Disclosure of PPW Receipt Authority

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Disclosure of Use of Purchase Power and Wheeling Receipt Authority for Internal Wheeling Costs, Tra only used its Purchase Pow OMB and/or Congress. Should we disclose in advance (now), or only wh use it, or not at all? ‘Original FY 2001 multi) Fiscal | year enacted rece Additional annual Total receipt Year authority receipt authority enscted_| authority enacted ‘expenditures”The related report language suggests the scape of those expenditures as ‘As weve seen since PPW receipt authority was first authorized, we must have customer support to obtain ne Imost certainly continue to 3 Westeris annual expenses, or less likely they could stop authority for PPW. i the appropriation ing hat will be discussed later. ’. DOE: Its unlikely that DOE will have much interest inthis new practice. ‘Their main concem is keeping us within the funding targets set by OMB. ‘The decision ‘on disclosure to DOE is dependent on the decision on disclosure to OMB, ©. OMB: OMB will have a great practice. They will almost ‘method of financing. OMB. that PMA customers can certainly tel us we cai do this. new practice fo OMB. In this case is better finds out, than to ask for permission in advance. Since we dorit ws ‘we shoulda disclose to DOE cither since they would probably fee! compelled to tll OMB. 4. Congress: 72 ‘Timing of Disclosure: '. Customers: We should disclose this new practice to customers at the time we ns to fund our remaining program. roach and message for disclosure and then let '. DOE: As mentioned above, we should not disclose this new practice to DOB, IDOE finds out and asks questions, we can explain what we did using the same approach and message we developed for customers. ‘c. OMB: Same as DOE above. 4. Congress: 77 Appendix Appropriation Language Energy and Wat A “.. Provided further, That amounts collected by the Western Area Power Administration pursuant to the Flood Control A Act of 1939 t0 ‘865,224,000; for fiscal year 2002, up to $33,500,000; for fiscal year 2003, up to $30,000,000; and for fiscal year 2004, up to $20,000,000." offetting collections, treme expended for the sole purpose of making purchase power and wheeling ,000 collected by the Western Area Flood Control Act of 1944 and the shall be ereited to this account expended for the sole purpose expenditures” [Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, FY 2004: “.. Provided further, That notwithstanding the provision of 31 U.S.C. 3002, up to 162,108,000 collected by the Western Area Power Administration pursuant tothe Flood Control Aet of 1944 purchase power and wl ‘making purchase power and wheeling exp. ‘Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004 Ofte funds made available i the Energy and er and whecling expenses shall be eredited tthe “Cons im, Operation and Maintenance, Wester Area Power Adm afeing collections Congressional Report Language REPORT on EWD Appropriations for EP “The Committee concurs with the financing: proposed in the fiscal year 2001 budget requc "The conference agroement increases the amount of purchase power and wheeling to $65,224,000 and increases offsetting collections by the same amount” ies authority for the use of offsetting rchase of power and wheeling ‘of the phase out by the end of FY 2004 of the use WAPA for PPW. ‘This approach was originally proposed inthe Administrations FY 2001 budget ‘The Commi FY 2002 level for PPW, and al recommendation for FY 2003 maintains PPW activities atthe No comments wth respec to PPW. House REP “2004 wer and wheeling total S18 for use in fiscal year 2004, “The Committee recommendation i 100,000 for purchase power and rer the current year level” House REPORT on EWD Aj “Purchase power and wheeling-The C. the phase out of purchase power and lsh the amount of offsetting col “The total program level for Westem in fiscal year 2005 is.$186,000,000 for purchase power and wheeling..Offsetting collections for purchase power and wheeling total $$186,000,000.."The Offset '5186,000,000 provided in ns for purchase power and wheeling include

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