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Emma, Naomi, Katharina,
Lukas, Yvonne

The disarmament conference was a conference to force all countries to disarm so that the
prevention of war is enforced.
The main countries involved were Britain, France and Germany.
The Disarmament Conference happened in Geneva in 1932
It didnt succeed in its wider goal, to disarm all countries
60 countries sent delegates


What was happening with Germany?

Germany was forced to disarm
Reduced to 100,000 armed men
No submarines allowed
No battle ships allowed
No air force allowed
Rhineland demilitarized
Germany only country which disarmed, as they were blamed for WWI

LoN Response
The League of Nations wanted all countries to disarm but not many of the members
actually ended up
The LoN wanted the countries to disarm to prevent war from happening again
Another conference was later reorganized but Germany was then under the control of
Adolf Hitler who refused to disarm and ignored the Treaty of Versailles.

Reasons for success/failure

Germany and France disagreed as France felt threatened to disarm.
They were worried of Germany attacking France once their defence was limited.
Germany wished for the Treaty of Versailles terms to be abolished.
Germany wished that if the rest of the world did not have to disarm, then that they have the
right to rebuild their military.

Impact towards start of WW2

Germany got treated to harshly causing the germans to want revenge
The disarmament didnt work for any other country and Germany was the only country
who was forced to reduce their military. This angered the Germans
The failure to disarm all countries made it possible for another war to take place.

Why did the League enforce it?

The League of Nations enforced disarmament because of WW1.
They didnt want another war to occur, so they wanted all the countries to disarm.
They wanted to keep peace between the different countries, and thought that disarming all
countries would help.
They thought if the countries disarmed, it meant they had not weapons, thus war couldnt
be a way to resolve conflict.
They wanted the countries to resolve the conflict through the League of Nations, and not
through war

Thank you for listening

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