Gatica 1 Itzel Gatica Professor Kalas ECE 250 03 April 2016 Activity Plan 1

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Gatica 1

Itzel Gatica
Professor Kalas
ECE 250
03 April 2016
Activity Plan 1
The objective for this activity is for children to be able to define and identify the four seasons, to
develop their fine motor skills, critical thinking, and vocabulary.
The materials needed are tissue paper, construction paper, liquid glue, stick glue, scissors with
different cutting patterns, colors, markers, crayons. Providing a variety of materials for the
children is important because that way children can discover something that really interests them
or that they liked and feel comfortable working with.
The childs prior knowledge this activity is building on is the little knowledge they have about
the weather in where they live in. Letting them practice and continue to develop their fine motor
skills using materials that call their interest.
First, have the children make a drawing with the materials they want of what they think every
season looks like.
Second, have a group discussion on the drawings.
Third, define what a season is to them.
Fourth, present them visuals of how every season looks like.

Gatica 2
Fifth, provide them with a matching activity.
Sixth, going outside to explore and observe how the weather is for the day. Also, ask the open
ended question and record responses.
Seventh, going back to class and getting crafty/having hands-on experiences making their own
representation of the four season with the materials listed before.
DAP support:
There is a balance between childrens pursuit of their own interests and ideas and the pursuit of
questions and ideas generated by other children or the teacher. Page 140
Preschoolers benefit from environmental print when it is used in purposeful, functional, ways-such as lists, sign-in charts, and labels indicating where various materials go-- and when children
increasingly have experiences in using print for such purposes. Page 147
Open ended questions for children:
What would be the appropriate clothing for spring?
What would be the appropriate clothing for summer?
What would be the appropriate clothing for autumn?
What would be the appropriate clothing for winter?
What is your favorite season and why?
Has any of you visited another state? If so how was the weather there?
Describe what and how different would it be outside during spring, summer, autumn, or winter?
How is rain created and where does it come from?
What is snow made of?
Why do leaves fall off the trees?
Do self-evaluation after group critique

Gatica 3
1. What would I change and why?
2. What would I keep and why?

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