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How Single Sign-On Works

The high-level process for authenticating users via Single Sign-On is as follows
1. When a user tries to log in either online or using the API Salesforce validates t
he username and checks the user s profile settings.
2. If the user s profile has the "Uses Single Sign-on" user permission, then Sales
force does not authenticate the username with the password. Instead, a Web Servi
ces call is made to the user s single sign-on service, asking it to validate the u
sername and password.
3. The Web Services call passes the username, password, and sourceIp to a Web Se
rvice defined for your organization. (sourceIp is the IP address that originated
the login request). You must create and deploy an implementation of the Web Ser
vice that can be accessed by servers.
4. Your implementation of the Web Service validates the passed information and r
eturns either "true" or "false."
5. If the response is "true," then the login process continues, a new session is
generated, and the user proceeds to the application. If "false" is returned, th
en the user is informed that his or her username and password combination was in
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Contact to turn on Single Sign-On for your organization.
2. Build your SSO Web Service:
Download the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file, AuthenticationServic
e.wsdl, that describes the Single Sign-On service. It can be used to automatical
ly generate a server-side stub to which you can add your specific implementation
. For example, in the WSDL2Java tool from Apache Axis, you can use the --serverside switch. In the wsdl.exe tool from .NET, you can use the /server switch. The
WSDL is available within Salesforce by clicking Setup | Integrate | API | Deleg
ated Authentication WSDL.
3. In Salesforce, specify your organization s Single Sign-On Gateway URL by clicki
ng Setup | Security Controls | Single Sign-On settings.
4. Modify your user profiles to contain the "Uses Single Sign-On" user permissio
n. In Salesforce, click Setup | Manage Users | Profiles to add or edit profiles.
It is recommended you create a new user with a new profile to test single sign
on. Do not test with the administrator account.


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