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Backward Design - UNIT PLAN TEMPLATE

Title: What are the chances?

Year Level: 3
Focus Curriculum Area: Mathematics

Teacher: Rebecca Bearfield-Smith

Duration: 3 weeks

STAGE 1: Curriculum Links

(What do we want students to learn? From the Australian/SCASA Curriculum)



Ethical Behaviour

Personal and Social

Intercultural Understanding

Priorities (CCP)

Aboriginal and TSI

Asia and Australias


Year Level

Conduct chance experiments, identify and

describe possible outcomes and recognise
variation in results (ACMSP067).
Collect data, organise into categories and
create displays using lists, tables, picture
graphs and simple column graphs, with and
without the use of digital technologies

Capabilities (GP)



Histories and Culture

Engagement with Asia

(What are students expected to learn?)

There are variations between trials of the same chance
There can be many possible outcomes for chance experiments.
Data from chance experiments can be recorded and represented.


Year Level Achievement


Critical and Creative Thinking

Students conduct chance experiments

and list possible outcomes. They
conduct simple data investigations for
categorical variables.

(What are students expected to be able to do?)

Conduct trials and record data of variations

Recognise and describe possible outcomes
Record data of chance trial
Represent data of chance trial

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LEARNING OUTCOMES: What relevant goals will this unit of work address? Draw these out of the content descriptors and the achievement
Students will be able to

Conduct chance trial experiments to recognise and describe possible outcomes and variation of trials.
Explore and identify chance variations through games with dice and playing cards.
List possible outcomes before and after conducting chance experiments.
Create table representing data collected during chance experiments.
Compare and discuss findings from experiments with peers.
Task description:
In pairs, students conduct an investigation to identify and recognise the possible outcomes of a real-life scenario of party guests food choices.
Students make predictions, individually record results in list and picture form and recognise possible outcomes.
Task is completed in last lesson of unit in succession of earlier chance concept exploration lessons.
Assessment Criteria:
Identify possible outcomes
Use appropriate and accurate probability terminology (likely, unlikely, even chance, no chance, probably, might happen)
Recognise variations
Record chance data (tally, list
Assessment recording template:
Observation notes during diagnostic/revision in lesson 1. Record children who need extra attention or extension.
Observation notes during lessons to inform teaching.
Record performance of identifying possible outcomes by A= all, S= some, N= none in rubric format for each criteria and comments section.
Verbal during in-class discussions and guidance throughout activities
Comments on recorded results
Peer feedback during collaboration
Marked rubric with comments
Self-assessment: guiding reflection questions to ask self during activities.

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Learning Experiences
Assessment For/As Learning (Formative Assessment)


1. Revisit chance from Year Level 2; brainstorm language and real-life situations involving chance. Develop probability scale and discuss examples,
locating on scale. In pairs complete coin flipping activity, record and discuss variations of results. Diagnostic and formative asst of prior knowledge and
identification of understanding. Students make 3 statements in maths books regarding chance and the coin activity using correct probability
2. In groups of 3, students play Connect Three dice game (Swan, 2007) where participants fill in a pre-numbered dice board that are the result of
an equation made with the numbers thrown. End of activity discussion of possible equations and results using chance terminology.
3. As whole class, students take turns to draw names out of a hat. Discussion of chances of variations, Teacher asks prompting questions. I triads,
students create own hats with 3 words of their choice. Students experiment with pulling them out and record results of possible outcomes.
4. In pairs, students play Cut and predict (Swan, 2003) with deck of playing cards. Students record colour or suit of card each time they cut the deck.
Students discuss what they noticed and predict possible outcomes.
5 and 6. Party guests and food activity and summative assessment task. Students roll dice to determine which party guests have which food. Using sixsided dice with six different food options, the guests each have 3 foods. Students conclude the possible outcomes and record data in a list form with
pictures of the guests and their food choices. Students are given 2 lessons to complete summative task.

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Association (ACARA). (2016). The Australian Curriculum. Retrieved from http://
Swan, P. (2007). Dice Dilemmas. Woodvale, WA: A-Z Type.
Swan, P. (2003). Card Capers. Woodvale, WA: A-Z Type.

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