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Unicorn Healing Elixir Empowerment

Free Self Empowerment

This beautiful new healing empowerment was channelled through me by my Faery

Queen Maeve during a self healing session in April 2011.
She explained that Unicorn energy was very powerful and could bring about
wonderful healing, cleansing and rebalancing of the mind, body and spirit and the
Elixir once made can be used in many ways.

This Unicorn Elixir Empowerment is part energy transference and also part your own
creation. This is important as it creates a bridge between the Fey Realm and Ours;
bringing healing energy into physical manifestation.
The first step is to become attuned to the Unicorn Energy. You can prepare yourself
by including a picture of a Unicorn, light a green candle, apple incense etc to
harmonise yourself with the energy.
You can call this in the usual way as described below. Once attuned to this
Empowerment you will be introduced to your Unicorn Guide and will forever be
connected to Unicorn energy which you can channel directly during your healing
sessions or for self healing as well. This can be used as healing energy in its own
right but to use this energy in a physical sense you need to make a Unicorn Healing
Elixir. To do this, follow the simple instructions below;

Elixir Creation

To create the Elixir you will need a small bowl this must be made of a natural
material such as glass, wood or pottery. Metal ones must not be used as this will
taint the energy and some metals are destructive to Faery energy.
On the day of the next full moon, early in the morning fill your bowl with clean filtered
water or water from a flowing stream. Put the bowl outdoors for 24 hours in a place
where it will receive full sunlight through the day from dawn to dusk and also through
the journey of moon rise to moon set.
This is so it will become empowered with the healing energy of both the sun and the
moon; the masculine and the feminine (Yin & Yang) Creating within you a complete
balance of the important qualities to be found in each aspect to be bring healing to
you at every level of your being.

The following morning just before sunrise meditate for a few moments and ask your
Unicorn Guide to join you. Once you feel this connection go to your bowl of water
and holding your hands over the bowl channel the Unicorn Empowerment Energy
into the water. You can also ask for your Unicorn to dip its horn into the water to
further empower it. Allow this energy to flow for as long as needed. You will naturally
know when to stop. Once you have done this your Elixir is now ready for you to use.
You can pour some into a spray bottle to use as an aura cleanse, to add your bath
water, or place individual drops onto your chakras to cleanse and rebalance them, or
use the Elixir to charge crystals with Unicorn energy.
If you wish to store this Elixir you will need to preserve it especially if you plan on
consuming it. To preserve this Elixir you need to add a little alcohol; such as Brandy.
Add a few drops of Brandy to a dark screw top bottle or one with the little droppers
attached. Top up with the Unicorn Elixir this will preserve it so that you can add it to
your drinking water or food or place a few drops on your tongue as needed in the
same way you would use Flower Essences/Remedies.

About Unicorns;

The unicorn is a legendary animal commonly portrayed throughout history as a white

horse with a large, pointed, spiralling horn projecting from its forehead. First
mentioned by the ancient Greeks, it became the most important imaginary animal of
the middle ages and Renaissance when it was commonly described as an extremely
wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could only be captured
by a virgin. In the encyclopaedias its horn was said to have the power to render
poisoned water potable and to heal sickness. There are legends and folklore tales of
Unicorns coming to villages where water is unfit to drink and by dipping their horn
into the water purifying it and charging it with healing abilities. Until the 19th century,
belief in unicorns was widespread among historians, alchemists, writers, poets,
naturalists, physicians, and theologians.
Throughout the stories of the unicorn, its horn, the Alicorn, is said to have great
medicinal powers. The dust filed from the horn was supposed to protect against
deadly diseases if mixed into a potion. Or, if you drank from the horn, you would be
protected against any poison.
Unicorns are also associated with Apple trees and if during meditation you smell
Apple Blossom around you then it could well be because you have connected
energetically with a Unicorn.

Empowerment and Healing Instructions

This is a FREE SELF ATTUNEMENT and money must not change

hands to receive this. It came as a gift and a blessing from Fey and
must be passed along as such.

There are no complicated symbols to this system simply picture a Unicorn in your
mind or sit before a picture of one , you may also wish to light a candle before you
ask to receive the Unicorn Healing Elixir Empowerment sent to me by Raine
Hilton. You may find yourself taken on a Faery Journey, or just feel the gentle
healing energy washing over you. Allow this energy to flow for around 20 minutes or
until you feel the energy stop flowing naturally.
As mentioned earlier you may use this energy as it stands for healing or take it one
step further and make the Elixir. Either can be used in your healing sessions.
To heal yourself or another just picture your Unicorn in your mind and allow the
energy to flow through and if self healing place your hands over your heart chakra if
healing another hold your hands over their heart chakra and allow the energy to flow.
I hope you enjoy working with this beautiful energy as much as I do.

If you wish to receive further attunements, either free self attunements or

personalised ones, to book a healing session, card reading or any other Good Vibes
Services with me please visit or email me
I look forward to working with you :-)

Love & Blessings Raine x

Also available are custom designed Faery Healing Sessions more information can
be found HERE

Faery Healing Sessions

If you are interested specifically Faery Healing Systems you may also enjoy the
following systems.

Faery & Magickal Creatures Healing Systems

Please click HERE
Channelled Attunements & Communications by Raine & Martin Hilton;
*The following Faery King/Queen Connection Empowerments are priced at 10
We are currently offering all the Kings OR all the Queens for 50 (Buy 5 get 1 free)
OR all Kings & Queens for 100 (Buy 10 Get 2 Free)
Email me for the special offer invoice


Faery Queen Maeve Connection Empowerment - 10

Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey Connection Empowerment -10

Faery Queen Oonagh Connection Empowerment - 10



Queen Caelia Connection Empowerment - 10

Faery Queen Argante Connection Empowerment - 10

Faery Snow Queen Holda Connection Empowerment -10

Faery King Oberon Connection Empowerment - 10

Faery King Gwyn ap Nudd Connection Empowerment -10


Faery King Finvarra Connection Empowerment - 10


Faery King Sil Connection Empowerment - 10

Faery King Midar Connection Empowerment - 10

Faery King Fierna Connection Empowerment - 10

Also available (not part of the package)


Ice Faery Chantilla Connection Empowerment - 10

Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey Wand Healing System - 20

Sea Goddess Cliodna 9th Wave Initiation - 20

Channeled Attunements by Other Channelers;

The Azure Ray of Avalon - 10
Colors of Fairies Attunement - 10
The Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment - 10
Elemental Reiki - 15
Elven Shamanic Healing Course - 25
Enchanted Fairy Goddess Healing System - 15

Energy & Magic of the Fairies - 15

Faery Reiki - Avalon - 10
Faery Tree Energies Attunement - 12
Fairy Light Ray Key - 10
Fairy Lightworker Program (Reiki) - 25
Fairy Realms Reiki - 15
Fairies of the Roses Empowerment - 15
Fairies of the Sea Empowerment - 10
Magic Reiki - 20
Magickal Nature Reiki - 15
Merfolk Reiki - 15
Nature Devas & Fairies Attunement - 10
NEW Neptunes Breath Reiki 10
Wing Care Empowerment - 7.50
Centaur Energies
Centaur's Lair Empowerment - 10
Dragon Energies
Chinese Dragon - 15
Dragon Ki Reiki - 15
Dragon Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 20
Dragon's Lair Empowerment - 10
NEW White Dragon Reiki - 10
Gryphon Energies
Gryphon's Lair Empowerment - 10
Ouroborus Energies

Ouroborus Healing - 10
Pegasus Energies
Pegasus's Lair Empowerment - 10
Phoenix Energies
Firebirds Lair Empowerment - 10
Phoenix Rising Reiki - 15
Unicorn Energies
Angels & Unicorn Healing Reiki Attunement -15
Love & Return of the Unicorn - 10
Pixie Unicorn Reiki - 10
Unicorn Energy Healing System - 15

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