Job Description For DS1

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Data Scientist - Ecommerce

- Help build components of a framework or product.

- Co-creating Advanced Analytics products that provide actionable business insight
to stayzilla and its stakeholders.
- Developing predictive models with large and varied data sets, working with a
community of colleagues across Advanced Analytics, technology, and data and
customer functions.
- Distributed Computing technologies to analyse large data sets (in TB) using
Hadoop, MapReduce, Spark, etc.
- Software development experience with at least one of Java, Scala, or Python
- Data mining techniques - associations, correlations, inferences, clustering, graph
analysis, etc.
- Creating and deploying large-scale, data-driven systems
- Different data mining techniques - joins, aggregations, regressions, graph analysis
Desired : experience in Machine Learning, information retrieval and familiarity with
technologies like HIVE, PIG
- Work with various stake holders and understand their business requirement

- Use of cutting edge data mining, machine learning techniques for

building advanced Algortihms.
- Use techniques from artificial intelligence/machine learning to solve
supervised and unsupervised learning problems.
- Extract and analyze the large volume of data to find the hidden insights.
- Design and implement highly scalable predictive models to perform

various analyses
- Improve the accuracy of built predictive models by implementing
complex machine learning/ statistical analyses algorithms.
- Test the developed models in distributed and non-distributed
environment in the cloud.
-Migrate the developed models to satisfy different business requirement
and work entirely in different environment.
- Design solutions for complex business problems related to BIG Data by
using NLP/Machine Learning/Text Mining techniques.
- Recommend and implement best practices around application of
statistical modelling.
- Develop and implement solutions to fit business problems which may
include applying algorithms from a standard statistical tool or custom
algorithm development.

- Candidate should have working experience in analytics( predictive

modelling, logistic regression etc
6 months - 2 years experience in building algorithms
Stats / Engineering Background from a premium college

** Minimum 7 yrs experience in Machine Learning/NLP/Information

Retrieval/Recommender Systems
** Excellent with Hadoop, R, Metlabs
** Core Machine learning experience.
** Excellent with programming languages (Java / Scala / Python)

Job Description
We are an IoT startup working in the connected car space out of bangalore. The role we are
looking for a multi-skilled person with superb technical expertise in Data Science and ML along

with a certain level of business understanding.

Technical requirements:

Strong data analysis skills(Make the data sing)

Good knowledge of various Machine Learning frameworks

Strong knowledge of Supervised learning(Classification, Regression, SVM)


Mastery of at least one programming language(Python/R/Matlab)

Knowledge of natural language processing

Knowledge of speech/voice recognition

Knowledge of AI in general(AI route planning as a bonus)

Knowledge of unsupervised learning & reinforcement learning is a bonus

Non-technical requirements - What we expect:

Understanding of how the business world works

Ability and attitude to work in a challenging environment in a bootstrapped startup.

Able to work long hours at a stretch.

A strong ability to build and lead a team of like-minded people

Strong written and verbal communication skills

Being able to work in a fast-paced multidisciplinary environment as in a competitive

landscape new data keeps flowing in rapidly and the world is constantly changing

Having the ability to query databases and perform statistical analysis;

Being able to develop or program databases

Being able to advice senior management in clear language about the implications of their
work for the organisation

Having an, at least basic, understanding of how a business and strategy works

Being able to create examples, prototypes, demonstrations to help management better

understand the work;

Having a good understanding of design and architecture principles;

Being able to work autonomously.

What we offer:
Tangibles: Salary & Equity
Non-tangibles but invaluable: An opportunity to learn about startups, IoT environment. Basically
a seat in the rocket to high-pace growth. Also a chance to work with the best minds in the
country,share ideas and above all fun.
Python, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, R, Researc

Require Data Scientist-for an E commerce Organization (4-9 yrs)

Overview :
- Deliver Predictive Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning driven solutions for
the planning function to affect the businesses. Create value for our customers while
proving analytical capabilities
- Help customers understand and attain their business goals by leveraging their
Data Assets, with statistical and machine learning algorithms
- Identify and communicate meaningful insights from messy data within the
guidelines, policies and norms of Infosys.
- Help build components of a framework or product.
- Co-creating Advanced Analytics products that provide actionable business insight
to stayzilla and its stakeholders.

- Developing predictive models with large and varied data sets, working with a
community of colleagues across Advanced Analytics, technology, and data and
customer functions.
- Distributed Computing technologies to analyse large data sets (in TB) using
Hadoop, MapReduce, Spark, etc.
- Software development experience with at least one of Java, Scala, or Python
- Data mining techniques - associations, correlations, inferences, clustering, graph
analysis, etc.
- Creating and deploying large-scale, data-driven systems
- Different data mining techniques - joins, aggregations, regressions, graph analysis
Desired : experience in Machine Learning, information retrieval and familiarity with
technologies like HIVE, PIG
- Work with various stake holders and understand their business requirement

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