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Name: ______________

Date: ______________

Short Story Unit Task

Assessment OF Learning
Grade 9 Academic English
Write a Short Story
TASK: Using what you have learned about short stories over the past couple of weeks,
you will write a short story piece (750 words or less) of your own, that makes a
thoughtful statement on some aspect of the human experience as you see it.
DATE DUE: The final good copy will be due on October 14, 2016. However, there will
be numerous points leading up to this deadline in which you will be expected to have
portions of the assignment done and these checks will make up portion of the
assignments mark. (i.e. Proposal, Pre-Writing graphic organizer, rough draft, and draft
with peer edits)
Your story must be a minimum of 2 pages and a maximum of 4 pages. The
assignment must be typed using size 12 font Times New Roman and double
Your story must have ONLY one main character
Your story must clearly fit on a plot graph (contain all 5 sections of a plot)
Your story should include effectively constructed dialogue
Your story must clearly include at least one of the types of conflict
Your story must make clear use of three of the following techniques:
characterization, foreshadowing, symbolism, irony, or theme (must specify which
type on your proposal)
Attach the rubric to your final copy and dont forget to choose a creative and or
appropriate title.

Important Dates:
October 5th Proposal/Story Map Due
October 6th -- Character Sketch Due detail characters and overall plot
October 11th Rough Draft Due (Peer editing must be completed in class today)
October 14th Final Polished Copy of Short Story Due

ENG 1D ~ Short Story Proposal

Student Name(s):__________________________
Teacher Approval:________________________
Complete your proposal to submit to your teacher for approval.
The story is about a

[brief description of main character - introduction]

who ___________________________________________________________
[action or predicament which initiates plot the inciting action]

[conflict; difficulty or obstacle main character faces rising action]

so _____________________________________________________________
[decision made in an attempt to resolve the conflict crisis]
which leads to____________________________________________________
[highest point of interest in the plot climax]
and finally finishes with ___________________________________________
[plot/conflict resolution, ending]
which shows_____________________________________________________
Proposal is Due: October 5th, 2016

Story Map
Detail the story map for your story. You may recreate the map based on the plot of your
story. Due: October 5th, 2016

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