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DBQ Essay Rubric

Thesis: Presents a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim

and responds to all parts of the question (does more than re-state)
(1 point/ 14 percentage scaled score points)
Cause and effect prompts require specific evidence cited in the thesis
A thesis statement formatted as social, political and economic
causes will NOT count as a thesis statement
Argument: Develops and supports a cohesive argument [typically
supporting the thesis, if present] that recognizes and accounts for
historical complexity by explicitly illustrating relationships among
historical evidence such as contradiction, corroboration, and/or
qualification. (2 points/ 28 percentage scaled score points)
Must be maintained and supported/ defended throughout the essay
Topic sentence (mini-thesis statement) for each body paragraph
Use DBQ docs as evidence
o Strategies (1 point/ 14 percentage scaled score points)
Use documents to support thesis
NO paraphrasing the docs
NO qoutoing
No laundry list of docs
Use 7 of the docs (6 is required + 1 back up)
o Skills (1 point/ 14 percentage scaled score points)
Must use at least 1 historical thinking skill (purpose,
historical context,, point of view, or audience)
Contextualization: Situates the argument by explaining the broader
historical context that is immediately relevant to the question (2-3
sentences). Some prompts will only accept context that is within
the time frame of the prompt (although for some prompts, the
period immediately before may be appropriate). (1 point/ 14
percentage scaled score points)

2-3 sentences of context that is not specifically mentioned in the documents


Evidence beyond the documents: Provides an example or additional

piece of SPECIFIC evidence beyond those found in the documents to
support or qualify the argument. (1 point/ 14 percentage scaled
score points)
o Must be distinct from evidence used to earn other points
o Must be more than a mere phrase or reference. Better safe than
sorry! Its a good idea to encourage students to use at least TWO
pieces of evidence.

Synthesis: Extends the argument by explaining the connections

between the argument and a similar development in a different
historical period or geographical area. (1 point/ 14 percentage
scaled score points)
Basically, take the argument beyond the prompts time frame and/or
geographical area.
A student may also bring in a course theme and/or approach to history
that is not the focus of the essay (political, social, etc.) to get the
synthesis point, but this approach is less common than time/place

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