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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/

Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input

Applies to
SAP Plant Maintenance Module for Master Data upload.

Manufacturing Industries run on complex business processes and so require huge amount of Master Data like
Machines and spare parts from tiny Bearings to giant Rollers. This article describes Creation/ Upload of Master
Data in system using LSMW at one-go.
Ankur Saraf
Company: NTT Data Americas
Created on: 5 October 2012

Author Bio
Ankur Saraf is currently working in NTT Data Americas as SAP PM Consultant. He has knowledge in
Maintenance Planning, Maintenance Order and Notifications Management, Serial Number Management and
PMIS Reporting.
Table of Contents
Applies to on page 1
Summary on page 1
Author Bio on page 1
LSMW: An Introduction on page 2
Considerations: Before you proceed on page 2
Project preparation: Creating Project, Subproject and Object on page 3
Recording Creation: on page 4
LSM Workbench: Process Steps on page 12
Step 1: Maintain Object Attributes on page 12
Step 2: Maintain Source Structures on page 16
Step 3: Maintain Source Fields on page 17
Step 4: Maintain Structure Relations on page 22
Step 5: Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules on page 23
Step 6: Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines on page 26
Step 7: Specify Files on page 27
Step 8: Assign Files on page 30

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)
Step 9: Read Data on page 31
Step 10: Display Read Data on page 31
Step 11: Convert Data on page 33
Step 12: Display Converted Data on page 34
Step 13: Create Batch Input Session on page 36
Step 14: Run Batch Input Session on page 37
Related Content on page 39

LSMW: An Introduction
LSMW- Legacy System Migration Workbench is an SAP tool used for master data upload/ Create into the
system. You can use this tool while uploading data from legacy system into R/3 environment or to create and
upload master data of huge amount. This tool follows a step-by-step procedure of 14 steps to create the master
data into the system.

Considerations: Before you proceed

There are following considerations which must be taken into account before you proceed with this tool:

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)
SAP customization is already performed.
Transaction to be carried out is identified.
Examine carefully which fields in legacy file are mandatory and which can be left as optional from the
SAP system point of view.
Comparison of functions between the legacy system and the SAP system must have been
completed. As a result of comparison, the data to be migrated is determined.

Project preparation: Creating Project, Subproject and

Project: The project serves as an organizational unit used to combine mapping and field assignments.
Subproject: It is subordinated to the Project. For example, if project comprises of complete migration data for
an organization which comprises of severalplant, then subproject comprises the data in the individual plants.
Object: A business object, which is used to transfer the data of a project to the SAP system.
Enter Transaction code LSMW.

Enter the Project, Subproject, Object and description respectively by placing the cursor in the
respective fields.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Enter Project, Subproject, Object and Description

Recording Creation:
In the Menu Bar, Goto- Recordings.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Create a new recording and give the description. System will automatically populate the
owner field.

Now enter the Transaction code: IE01 (Create Equipment)

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Do not enter any Equipment name if you are willing to get it created referencing internal number
range you have assigned while customizing.

In the General tab provide your required details. Here Object type, Manufacturer and
Model number details are entered.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Enter Location related data in the tab in respective fields.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Enter Account assignment and Responsibilities relevant data as per your business

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Now Install Equipment in appropriate Function Location.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

When Saving the master data, system internally will be creating Recording so as to
provide reusabiliy and reference for mass data upload.

The Recording created in the system looks like below:

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Now click on Default All to populate the fields of which details are accommodated in
master data.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)
The completed recording overview contains the transaction code:

LSM Workbench: Process Steps

Master data upload through this tool comprises of following 14 steps procedure:

Step 1: Maintain Object Attributes

Start the data upload process by selecting the first step radio button--> Execute

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

By default, Object Attributes will be in Display mode.

There are four Modes of Data Transfer :
1. Standard/ Batch Input : Standard upload Programs
2. Batch Input Recording : Here you can create a recording of your own and use it to upload / change data
3. BAPIs : Standard BAPIs are used to upload Data
4. IDOCs : Any Inbound IDOC function modules can be used to process the data
Here, we are using Batch Input Recording method to upload master data.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Select Display <-> Change button and get it in change mode.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Enter the Recording which was created through beginning steps, i.e. REC_EQUIP and
click on Save.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

When the first step is completed, the system takes you to previous screen and populates the field against it.

Step 2: Maintain Source Structures

Source structures can be used to design the hierarchy of the files to be uploaded. However, here highest
hierarchy level is sufficient. Structures are prerequisites for Maintaining Source Fields.
Select the next step radio button and Execute. System then takes you to Display mode
of Source Structure.

In Change mode give the Source Structure and Description.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

System shows the Source Structure created. Save and go back.

Step 3: Maintain Source Fields

Source Fields are maintained in Source Structures.
Click button Object Overview and select Table View.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

From Table view, select TABNAME, Type and Length and maintain the excel sheet.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

By default system takes to the Display mode of Source Fields.

Go to Change mode, place the cursor on structure and click Table Maintenance button.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Now, maintain the excel sheet values in Source Fields for Source Structure.

System takes internal table reference and populates the Field description with reference to Field name.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Save and go back.

System maintains the source fields as per hierarchy level

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Step 4: Maintain Structure Relations

Here, the establishment of the structure relation is checked between Legacy and R/3 system.

Bring the screen into change mode, Save and then Back. No extra maintenance is required.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Step 5: Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules

Here we assign source fields to target fields, which is the relationship establishment between legacy and R/3

All fields of all target structures, which were selected in the previous step, will be displayed.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Bring the screen into Change mode and then In menu bar, go to ExtrasAuto Field Mapping

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Now accept proposal for all the fields which need to upload.

At the end of proposal acceptance for all the entries system displays the below message:

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

After auto field mapping complete, save and back.

Step 6: Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined

No need to maintain this step, unless and until there exists any user defined routines, which may helpful for

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Note: To maintain the upload file with required field values, copy the details from Target Fields
by clicking the Object Overview--> List

Step 7: Specify Files

Here we define the Files that we use to upload the data.
Note: Generally we receive legacy file in excel format, so save this file as Text (Tab delimited).

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Go to Change mode and specify the file to upload data.

Now, double click on Legacy Data On the PC (Front End)

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Now Save and go back.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Step 8: Assign Files

Here, we make a check whether file is assigned to source structure or not.
Click on Execute button.

Now Save and go back.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Step 9: Read Data

Here our data which is uploaded by the file would be read.
Click on Execute and the data read status and number of records would be displayed on
the screen.

Step 10: Display Read Data

Here, we can display the records which were read in previous step.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Check, whether data has been correctly fit into fields. We can also give the line selection based on

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Step 11: Convert Data

Here, the legacy data is converted into SAP standards. We can check the data converted later on.

Click on Execute button and system displays the status for the data conversion.
Note: Check the number of records from Step 9. Both should be same.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Step 12: Display Converted Data

Executing this step displays the data converted in the previous step.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Click on any record to check the converted data.

Note: Here the visual check can be performed to check the values lifted by the file against the fields of SAP to
be correct and as per requirements.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Step 13: Create Batch Input Session

In this step, we create batch input session.
Make sure to check box for Keep batch input folder.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Step 14: Run Batch Input Session

Here, we run the batch input session, which is created in the previous step.

Click on Session and then on Process.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

Note: Here, the options for the upload can be specified. It is advisable to process few records in
Foreground to capture the error while visual inspection.

Now, the Master data for the Equipment will get uploaded in the SAP System.

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Plant Maintenance Master Data Create/ Upload using LSMW (Method: Batch Input Recording)

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