School Board Meeting-2

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School Board Meeting

School Board Meeting

Regular Meeting September 10, 2015
Karina Solovieva
College of Southern Nevada

School Board Meeting

The school board meeting starts out with introduction of the board of trustees and
superintendent of schools. The meeting is organized in sections. In the first section is where
everyone cites the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a flag solute, by Father Alberts prayer.
This section is concluded by adoption of an agenda.
Section two is student reports. These students were selected from trustee Wrights
district which included Basic Academy, Boulder City High School, Foothill High School and
Liberty High School. Overall the students talked about their school progress and programs they
are implementing in the schools. In addiction, their personal goals in life. Basic Academy is
working on improving graduation rates. Student from Foothill talked about a since of
community and how they are achieving that in their area. Kayla from Liberty High School
talked about the sense of leadership that the school helps the students build. Also, that they are
implementing DECA. After the students gave their reports, Trustee Wright reflected on their
achievements and goals.
Section three is presentations and reports. It starts of with recognition awards. During
this time Cheryl Richards recognized Richard Law Firm for their annual student safety video
contest. Followed by, recognizing Tom Axtell with a sustainability executive of the year award.
Finishing with recognizing the National Council of Excellence, which included four schools
from CCSD. Next part of this section is special presentations. Trustee Child takes the stand in
acknowledging the Student Advisory Committee and pledges them in. Followed by each
student of the committee coming up to the stand and introducing themselves by giving their
name and stating which school they attend and who is their trustee. Next, Superintendent
Skorkowsky presents the reports. In his report he talks about current happenings in CCSD.
Some of the things he he talks about include visiting schools, sex education curriculum, CPR

School Board Meeting

curriculum, and other programs that are being implemented throughout the valley. His report
concludes this section of the school board meeting.
Public comment period is held during section four of the school board meeting. During
this time people come up to the stand and address their concerns in public education of CCSD.
Speakers are allowed about two minutes each and overall time of twenty minutes for this
period. During this time most of the educators, counselors, and advisors that came up to the
stand addressed the issue of pay cuts, funding, and pay freeze. Asking the trustees to honor
their contracts. Amanda from Helen J. Stewart School addressed academic goals in special
education. Stating that some students are being left behind because teachers underestimate their
abilities. Also, these students are being discriminated against which is causing them emotional
distress. This educator asks the principal of the school to leave his head position for someone
who cares about the special education students and their well being.
It is unclear what happened during section six of the school board meeting.
During section seven the Loretta Harper came up to speak about salaries.
During section eight the board of trustees have an open communication about upcoming
special board meeting on sex education curriculum. There was do trustee reports at the meeting
in this section.
Section nine opens up another public period for discussions and concerns. During this
time people who did not get to go in the first period are able to come up and speak. More pupils
addressed the issue of salaries and not being able to move up the column. One of the speakers
during this time was Steven Oxburger. He represented Clark County Association of School
Administrators. He wanted to bring up the issue of safety for transgender students who would
like to use restrooms and change rooms that identify with their gender. Steven would like to
make sure that there is a policy implemented to ensure the safety of those students.
Section ten completes the school board meeting.
During this school board meeting there are a few things that relate to course material
learned throughout this semester. Including honoring contracts, teacher benefits, teacher rights.

School Board Meeting

Another thing from this meeting that relates to our course is special education students and
their rights. In addition, there is issues with discrimination and student safety that are need to be
addressed. All these things have been covered throughout the chapters in our book and are real
issues that need to be resolved to help better the education of our current and future students.

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