National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences: Assignment 1

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National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences

Assignment 1
Due Date : 24th August 2016
Instructor : Muhammad Ali

Q-1: Show that for R

ej = cos + jsin

Q-2: Evaluate the following powers of j

j 105 , j 88 , j 74
Write general formula for j n , n N
Q-3: Write the real and complex part of Im(
z 2 + z)
Q-4: For any two complex numbers z1 and z2 show that

|z1 z2 | |z1 | |z2 |
Q-5: For the complex numbers z1 = 1 and z2 = 5j, verify that
Arg(z1 z2 ) 6= Arg(z1 ) + Arg(z2 )
Arg(z1 /z2 ) 6= Arg(z1 ) Arg(z2 )
arg(z1 z2 )

arg(z1 ) + arg(z2 )

arg(z1 /z2 )

arg(z1 ) arg(z2 )

Q-6: The vector of length 3/2 beginning at the origin and ending in the first quadrant on the circle
(x 1)2 + y 2 = 1. Represent this vector in the form of a + jb.
Q-7: Find two complex numbers whose product is 2 and whose difference is j.
Q-8: Prove that

az + b

= 1, f or|z| = 1.
bz + a

Q-9: Prove that
cos5 = 16cos5 20cos3 + 5cos.
Q-10: Find locus of points in the complex plane satisfying |z + 3| + |z + 1| = 4.

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