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10 June 2010

California Edition

Calendar Kaiser First To Equalize Patient Rights

New Policy Lauded By LGBT Group; Others Lag
June 13-16 Just weeks after President Barack Obama According to Human Rights Campaign
issued an executive order to start the officials, Kaiser has been working closely
8(2/;-*4/(!C)(2:3!S4;-*=(:/-4!T++-?/(:/-4! process of abolishing discrimination against with the compilers of HEI over the past
T441(2!8-4;)*)4?)@!C&(::!K)5)4?&! same-sex couples in acute care and several years to improve its score.
9(?*(=)4:-@!U/+?1++/-4!-;!*)2).(4:!3)(2:3! outpatient settings, Oakland-based Kaiser “We’ve identified model language (for
/4;-*=(:/-4!:-D/?+@!H"VQ>HQ"Q@ Permanente became the first inpatient providers) and Kaiser has continued to
provider in the country to adopt a meet the bar as we have raised it, going
comprehensive policy addressing the issue. all the way to the top in terms of non-
3::D+MNNFFF@?(2/;-*4/(3/(@-*5N?-4:)4:N Meanwhile, a survey of other hospitals in discriminatory patient policies,” said Tom
9/54W'X8CST8-4.)4:/-4@?;= California show policies that have yet to be Sullivan, deputy director of the HRC’s
updated, or are unavailable. family project. He added that he hoped
Kaiser updated its 19-point Patient Bill of
June 23 Rights on June 7 to allow patients to choose
Kaiser’s move would prod other hospitals
to do the same.
whomever may visit them in its hospitals, Sullivan noted that ambiguous
C)(2:3!SE!K)+-1*?)!E)(?3>S4@!'*)D(*/45! and to enjoy all the rights without regard to language in individual patient’s bill of
W40)*+)*.)0!8-==14/:/)+!;-*!C)(2:3!SE! sexual orientation. rights can often leave enforcement of
(40!YCK!T0-D:/-4@!8(2/;-*4/(!Y40-F=)4:6! As a result, Kaiser was recognized earlier policies to individual hospital
7-+!T45)2)+@!Z-!?3(*5)@ this week as the only hospital operator in employees, who may move to ban a
the country to achieve a perfect score on member of a gay or lesbian couple from
the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), an visiting their partner while they are being
3::DMNN+3/*):)(?3/42(@).)4:%*/:)@?-=N annual survey of patient rights policies at treated.
hospitals. The survey is administered by the Data for the HEI is either provided
Washington-based Human Rights voluntarily by the hospitals, or is
Campaign Foundation (HRC) and the Gay gathered by researchers. According to
July 9 and Lesbian Medical Association. Sullivan, just 30 of the nation’s 200
“Kaiser Permanente is deeply committed largest hospitals voluntarily provided
to providing equitable, compassionate and data for the latest survey. Little more than
9-1:3)*4!8(2/;-*4/(!'(:/)4:!(40!<(=/2&> high-quality care to our lesbian, gay, half of the hospitals surveyed used
8)4:)*)0!8(*)!8-4;)*)4?)@!7-45!A)(?3! bisexual and transgender patients and their language in their bill of rights that
B)=-*/(2!C-+D/:(2@!E3)!?-4;):)4?)!F/22! families, a level of care that is standard
)GD2-*)!:3)!%)+:!F(&+!:-!(?3/).)!;(=/2&> across our diverse patient population,” said
K)5/+:)*!L42/4)M George Halvorson, M.D., Kaiser’s chief
executive officer and chairman. Continued on Next Page
E-Mail with Publication Date: June 2010
the details of your event, or call
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3. It will be $149 (Executive Summary) $275 (Summary and Salary Data)
published in the Calendar section,
space permitting. Call (877) 248-2360, ext. 2 to order, or CLICK HERE

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Kaiser (Continued from Page One)

Top Placement...
Bottomless Potential
addressed discrimination against gay and was overmedicated as a result of the
lesbian patients. separation.
Advertise On April 15, President Obama issued an The HEI surveyed 47 hospitals in
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 executive order meant to ban such California (28 of which were Kaiser
discrimination altogether, but also asked facilities). It listed Community Medical
the U.S. Department of Health and Center as “unknown” when it came to its
Human Services to draft regulations, a policies regarding same sex couples. A
In Brief process that could take years to complete.
Sullivan suggested that many institutions
hospital spokesman did not return a call
seeking comment.
may be waiting for the regulations to be Los Angeles County-USC Medical
finalized before officially changing their Center, St. Mary Medical Center in Long
Court Prohibits One- policies. Beach, and UC San Diego Medical
Day Nurses Strike Although exclusions of same sex Center were listed as not having specific
couples are relatively rare nowadays, it policies that permitted visitation for
The University of California was was commonplace well into the 1980s, same-sex couples.
successful in obtaining a temporary often aided by blood relatives who Scoring an “unknown” regarding their
restraining order against 11,000 nurses visitation policies were UCLA Medical
resented having gay or lesbian family
from striking at ve UC hospital
campuses today. members, and sometimes leading to a Center, San Pedro Peninsula Hospital,
San Francisco County Superior separation even as a loved one died. San Francisco General Hospital, the V.A.
Court Judge Peter J. Busch sided with Isolated incidents of exclusion do still Medical Centers in Los Angeles and Palo
attorneys representing the UC system occur. Alto, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Loma
who had argued that the strike would
endanger public safety. Busch’s Community Medical Center in Fresno Linda University Medical Center,
temporary restraining order remains in agreed to change its policies and undergo Huntington Memorial Hospital in
effect until June 18, at which point he staff training after emergency room Pasadena, California Pacific Medical
will hear arguments about whether or personnel excluded Teresa Rowe from Center, UC Davis Medical Center and
not to grant a permanent injunction. Scripps Mercy Hospital and Sharp
visiting her partner, Kristin Orbin, while
Represented by the California
Nurses Association, the nurses had undergoing treatment for an epileptic Memorial Hospital, both in San Diego.
planned to strike with 12,000 other seizure in May 2009. Orbin claimed she
nurses in Minnesota, making it the
largest walkout of nurses in U.S.
history. The temporary restraining order
does not affect planned walkouts at
three non-UC hospitals in the Los HMO Complaints Up More Than 7%
Angeles area.
The nurses claim that the hospitals Kaiser Experiences 16% Increase; IMRs Go Down
have kept their stafng at levels that
are too low to guarantee patient safety.
CNA ofcials say they will stage non-
strike rallies at the hospitals instead. Consumer complaints led against health received the year before, even though its
“All the resources the University has maintenance organizations with the enrollment was down 4.7%.
wasted trying to silence the nurses will Department of Managed Health Care Although Anthem Blue Cross of California
do nothing to solve the stafng crisis at increased 7.4% in 2009, a rise the agency is by far the most penalized insurer by the
UC hospitals, and nurses will not rest
attributed to greater nancial stress DMHC (Payers & Providers, May 27, 2010), its
until their concerns are addressed,”
said CNA negotiator Beth Kean. experienced by policyholders. complaints declined 10.7%.
A total of 4,397 complaints were resolved DMHC spokeswoman Lynne Randolph
by DMHC last year, up from 4,076 in 2008. attributed the increase in part to the
Virtually all of the complaints – 4,274 – were increasingly complexity of the health plans,
led against large health plans, those with and escalating cost-shifting.
Kaiser: Norcal Heart enrollments of more than 400,000 lives. “There are more higher-deductible plans,
Attacks in Decline The largest year-to-year increase in more tiered co-payments for prescriptions, and
complaints was against Oakland-based Kaiser consumers may have difculty understanding
The number of heart attacks among
Kaiser Permanente’s membership in Foundation Health Plan. A total of 1,809 that,” Randolph said, but added that changes
Northern California have declined by complaints were lodged against the insurer, in physician networks may also be to blame.
24% since 2000, according to a study up 16.2% from 2008, even though its overall Complaints about benets and claims rose
undertaken by the organization and enrollment was down 5.2%. San Francisco- modestly, but grievances regarding
published in the New England Journal
of Medicine. based Blue Shield of California received 799 coordination of care issues were up 22.7%.
complaints, up 15.6% from the 675 it
Continued on Next Page
Continued on Page 3

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 3

Longer ALOS!* DMHC (Continued from Page Two)

Advertise However, the number of independent media coverage of insurance-related issues,
medical reviews conducted were down particularly in the wake of national healthcare
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 9.3%, a drop Randolph attributed to a spate reform.
of ER and urgent care coverage complaints “Those complaints are part of the reason
*For our ads, not your hospital the agency handled in 2008. we had reform, and the statistics suggest we
Kaiser spokesman Jim Anderson said need to continue to have a feedback loop,” he
the percentage of complaints per Kaiser said. Wright added that the DMHC’s telephone
In Brief enrollees – 3.2 per 10,000 – was too small
to attribute to a trend.
hotline is particularly easy for consumers to
“We take every complaint seriously, but Randolph is not making any predictions,
we also need to put them into perspective,” but she does believe consumers will have
In addition to the decline in overall he said. questions regarding their coverage as reforms
heart attacks, the number that inicted Anthony Wright, executive director of are enacted in the coming years.
permanent damage to the heart Health Access, a Sacramento-based “We do want to present ourselves as a
declined by 62%, according to data
from the Kaiser Permanente Division consumer advocacy group, believes the resource,” she said.
of Research. complaints may have rose because of more
Researchers attributed the decline
to more accurate electrocardiograms

UCLA, LAC To Study Health Impacts

that are able to assess the risk of
patients having heart attacks, as well
as the detection of elevated levels in
the body of troponin, a substance that
can signal a coming heart attack and Will Use $300K Grant On Transportation, Water Issues
its severity.
“This research provides new
insights into the changing landscape The UCLA School of Public Health and the Line subway or similar projects down Wilshire
of heart attack incidence and Los Angeles County Department of Public Boulevard may affect residents and workers in
associated outcomes in the
Health have jointly received a $300,000 the area, and how water conservation efforts
community,” said Alan S. Go, M.D.,
director of the Comprehensive grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts and among municipalities in the Los Angeles
Clinical Research Unit at the Kaiser Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to study region may affect public health. The
Permanente Division of Research in the health-related impacts of two major transportation study is scheduled to be
Oakland. Go was the study’s lead issues confronting Angelenos – public released in mid-2011; the water report in
Kaiser examined the medical transportation and water conservation. mid-2012.
records of more than 46,000 members The grant – among six announced to Although costly and extensive
who were hospitalized for heart recipients nationwide earlier this week – was environmental impact reports are required by
attacks between 1999 and 2008. provided by the Health Impact Project (HIP), various agencies as part of any subway
a collaboration between Pew and RWJF to construction project, UCLA Health Assessment
discover how public policy may impact Project manager Brian Cole said the report
Four California community health. A statement issued by HIP being undertaken here would study “softer”
Hospitals Win Premier said the projects “are at the forefront of a health aspects. Among them: how people who
Quality Award burgeoning movement in the United States to walk through the Wilshire corridor for exercise
ensure health is considered in sectors that do or errands would have their health affected if
not traditionally factor it into their decision construction barred them from doing so. The
Four California hospitals were
named winners of the Premier making.” water study would examine “the pluses and
Healthcare Alliance’s Award for UCLA and L.A. County researchers will minuses of different alternatives to reducing
Quality. study how a proposed extension of the Metro water consumption,” he said.
The facilities are St. Joseph’s
Medical Center in Stockton,
Providence Little Company of
Mary Medical Center in Torrance,
Mercy General Hospital in
Stockton, and Palomar Medical
Center in Escondido.
The hospitals were cited for Expert Healthcare Communications
their high scores in quality and
efficiency, with a focus on
morbidity, mortality and !White Papers !Media Campaigns !Newsletters
complications. Twenty-one
hospitals and systems nationwide
received the award.. (818) 848-8510

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

9-21:)!"6!;++1)!"< Keeping An Eye Out For Sea-Change

New Demonstration Projects Signal Shift in CMS Policy
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!'1%2/+3/456! The passage of national healthcare reform • A broader strategic end-game.! Bundled
778?!@4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! has given clear indication of a policy shift payment is one of several models of care
+1%+A*/=B/-4!/+!CDD!(!&)(*! in how the Centers for Medicare and designed to achieve enhanced quality and
EC$FD!/4!%12GH?!;B!/+!0)2/.)*)0! Medicaid Services (“CMS”) will relate to reduced costs, like those associated with
%&!)I:(/2!(+!(!'JK! healthcare providers and markets. readmissions and unnecessary use of
(BB(A3:)4B6!-*!(+!(4!)2)AB*-4/A! Through the development of accountable resources. It can be an early stepping stone
4)L+2)BB)*? care organizations (“ACOs”) and on a to more comprehensive models such as an
smaller scale, “bundling” arrangements accountable care organization. It is helpful
@22!(0.)*B/+/456!+1%+A*/%)*!(40! (i.e., where both the hospital and to assure those in the organization of a
)0/B-*/(2!/4M1/*/)+N professional components are paid to the broader vision of the future and the role of
hospital in a single payment from CMS), bundled payments in driving the value
EOPPH!"FOI"<Q# CMS is signaling a shift away from an “all proposition.
/4R-S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: provider/all services available” model to a
T(/2/45!(00*)++N model more regional and more selective • !Management, board, and physician
in certain areas of clinical care. ! education and buy-in. The CEO must
O$O!U?!V-22&L--0!W(&6!X1/B)!Y While the ultimate future model for educate the organization, board, and
Y1*%(4G6!8@!D$Z#Z acute care providers and large medical medical staff leaders to create consensus
groups may be to achieve ACO status, before moving ahead.! Shifting to bundled
W)%+/B) which is to provide all the healthcare payments is a drastic change, and buy-in
LLL?=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: needs to a defined population, a less risky from all is critical to success.
K(A)%--G first step is to increase an organization’s
LLL?R(A)%--G?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ abilities and competencies by first
By •Quality-focused medical staff
>L/BB)* expanding its current service line leadership. The organization must find
approach to integrate the medical Robert medical staff leaders who are
professional components into the Minkin passionate about quality and are
pricing and cost structure of the willing to change their practices’
\0/B-*/(2!Y-(*0 organization.! relationship to the market (i.e., give up
The recent demonstration projects their “independence”) in order to provide
>3)!8(:0)4!]*-1= approved by CMS give those in the acute improved care and a superior patient
care space an opportunity to develop experience.
^-++!]-20%)*56!83(/*:(4!-R!B3)! these models. Last year, CMS approved
Y-(*06!7-+!^-%2)+!V-+=/B(2!,! five Acute Care Episode (“ACE”) • Flexibility in engaging physicians. CEOs
T)0/A(2!8)4B)* demonstration projects for two service considering bundled payments should be
lines – cardiac and orthopedics (28 prepared to “let go” by exploring new ways
_/:!7-BB6!\`)A1B/.)!9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6! cardiovascular and 9 orthopedic DRGs) – of engaging physicians, such as through co-
V-+=/B(2!@++-A/(B/-4!-R!X-1B3)*4! and promises to expand them for other management arrangements with the service
8(2/R-*4/( clinical services very soon.! line medical staff leadership.
Those early adopters successful in
T)0/A(2!aRR/A)*6!7?@?!8(*)!V)(2B3! winning these designations may be • Perseverance.! Change of this magnitude
'2(4! positioned as a preferred provider with is daunting and requires tenacity from the
Medicare that could shift substantial CEO.! The CEO must believe firmly that
b)/B3!^/A3:(46!T?J?6!\`)A1B/.)! market share for both Medicare as well as moving to bundled payments is the right
9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6!7(G)+/0)! commercial insurance populations.! This decision for the organization, medical staff,
8-::14/B&!V)(2B3A(*) in turn may positively influence an and community.!!!!!
organization’s profitability through the use
V)4*&!7-1%)B6!83/)R!XB*(B)5&! of excess capacity.! For the first time, high
aRR/A)*6!b))4(4 Robert Minkin is a senior adviser with The
quality and low cost will result in a shift Camden Group, a hospital and medical
of market share at a large scale.! group consulting firm in El Segundo.
'1%2/+3)*[\0/B-*I/4I83/)R As organizations begin to consider
^-4!X3/4G:(4 undertaking a bundling strategy, forward-
Op-ed submissions of up to 600 words are
)0/B-*S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: thinking CEOs should bear in mind the
welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
following key issues:! !, or call
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3.

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 6

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 7

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