cracker: a white person, normally from the South
or from a lower class; racial slur
While watching the episode, write down at least three words that
you do not know or have questions about.

Name the character.



The Vowel Game! Write one word starting with a vowel to describe these
Marty Spinella: ____________________________
Frank Underwood: __________________________
Claire Underwood: __________________________
Peter Russo: ___________________________
Edward Meechum: ________________________


Comprehension Questions:
1. Why do you think Meechum fired his gun at the person who threw the
2. Why does Frank want Peter to go to AA meetings? Do you think he has
a second agenda?
3. How would you describe Frank in this episode? Does he seem
desperate, or was he in control?
4. Why would Frank want Meechum back as his security? What do you
think will happen between these two in future episodes?
5. What is the significance of the folded crane that the homeless man
throws to Claire?
6. Who really threw the brick through Franks window? What does this say
about Frank and Claires relationship?

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