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Farming at Sea

CDMs patent protected solution

Lets face the fact: human population is increasing; agricultural land is limited, presuming
that we are not willing to increase deforestation and extinct of many species.
To tackle above challenge CDM developed SeaFarm
concept - solution to move food production of aquatic and
non-aquatic cultures to ocean surface.
Our solution is based on proven technology and
components, combined into one unit:
1. Base Unit - Jack Up platform, Stable platform, or
Lift Boat or even permanently moored SemiSubmersible. Units decommissioned from Oil &
Gas Industry can be re-used;
Benefits of SeaFarm over traditional
2. Plant farm is located on the main deck, inside farming:
greenhouse with climate controlled to suit
culture inside. Only non-pollinated plants can be
No land reclamation
grown, using well known and in practice
Minimizing losses due to
confirmed vertical farming solution ;
pests infection
3. Inside deck box mushrooms are cultivated in
Minimizing or completely
controlled climate and using in practice confirmed
removing usage of pesticides
production solution;
Organic food production is
4. Water necessary for production and crew life
possible without costly and
support is provided by Watermakers - well known
lengthy process of land
and wide used solution;
preparation (healing)
5. In between legs or pontoons fish farming can take
Cultures are grown in
the place - proven technology and solution;
controlled climate
6. Energy for functioning of the farm - climate
Cultures are grown in vicinity
control for green plants and mushrooms, cold
of the consumers, cutting
chambers, crew life support etc shall be provided
transportation COx pollution
by wind turbines and solar panels. However, due
and related costs and reducing
to sensitivity of the process and possibility of
road congestion
occurrence of unsuitable weather for energy
Inserting Oxygen in
generation, we're suggesting installation of Diesel
atmosphere by photo
Generator for back-up purpose.
synthesis and reducing CO2
7. Crew life supporting facilities and offices are
Minimal usage or no usage of
located inside deck box.
fossil fuels or external energy
Cultures to be grown:
No new or experimental
technology only proven
1. Non-pollinated vegetables
components are used
2. Mushrooms

Short pay-back period

3. Fish, oysters or other aquatic cultures
approx. 18 months in
4. Insects for protein and fish food production.
presented case.

SeaFarm: Data Sheet

Concept Design Marine, all rights reserved

Concept Design Marine Pte. Ltd.

SeaFarm: Farming at Sea

CDMs patent protected solution

Expected production:
Cycles [days]
55 t
80 t

*Mushrooms after initial phase of 58-94 days, depending
on mushroom type, can be harvested every 7-10 days.

Main Dimensions:
Length: 141 m
Breadth: 71 m
Deck Box height: 5 m
No of legs: 6
Vegetable towers: 550
Vegie crop per tower: 0.1 t
Deck Box Volume: 50,055 m3
Height of veg. towers: 9 m or 12 m
Water Depth: Up to 60 m
Air Gap: 15 + m
No. of Cranes: 2
Wind turbines: 6, vertical axis
CDM is willing to customize initial
design to suit your requirements.

SeaFarm: Data Sheet

Concept Design Marine, all rights reserved

Concept Design Marine Pte. Ltd.

SeaFarm: Farming at Sea

CDMs patent protected solution

Return of investment: CDM calculated, with average market price for mushrooms and
vegetable as in March-April 2016, ROI as close to 70%, after 19 months - for new built Jack
Up unit. Cost of capital was calculated as 6.2% per annum.

Just for comparison, in Epeus document New Build Economy from October 2013, for
new built deep water oil rig, ROI was 50% after 5 years. With Jack Up units it was a bit
different: 32% after 6.5 years!

SeaFarm: Data Sheet

Concept Design Marine, all rights reserved

Concept Design Marine Pte. Ltd.

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