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(Estd. under Govt of A.P. Act No. 32 of 2008)

Plot No. 116, Sector-11, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam-530017

Political science project abstract

Communalism : An ugly rise in modern India
Introduction :
Communalism can be defined as "a theory of government or a system of government in
which independent communes participate in a federation", as well as "the principles and
practice of communal ownership. In order to unify the community, communalism suppresses
distinctions within the community and emphasizes the essential unity of the community
against other communities. The basic purpose of this project is to focus on the problems
related to communalism in India and its consequences and to discuss the solution.
Inception of communalism :
Communalism is one of the most serious problems that India has to face after her freedom
from colonial rule in the mid of 20eth Century. This problem, which has existed among the
followers of two principal religious communities- Hindus and Muslims many times raised a
great challenge before the secular structure of India. In the name of religion such acts have
been committed that are no doubt shameful and a act of fleeing from the message of
Mahatma Gandhi who lead the country to the door steps of freedom through non-violence,
the sacred human value.
Causes :
Historical causes:
The policy of divide and rule of the British rule is mainly responsible for communalism.
The Muslims also wanted to maintain their separate identity in India.
Political causes:
Election procedure also provides scope for communalism. At the time of choosing a
candidate, caste and religion both are playing their own role.
Psychological factors:
Due to various factors Muslims are economically and educationally backward. But gradually
a feeling developed among Muslims that Hindus are responsible for their backwardness.
Cultural factors:
So many cultural and social differences exist between Hindus and Muslims. They differ from
each other in customs, traditions social institutions.

My Suggestions for solution of the problem of communalism:

1. Communal parties and organisations should be banned.

2. Attention should be given for equal development of all the communities.

3. Feeling of nationalism should be promoted.
4. There should be separation of religion from politics.

Submitted by- Abhishek bhamu , Class- 1st Year BA LLB, section- A,

Roll number-2016002.

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