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Advance Steel: Using <Mapping> feature in titles and labels

The field Name on drawing for materials can be accessed for drawing titles and for
labels by using Mapping feature.
How to use access this field in detail drawings:
Open a title or a label Advance properties
Switch to Design mode for definition
Add the following sentence to the definition, in the desired position:

The AS database (AstorBase)
The table from database (Material)
The reference column (1 Key)
The corresponding column for mapping values (6 Drawing)
The token to be evaluated (%Material)

Material mapping: %%map(AstorBase.Material,1,6,%Material)
Scale mapping: %%map(AstorBase.Scale,1,4,%Scale)
Coating mapping: %%map(AstorBase.Coating,1,3,%Coating)
This functionality can be used also inside Drawing Style Manager during the configuration
of the drawing style for title and / or for labels.

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