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Detoxification of

hazardous waste
We clean up
where others
must give up

for a cleaner

NORD a/s
Lindholmvej 3
DK-5800 Nyborg

Customer service
Tel +45 8031 7100
Fax +45 8031 7300

Monday to Thursday 7 am 4 pm
7 am 3 pm

Hazardous waste is risky

business - if you dont
know what you are doing
Incorrect handling of hazardous waste
poses a direct threat to both people and
the environment - indirectly it could
affect the companys image as well.

For 40 years, our solutions

have met the worlds strictest
environmental standards
This has provided us with unique know-how concerning the treatment
of hazardous waste - and we are specialists in relation to declaration,
packaging, labelling and transportation of hazardous waste.
Our treatment facilities are classified as Best Available Technique (BAT)
as recommended by the EU.

We care for the environment and

take pride in being at the cutting
edge of innovative thinking
NORD collaborates with leading experts in the field to develop new treatment methods,
process optimisation and recovery of valuable materials from waste. We have found
solutions for the production of bio fuel from dried sewage sludge, and for extracting
potassium and phosphorous from ash.
Incineration of hazardous waste produces sufficient energy to meet heating and electricity
requirements for ourselves and our immediate surroundings.


testing and analysis

clean-up crew


It is all about the environment, working

environment and the company image


Overview and

and landfill

We specialise
in these fields


and declarations

and labelling



Waste oil



Acids and alkalis

clinical waste

Leftover paint,
varnish and glue

Construction waste
containing PCB

Spray cans and

gas cylinders


We handle all types of hazardous

waste except nuclear waste.

We are ready
to help
NORD customer service handles your enquiries
whether they be complex or straightforward. Our Key
Account Managers are available whenever you need
advice or assistance - they are able to assist you in a
number of ways, e.g. reducing costs in relation to your
on-site handling, transportation and treatment of
your hazardous waste.

Packaging and labelling

Hazardous waste must be transported and stored
in the correct packaging. Special rules apply to the
transportation of hazardous goods. We have the
packaging for all types of waste, and we are prepared
to help you with the correct labelling of the waste.

Testing and analysis are vital in our everyday work.
Our laboratory is accredited to conduct inorganic
and chemical waste analyses as well as waste
characterisation. We are also able to offer this as
a separate service.

We provide safe and correct transportation. We
have joined forces with approved hauliers who are
specially trained for the task. All transportation
complies with the provisions of the European
Agreement concerning the International Carriage
of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG).

Authority approvals
During transportation across national boundaries, it is
important to have the necessary approvals in place
from the correct authorities. We know the procedures
and we can help you through this process from start
to finish.

NORD has the capacity to treat 250,000 tonnes of
hazardous waste per year in Nyborg and Grenaa, and
we take every precaution when it comes to safety and
the environment. Our facilities enable us to offer a
treatment guarantee.

Mobile clean-up crew

Normally, hazardous waste is transported for
treatment at our plant prior to final treatment at
NORD. In some cases, however, it is best and more
economical to treat waste on site. This is where the
NORD Clean-up Crew comes in. We have established
the NORD Clean-up Crew, and they will take over
in such cases.

Recycling and landfill

We are working towards recycling as many of the
resources in the waste as possible. For example, we
extract metals from filter cakes and slag. Other residues are sent to selected partners for processing or

Classification and declaration

Companies are responsible for the correct labelling
and declaration of their hazardous waste. We are
always prepared to assist you in fulfilling the
declarations. The information is stored so you can
always obtain statistics about the waste and so
we can report it to the authorities.

Overview and traceability

When you book waste treatment or order packaging,
print declarations, etc. via our e-business system,
the information is stored so you can always obtain
statistics and retain an overview of what you have
delivered to us.

We have an online calculator that you can use to
calculate the carbon footprint of your waste. We
produce our own ongoing climate accounts and we
work actively to reduce impact on the climate.

Let us work together

for a cleaner world
and better utilisation
of the planets resources

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