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My name is Muhamad Setiawan, I was a detective who was working in a
big city in the country of indonesia. Now that I've aged 20, I have a story when I
first became a detective, here will I tell my experience first as a detective in
solving a murder case, which was backed by the case of smuggling illegal items
that occur in the market which is pretty solid, and it is impossible to do a sizable
transaction. these murders happen between two people who are apparently still
has kin. Here I tell a chronologically story.
The incident began when the victim call it Mr. Herru selling at one of the shops
that he lease in the market gembrong. Feel there's something suspicious in the
shop next door, which is where the store is owned by his brother named Mr. N,
suspicion began when Mr. Herru feel there are other things in the store next to it
which is not large enough but has a large income compared with her, over
suspicion that Mr. Herru decided to conduct peer activities against the store next
to it, long story short on an afternoon when the mood of the market has already
started to empty people dressed in blue, come into the store, which is suspicious
of any customers who come into the store is always along bodyguard. The
suspicion over Mr. Herru decided to overthrow secretly went into the store, Mr.
Herru listened to the conversation between Mr. N by purchasers, It turns out that
they have discussed is merchandise items are illegal and illegitimate in indonesia
namely illegal drugs that is marijuana and intending to smuggle the goods into
other areas. hear it any Mr.Herru shocked and he nudged one of the items that are
in the store, and unfortunately it makes Mr. Herru caught already overheard talk
of Mr. N and purchasers. realized if the transaction it does last heard by Mr.
Herru, Mr. N any initiative to meet Mr. Herru and asked him not to divulge such
things as well as unmask the store to others.

The next day, when the afternoon Mr. Herru began cleaning up stuff and
closing his shop. Mr. Heru accosted by Mr. N, short stories in their talks, they
discussed about the incident yesterday, knowing that the acts committed Mr. N
was illegal and a violation of law, Mr. Herru resist to cooperate with Mr. N for
not divulge that information. respond to the rejection of Mr. Herru TN. N ever got
angry and assail Mr. Herru with knife the attack, on behalf of Mr. Herru else fell
away because his wound which are quite severely in the stomach and make her
die ran out of blood, see Mr. herru already drop the blood soaked, TN. N else
rushed to leave and escape, unfortunately at the time of the incident the market
has been very quiet and there are no merchant or someone else on the market that
make nobody saw the incident.
A few hours later gone market security guards to check conditions in the
market, and the security guard at the store came Mr. Herru and surprise because
security guards saw Mr. Herru was already lying lifeless due to stab wounds
sharps in stomach which makes it run out of blood, seeing the incident, a security
guard would directly call the nearest police station, not so long ago, a policy
jointly was coming along with part of the forensic to conduct further inquiry.
After a inquiry on the scene, then police called for help to detective to be
able to help in the process of investigation, that's when I worked for the first time
to solve the case and can find a suspect over the murder case. I work in the case
was not my own, I was accompanied by a single person the other detectives call it
her name is Amalia rezkyka, a detective in solving such cases we try to
accumulate evidence that can help in the process of investigation. While
conducting an investigation at the scene of the matter, we found important
evidence a knife that was in the trenches not far from the scene of the killings,
when blade is former analyzed fingerprints that allegedly belonged to the
Based on the evidence found at the site and then we try to analyze it in the
Office and look for who has the fingerprint corresponds to the fingerprint on the
knife there, after searching, available data that fingerprints that belong to Mr. N
who is selling is not far from the scene of the murder. Based on that data, we also

direct devised a plan to apprehend a suspect who was the perpetrator of the
The next day, in the morning I'm with fellow detective and accompanied
by several police officers who were dressed in full go to stores owned by Mr. N,
as we come to the place that Mr. N still do not realize that our actual advent to
apprehend Mr. N, either because we wear clothing of thugs, and the police are still
in the other place not far from the store location TN. N, after we ask is it true he is
Mr. N true, and he replied he is Mr. N then we contacted police associate to
perform the procedure of arrest against Tn.N and we brought to the police station
for questioning description.
In his statement at the police Mr. N persist don't want to admit that he is
the perpetrator of the homicide incident up, but upon our sharp as a detective who
also revealed that the store is not a regular store, but rather a guise to hide
contraband goods i.e. marijuana, know it is Mr. N surrendered and confessed that
he was the sole perpetrator over the incident and told what happened to us ,
recognition of Mr. N we then assign files to the justice investigation, which then
convict prison to Mr. N with penalties article about murder and narcotics. Top of
the sentence Mr. N admitted that he was very sorry, and feeling guilty, to Mr.
Such is the story of the my first experience of being a detective , thank you to
have read this short essay, may get the best results. amiiiiin. ....

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