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Descriptive Text Platypus (Teks Rumpang) +Jawaban


Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like duckbill. Platypus (48) a
native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.Platypus (49) a flat tail and webbed feet.
Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is
detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus' eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has
ability to sense sound and light.
Platypus (50) in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually dig burrows in the
streams or river banks. The burrows are blocked with soil to (51) it from intruders and
flooding. In the other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow to stay.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
A. has
B. had
C. have
D. having
A. live
B. lives
C. lived
D. living
A. protecting
B. protected
C. protects

For questions 46 to 48 choose the correct words to complete the text.

Yogyakarta is an artwork buyers paradise because a lot of wellknown artist originated from this
place. These (46) artists have influenced local artisans in silver, leather, batik and other
branches of craft.
Even wood, rattan and bamboo, can be (47) into very attractive craft items. Not only for
home, but also used in international hotels. One can find these items (48) in several stores
along Malioboro street, the main street of Yogyakarta.
46. .
A. Common
B. Famous
C. Beautiful
D. Unpopular
47. .
A. Made
B. Called
C. Brought
D. Bought
48. .
A. Carefully
B. Readily
C. Slowly
D. Easily

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