Risk Based Inspection of Offshore Structures and Fpsos (Floating Production Storage and Offloading)

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Capability Development on Engineering Analysis for Subsea Riser, Umbilical & Offshore

Installation (Phase 3)

Capability development on Structural Analysis of Jacket platforms such as in-place,

fatigue, seismic analyses including non-linear effects

Risk based inspection of offshore structures and FPSOs (Floating Production

Storage and Offloading)

LNG fuelled ships

Big data and Impact assessment

ISSC Spectral Fatigue Assessment benchmark study

IMO GLoMEEP - Development of national strategies to implement MARPOL Annex VI for

improving maritime energy efficiency
Pilot project for Development of complete documentation for Waste Audit and
Management System Onboard IN Ships
Pilot project for Formulation of guidelines on Life Assessment of IN Ships

Development of methodology for Life Certification of IN Submarines

Development of Guidelines for Design of HVAC System Onboard IN Ships considering
Indian environmental conditions
Review and updation of IRS Rules Part 3
Analysis of corrosion data

Will help IRS to bid for potential offshore projects as a complete engineering package provi
End to End Engineering solution for subsea and offshore EPCI project.

Survey planning of Offshore structures and FPSOs is based upon risk based methodologies
because of the nature of their operations as well as the practical difficulties (fixed installati
constraints on bringing FPSO out of operation into dry-dock) involved. Other major class so
are providing such services. There is scope for IRS to venture and compete with the major
in this category because it is still a relatively new area. This will also help benefit our CAP s
as well as ESP for Oil tankers/Bulk carriers more than 15 years of age.

LNG fuelled ships are now gaining prominence given the increasing pressure on the marine
community for reducing emissions and increased ship efficiencies. Government of India is a
encouraging use of LNG fueled barges on inland waterways. This area has excellent potent
However the design of such ships is governed by IGF code which necessitates Risk assessm
Thus it is essential to initiate work for developing a new line of service on the same. The w
proposed to be started by initiating careful study and understanding of the IGF code.

Big Data analytics are extensively being used today with all industries within the world. In
industry, class societies are recording such data (e.g ClassNK has opened a separate divisi
this). Analysis of such data can help the client optimize his operations and make them mor
efficient. The analysis requires special personnel hence it would be much beneficial for the
to approach class for services rather than develop internal team. IRS also has big data in te
all the plans, survey reports, statutory surveys etc in our archives. These need to be assim
and translated into more efficient rules, survey guidances which would ultimately benefit t
shipowner/operator community

IRS results will be compared with those obtained by participants from DNV, LR, BV, etc. Be
develop IRS spectral fatigue methodology/guideline which will be used for CAP services an
assessment of existing ships.

IMO funded project ($7000). Adequate knowledge gain on implementation of MARPOL VI an

amendments. Pride to contribute in national strategy development
Funded research. New area of service to offer to the IN. Annual waste audits for IN ships is
proposed on completion of this project which will help togenerate revenue.
Funded Research. Outcome will produce IRS guidelines for life assessment of ships

Funded research. Knowledge enhancement in new area of research on submarine structure

Funded research. Knowledge enhancement in new area of research. Outcome will produe IR
guidelines for design of HVAC system onboard ships
Revision of IRS rules to bring it in-line with net scantling approach
Technical background for corrosion additions and maximum permissible corrosion diminutio
criteria using corrosion data available in TM reports. In advance knowledge on areas of con
before thickness measurement.

Indian Navy Funded research

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