Planning Booklett

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Digital Graphic Narrative Planning

Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents.

There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You
should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that
context rather than just as a college project.
Costs: the costs associated with making a book can vary massively depending on the production methods
and quality of the product. For example you may need to pay an illustrator and this would cost a considerable
amount of money. The cost of publishing the book and getting it printed is somewhere in the region of 2,600
for reasonable quality and this is only for 200 copies, so this would be for an initial run. If the book was more
popular then the cost of printing each book would decrease.
Available resources: I have a variety of resources to choose from, I am making my book entirely in
Photoshop, this will mean that I am mainly using source images from Google images and DaFont to produce
the images and text for the book.

Quantity: the quantity of the book is going to be small, because the product will need to have an initial run to
gauge popularity before going to mass market and printing many copies. I am going to print 200 books of 20
pages each.

Audience and Target Market: the target audience for my book is children aged 6-8. The themes and morals
of the story are not aimed at any gender or ethnicity in particular so this will not impact the production of the
book. The social grade of my audience would be based upon the parents of the children, so it is difficult to tell
which group to aim the product at. The primary audience would be English-speaking countries however if the
book gains popularity it would be translated.

Quality Factors: the quality of the book could be improved and worsened by decisions made during
production. For example I am going to ask people in class if the page I am working on looks good, and if they
think that it could be improved I will work towards that. If I go off schedule or lose motivation then this could
severely impair the production of the book, which in turn would mean that the overall quality is much lower
than possible.

Codes of Practice: the contract between the publisher and author must be clear and comprehensive. The
contract should be clear as to who owns the copyright(s). the publisher should take the authors moral rights
into consideration and explain the contract upon request. The contact cannot be cancelled without good or
proper reason, such as deadlines, quality of work and defamation.

Regulation: because the book is aimed primarily towards children it will not include any offensive or
obscene language or imagery. This means that the book should not offend anyone that reads it and will fit
into the guidelines of the Obscene Publications Act 1959. The Toy Safety Directive 2009 should not affect
the book as it doesn't have any moving parts and cannot realistically cause physical harm. The book
shouldnt be affected by the equality act because it doesn't contain anything which could be considered
racist, misogynistic etc.
Copyright: the copyright of my book should belong to me and only me, however some publishers will try to
obtain the copyright so they can have your work free of charge and do what they like with it

Ethical Issues: There shouldn't be any ethical issues with my book as it doesn't include any expletives or
language/images that could be considered offensive

A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which
you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.
If there is a resource you dont currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.

Do you have

What do you need to do to get it?

Apple iMac






Internet access



Keyboard and Mouse



Production Schedule:
Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in
to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will
also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work
faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are.
Each session is a half day of college.
Session 1: Plan page 1

Write page 1

Illustrate page 1

Illustrate page 1

Finish illustrating page 1

Session 2:
Finish page 1 and plan page 2

Write page 2
Illustrate page 2

Illustrate page 2

Session 3: Finish page 2 and plan page 3

Write page 3

Illustrate page 3

Illustrate page 3

Finish illustrating page 3

Session 4: Finish page and plan page 4

Write page 4

Illustrate page 4
Illustrate page 4

Finish illustrating page 4

Session 5: Finish page 4 and plan page 5

Write page 5

Illustrate page 5

Illustrate page 5

Finish illustrating page 5

Session 6: Finish page 5 and plan page 6

Write page 6

Illustrate page 6
Illustrate page 6

Finish illustrating page 6

Session 7: Finish page 6 and plan page 7

Write page 7

Illustrate page 7

Illustrate page 7

Finish illustrating page 7

Session 8: finish page 7 and plan page 8

Write page 8

Illustrate page 8
Illustrate page 8

Finish illustrating page 8

Session 9: finish page 8 and plan page 9

Write page 9

Illustrate page 9

Illustrate page 9

Finish illustrating page 9

Session 10: Finish page 9 and plan page 10

Write page 10

Illustrate page 10
Illustrate page 10

Finish page 10

Health and safety:

Your health and safety and that of those around you is very important. Just like in industry, an accident could prevent you from
working. Whilst we dont work in a highly dangerous environment, there are still risks. Some are short term, such as trips and
spillages whilst others, such as long term damage to eyesight or back problems, may affect you much later in life.
Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from
Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work.

Health and Safety Issue

How can you prevent it?


Take breaks and don't constantly look at the screen

Back pain

Change seating position or stand up and stretch


Turn down the screen brightness and take breaks

Tripping over bags and cables

Look where you are walking


Make sure hands and arms are in proper position

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