Answers Prof Practice Test Book 1

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Test 1 Key Reading and Use of English (1 hour 30 minutes) Part 1 Beep Ages Dia iB eo(Ce (6(Cl nara Part 2 9 up 10 come/pop 11 all 12t> 13 as 14 not 15 at 16 however Part 3 17 likened 18 botanists 19 molecular 20 revelation 21 extraordinary 22 comparable 23 unpleasant 24 distances Part 4 25 nothing I'd like more | than to visitto go to 26 took (absolutely) no | notice (of me) 27 was lack of | clarity 28 until | darkness fell 29 in the/as a last resort | does/do/will the company 30 which went into | preparing/(the)preparation (for) the OR which was taken with | preparing/(the) preparation (for) the Part 5 31C 332A 33C 4B O35 B Part 6 37C Part 7 4b 45C 46A 47B 48D 498 SOA sic s2C 33 F Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) Briefing Document Question 1 Content . Essay must refer to and evaluate the following points: * everybody appreciates / responds to music ‘© music can elicit an intense and profound emotional reaction ‘* music may be as important educationally as reading/writing 124 * all kind * writer's Question. | Content Article mu * briefly d * explain | three ch: | Answers m reference * Viola’s r. muse | * Viola's p therefore not love ) * Her marr bought m they see n * Wessex h. from his t Wessex ga # Wessex, a Daughters poet and p Passion is consideratic Viola's disn Social class | backgrounc Question Sb explain the ‘evaluate th refer to spe Test 1 Key Phil Resch owns and loves a squirrel and thinks this is one reason why he can't be an android + the belief that Mercer can bring animals back to life (e.g. spider) * Rick's dissatisfaction at owning an electric sheep ~ electric animals are regarded as inferior — after seeing the ‘real’ owl at Rosen organisation; the organisation uses his desire to own the owl as a bribe seeing the ostrich gives him incentive to do his bounty bunting ‘Mrs Pilsen’s reaction to the death of Horace, her cat ~ she went to pieces reaction to animals used as part of Voigt-Kampff test e.g. on Luma Luft buying the goat as a status symbol and to establish self esteem — Iran knowing that killing it would really upset bim Isidore’s shock at the three androids’ treatment of the spider — this made him upset with them Rick’s excitement at finding what be thought was a real toad — believed to be extinct ~ and his disappointment when his wife shows him it wasn't + even invertebrates are valued more highly than: androids * Rick is guilty and upset at death of a real sheep he once owned. Listening Part 1 Tie Oh) Oy OC ti) Gi Part 2 7 building {construction material 8 (world) population 9 food chain 10 microbes 11 mining 12. hormones 13 volcanoes/ volcanos 14 wind 15 “intensive farming Part 3 ie TUG aN spy riya Part 4 2F 22H 23A 24D 228 26D 278 29F 308 Transcript Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English Listening Test, Test Ono 1am going to give you the instructions fo this test. I shall introduce each par ofthe and give You time 1 look atthe questions. At the start ofeach piece, you will bear this sound: You will bear each piece twice. Remember, while you are listening, torte your answers on the question paper. You have five minutes at the end ofthe test to copy your answers onto the separate ar sheet ‘There will now be a pause. Please ask any questions now, because you must nos luring the tot [pause Test 2 Key Reading and Use of English (1 hour 30 minutes) Part 1 1C 2B 3B 4A SA 6C 7A 8B Part 2 9 mind 10 According 11 for 12 without 13 part / aspect 14 not 15 into 16 little Part 3 17 complexities 18 misled 19 politicians 20 incredibly 21 assumptions 22 impair 23 repeatedly 24 infinite Part 4 25. make it/mean (that) itis difficult | to reach 26 to the exhibition is restricted to | visitors/people/those who OR is restricted to the exhibition to/for visitors/people/those who 27 for Stevie’s prompt action | in putting 28 is every chance/likelihood/probability/possibility | (that) taxes will rise/are (going) to risc | of taxes rising/increasing/going up 29 had/was left with no choice | buv/other than to accept 30 have got into/developed/acquired | the habit of Part 5 B18 ee 32) Bae 330A 35B 36D Part 6 37C 38H 39B 40D «TA OE Part 7 4C 4A 46D 47D 4B 49D SOA SIC S2A 53B Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) Briefing Document Question 1 Content Essay must refer to and evaluate the following points: * going to the cinema is an increasingly attractive form of escapism * films can be thought-provoking and challenge people to think about serious issues 132 © Sent | Uoui 3189 OW payyeq AIureLi69 W ‘Ap\Uey} ‘aU puokag ati 61 deus, pe|/eo-0s ‘uy Bunuud ut isi2d pinoys syooq)xe} Ay Aaud081 AfeARBIa YUN pe1oUb} sIs\UaIIS wse¥s9)4 Sow YoY aise Ly B ‘JuZEWN, Burpnjout — a1se4 2IS8q Ai@R9 10) su0\doD91 ‘sey enBuo} ou Jo ied Auon9 198) | YEU panoid sBuyjog mIUsIA pelted JeyaiBese & lun ‘S194 eo1y)-Aiuenas Buyebbeys e 40; pabuaifeyoun wuem suojcunsse asou ing ojoxdsowuisiul 1912] uot) PUP 'L9} ui UO AyeUIBYO Yoweese: AieIUOWIPA ewWos US Paseq sem dey enBucy, paljeo-os si) oe aig Ye JeM)Iq pue 'S9pIS aly Buoje anos vou pu Aes ‘dn ay) ve S21Se) Jaan — anBuo} 24} UO UOWEDO} ay\oeds B He Panloolod ‘Sem \Uoee Tey! Pue ‘SoIseI sno} ex0M s1OU) YEU) 9G ©} Pash Wopsim Panlooe, a4) [osneg] 1peuix9 q2ve dof suorsonb Omg a4 oq, 4004 NOS poxn 01 BuapLo9>” 1999 sy gotq (0.40 4 'Y} amisuo agy 2500499 08 | suoisonb 40g ‘sseugxa suatafip 8014] 4794 IPI HO, [asned) 2UC) ung 2 YOO} pur soded uorsanb uno uado mon, [psneg] 3801 9p Susp 3yoods you ssw no osn090q “vow suoqisonb Kun y80 asrapy “osnvd v 29 atou yin 9104) “24s oat aivandes24t onuo stonsu anos Kdo> 0825299 Jo po 2440 somata an) 904 not nox ded wousonb aya uo ssomisue snok oyam Buoys 240 nos 2piqansoquanuaay, pia 22014 4ov9 4024 jm NOR spunos sig 4094 ym wok “ood qove Jo ssess aga sy suousanb ga 0 yoo} of ats HO ont8 pus 1801 948 Jo 1und qpva sompousnjo4s [4809s 40f suomemasin 949 NOK Daf8 04 Bug08 war | ‘omy 8a, 821 Stucssry qombicy us Couapyfoug Jo awry a8puqueer, @8t O40 HOT ast He ae ssonssamssazd gp synsut gp uoperwpe gy auud(-janjq dzouous 7] ssouysinon jenuame fp Ypreasor (ovuapeoe) OY —voReanow 6 — Aunty soumlun g —soaiajr Say 74891 ‘21001 uo seapt uao s,r9IEK + Auyendsoy Jo aunsvaur e st poy apeur-atoy Suizedaxd « 004 uys9yj Burges urqoon jo omseo[d ag 2JZo0d soquap spooy souattosu09 uo souk « Aanuapr pesnajno Jo asuas e apisosd suomspens AseuTIND « 8u1Buop9q Jo asuas & apraoad ssoyo ypu poreys speaw « ssqurod Surmoyjoy agp avenyeaa pue 01 sagas asm Messy amo, T uopssond queuinoog Buysug (sonar o¢ ny 1) BUNA, a vo aly 9% on L404 aor gee 98 dee 9 ue ase vre age vie or $104 yim (4jseInBox) ase wooo | ut adoy, og Ae OF | YO PY I JF | Jamaq Uo9q aay PINON GZ S80] ¥go SOss0] | PaurTasHS avy On gz JO} | 3HEA (Pymos) y (sey) Temp ase] (as) Z7 duQJaq >oasUOY 494 YstUYy 04 | aHyKos 105 Pore 9Z Aq] UE UDYEI aq | JJasINO Sy pang sanenoads pz Saueuias ¢7 —swousep ZZ souvssadxa jz soouanbasuos gz algeyuupun 6 — fuyjosoox gy speruausuosaue jf ug wor eq SE BuNpou FE 40 EE AGQ/ MM TT AHYM TT «OS OT HG za as ve 9 @S Vr Df at 4 Tun (soanun 9¢ snoy 1) ys}6uy Jo asp pue Bulpeey Kay ¢ Isa], Test 3 Key Rick realises for the first time that feeling empathy for androids is important and could be tested for Sifter meeting Resch and seeing him kill Luba Luft, for the first time in bis life Rick doubts his ability to do his job well « his contact with Resch upsets him so much that he is only able to carry on doing his job by buying a goat «# feels he needs help of Rachael Rosen ~ help he had initially rejected iter sleeping with android Rachael Rosen, considers giving up job for good); later reflects on destructive nature of what he does for a living yet in come ways, he still does not respect androids, saying they are stupid and Tack emotional awareness iat the end of the novel, Rick feels that he has become a different person ~ everything he has done in the past is now alien and unnatural to bim Rick finds some sort of peace in the attitude that itis impossible to avoid doing morally wrong things and that Mercer himself bad urged him to kill the androids. Listening (40 minutes approximately) Part 1 1A 2B 3A 4B SB 6A Part 2 7 harbour /harbor/port 8 priests 9 frame/ framework 10 puzzle {1 ropels) 12 France 13 model 14 (beeswax / wax from bees 15 truck / lorry Part 3 pd 17C WA 19D 2C Part 4 MB WE 2A WE 2G WD 2W27C WB 29H 30 Transcript Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English Listening Test. Test Three Tam going to give you the instructions for this test. I shall introduce each part of the test and give you time to look at the questions. (At the start of each piece, you will hear this sound: You will bear each piece twice, Remember, while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper. You will have five minutes at the end of the test t0 copy your ‘answers onto the separate answer sheet. There will now bea pause. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak dig the test. Ipause) dor uo seapr uao s,29111a juoudolus sosea.out pnoye peas Runpowos 01 Suluarst] jo aououiodxa ayp Surzeys sa8e [[¥ 20} aguauodxo Surypuua ue st pnoye Supeoz soaues amany / Aarjeuosred anoqe Surppauios s4es pry ¥ se 00g v Jo 391049 14 Jo ypnur 003 op 02 savy nos fr BuIpeas Jo wuoUdOLua axp aso] 02 aIQuSsod 5.31 6 -sutod BupMo[joy aqp avenyeaa pu o1 soyor asm Less, Maio 1 wonsands f juewnoog Buyeug (semurw o¢ 204 1) BURA oO eg ats DLh VF 2 bb Zug HOF Vee & aah gun | vo ase Of VEE OTe § ud Supyeus jo | uonuaiUr ou sey OE 02 Se/mouy, CY/puEIsI9pUN Os | sso} (232]duI09} eae we GZ — (pantuodpamoy[e) sioBuassed aze | aunoos” ou gz —_BuspreHa1j01 sejjo aaw(2)Spojmourype | [eOHYO (Ue/AUE) axoy sem ZZ |ILM MOUS | (224) asoddns 01 wosear A949 YO JOU [La OUTS | (2eyp) asoddns 03 wosea3 ou 97 suejd s,ureg uyor | sofuey> ou are azaqyya8ueyD ou st ox9Kp (3eq) SZ beg snonsesip $2 Ayfeuomppy ¢z — suorsstua ZZ _—_—AfrBssaz0U Tz souesyrutisur gz — ssajdaojs | © apisumop gy snomasta gy € ueg sup 91 ur st oR FT Suypsue ey waa zy —auayxa/aax89p 17 ->LG OL 305 6 zug Oe apc 9 OFS ad eve) OL Tug (sonur o¢ snoy 1) ys]Buy Jo esp) pue Buipeay Kay p Isa, est [osnvd] 04 04 Sump _yoads sou ssn nok asre99q ‘gow suopssonb Kub yse asvayg "25n0d v.24 ax0U jas 2134.), -20qs samsun ayesodas 2yp 0140 suamisur anos doo 01 3894 941 Jo pus aqt wo sepa aayf 20nq 1p! NOK “waded uonsanb a4 tuo siamisun so ayann ‘Bayt 240 HO ap saguuauy “22,0 27014 GPO 4004 IH HOR spunos sigs a0ag jp nos ‘20040 gona Jo s9s 249 1Y “suonsanb 293 3 YOO] 02 awa nok aai8 pur 801 94) Jo tand gova sonpouti 1]04s | 950) 5141 40] suouonussi 94H HOK 2018 OF BtM03 MD | i sno w2. 1921, Sumonsry qsp8ue 12 Suapsrlony Jo av>yftuar aprquar) aduosuesy, E Oe 4 67 fee alec Ot Stee Alerts ee ce Le | Fued i vor @6r 38 ast aor ; gud | >IqusoUjMA ¢] — sJOpIs109 uoas3 pT — (snojureaunow gy Bue ZT | poow 11 (so)ssex3 gy quis g —pssoy may g — predoay any Z Z ued , 7 ie iy es Std Ci 1 ued (spereunxosdde samara of) GUJUBYS!] wos poqquunyy “sakoydua st q rduio1oo quo porwou st 94 pv ‘siaqpo 04 ung 122uM09 07 x04 Kaaoduia aq {Guo aim ‘paidnod0un s} swauasodo siq asnv%0q s4vq 10 WO4{ Pa4E]OSt $1 24OPIST « Pog juotisede Ksduo siq 11 a20p}s] 40] ssousjoucy wos] advoso up sopinosd uorstaapat {f]2m 1]P 1 2ay 09 ajdoad quien aq 01 aavq nos, twa sond1}2q 04 001 &y2u0} 120] sproupuv soq1 pjos 51 pun wioqs 40) K140s see} a4 S2fyy us asodund auios seq aq 20] 04 pun “wg Koy puv puv8uusy ‘sig sprospuc daaqi agi waiord o1 Kddvg st aq 6 quaucundn sq tus savadde stig woqe porgiyap s1 pur x20]q 1wounsvde siq us suo sj90) e4opis} » aropisy uyof 0g kqwvduuia aq) via asja auoksone quim ssouddog Jo SBuyaa) siq a4vgs 01 wang s084n uray ‘3003 v sKng ory woyA 6 Sauoy sjoaf aq xoq aq2 sasn afta s,y>ry Haq ‘sonamog ‘SuPduNd 49490 qniO UOISHY, Jo sSutjoa) aauauiadxa uvy xoq kqredsua aqt qiiaa Ing “kjoUo} [90 suPtuny IPD 6 May p Isa

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