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CMT400 Group Project (Excel VBA) -Pressure of Van der Waals gas using


nRT an 2

V b V 2

The equation for the VdW equation is

. Different gases have different
values of van der Waals constants ,a and b. Please refer to relevant thermodynamics text book
for more details about this equation. We also had done one Excel lab exercise regarding Van
der Waals gas on a worksheet.
Design an application that will calculate the pressure of a Van der Waals
gas. You can work in pairs for this project. Determine how many controls
(textbox, labels, command buttons, combo box) are required.
Required input by the user : The user can select a gas using a combo box (5
different gases). When a gas is selected, the values of a and b for that gas will be
displayed in the respective textboxes. Other input required are: volume of the gas
(V) and temperature of the gas. R is the gas constant. For convenience choose n
=1. Refer to thermodynamics reference for values of a and b and suitable value for
R, the gas constant.
What the application should be able to do.
Include the necessary Calculate buttons, Clear and Exit buttons: The Calculate
button will calculate the pressure of the gas. The clear button will empty the
textboxes so that new calculation can be done. The exit button will exit or end the
How to submit:
1. Name your file as your name and partnerExcelVBAProj.xlsm
2. In your email, type for the subject: CMT400ProjectExcelVBA-Your fullname
Send the excel file to on or before 4 Dec 2015
The latest date you can submit is one week before the CMT400 final
exam paper.
3. Hardcopy is not required.
Oral presentation = 30%
Excel application (submitted using above email address) = 70 %
Oral presentation (<10 min)
- English
- Teamwork
- Creativity e.g looks nice and presentable(font, colour, readable etc)
- Program works i.e gives correct answer
- Able to close program
- Question and answer

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