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Discussion_notes.txt - Brief about me (nationaity, education, experience , refer hand out of professional profile) back ground, What , why, how, who , other resources 1.Holistic health 2. Nutrition 3. Ayurveda 4, Raw juices 5. Organic fruits and vegetable 6. Sustainble living 7. Livlihood generation 8. supplemental activities - tourism + health 9. Pilot 10. Yoga - Develop framework - Implementation plan - phase approach - Pilot project initiation for 2 acre land to promoet afforestation clubbed with above ( govt allocated land) -- in case gvt allocation not possible , discuss with local entities to lease land - Initiate with a small group of tribal/ rural folk train them in # 1 to 5 - Develop a model on the pilot project - ensure pilot project starts generating revenue - Develop online presense to attract holistic health tourists - Engagement Full time dedicated ona fee basis for build own , operate , transfer model On ground partner Currently what do we need --- Resources (Money) ---Men & Material can and will be procured / developed ---Expertise exists - where required external folsk will be involved for specific tasks Page 1 Discussion_notes.txt Page 2

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