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Name: Amarys Hernandez_________

Date: _________________

Teacher: NICOLL

Mod: 1, 3, 4 (Circle One)

Santiago & The Heros Journey

The heros journey outlines the steps that a character will likely take when becoming a hero. Please use the table below to take notes
and document Santiagos journey in The Alchemist

Heros Journey

Examples & Notes (Bulleted List)

Santiagos Journey (Full Sentences)

Part 1
The Departure

1. Unusual birth/Early

2. Call to Adventure

3. Crossing the Threshold

His dad wanted Santiago to be a priest but he

didnt want to.
Santiago became a shepherd.

He wanted to become a shepherd because he

wanted to travel because of a dream he had.

Santiago gave his sheep away.

He left Spain for crossing the threshold.

He was born to be a priest but disobeyed his dad.

Santiago wanted to travel the world so he
became a shepherd, his father wasnt really
supportive at the beginning but he finally
supported him.

Santiago wanted to do what he dreamed of. He

met the king and the gypsy.

Santiago gave 6 of his sheep away for

informations and the rest for money.

Part 2
The Initiation
Heros Journey
4. Challenges or Trials

Examples & Notes (Bulleted List)

Getting across the desert.
Getting wind and desert to help him

Santiagos Journey (Full Sentences)

A challenge santiago experienced throughout
his journey was when he had trouble getting

wind,sun and desert. He had trouble getting

another place.

5. Supernatural Helper or

6. The Abyss or Temptation

7. The Transformation

Old king

The alchemist is a mentor to Santiago because he

guides him and tells him to listen to his heart.

SAntiago wants to stay with Fatima and not

finish the personal legend but changes when he
find out his relationship with her would only last
a year.


Knowing alchemy

Santiago asked the alchemist to teach him

Part 3
The Return

Going back for Fatima

8. The Return Home

9. The Mastery of Two Worlds

The conclusion to the story was when santiago

said he is coming back to Fatima and back to a
place where he feels happiness.

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