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IBM SPSS Statistics v21
IBM SPSS Statistics is an integrated family of products that addresses the entir
e analytical process, from planning to data collection to analysis, reporting an
d deployment. With more than a dozen fully integrated modules to choose from, yo
u can find the specialized capabilities you need to increase revenue, outperform
competitors, conduct research and make better decisions.
SPSS Statistics is loaded with powerful analytic techniques and time-saving feat
ures to help you quickly and easily find new insights in your data, so you can m
ake more accurate predictions and achieve better outcomes for your organization.
Here's a look at some of the groundbreaking new features you'll find in SPSS Sta
tistics 21. They're designed to help you create better predictive models, assess
risk more accurately, work faster and improve analytical performance.
* Compare predicted outcomes for better decisions with Monte Carlo simulation
Get more reliable answers to your most important questions using Monte Carlo sim
ulation techniques.
- Create simulated datasets based on existing data and/or known parameters when
the existing data is inadequate.
- Use that simulated data as input to predict an outcome.
- Adjust the parameters you used to simulate the data and compare multiple outco
mes. For example, simulate different advertising budget amounts to see how they
are likely to affect total sales.
- Build predictive models that help drive better decisions and reduce risk.
* Import IBM Cognos Business Intelligence data
- Easily import IBM Cognos Business Intelligence data into SPSS Statistics to en
hance your analysis.
- Read custom data with or without filters and import pre-defined IBM Cognos rep
* Program using a Java plug-in
Call SPSS Statistics functionality from a Java application and have SPSS Statist
ics output appear in the Java application. You can also use Java to control, rea
ct to and embed program logic into your SPSS Statistics jobs.
* Compare data files
Increase the accuracy of your analysis by comparing two datasets or files in SPS
S Statistics to identify any discrepancies between them.
Compare document metadata or perform a case-by-case comparison of selected varia
ble values.
* Increase data security
Apply password protection to your data and output files to prevent others from s
eeing confidential information in SPSS Statistics.
* Work with large data faster and increase scalability and stability
IBM SPSS Statistics Server makes working with large data faster and more scalabl
e, and improves overall stability.
- Load balancing through IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services improves
scalability and performance.
- Single sign-on between the SPSS Statistics client and SPSS Statistics Server i
mproves ease of use.
- Improved security enables it to run as non-root on Unix/Linux.

- Client and server software can be on different release levels (for example, cl
ient V21 and server V20), simplifying administration.
* Specify models without programming
Specify a model in IBM SPSS Amos without drawing a path diagram and enter it int
o a familiar spreadsheet-like table you can modify.
This approach improves the productivity of users who need to run large, complica
ted models, and makes it easy to generate many similar models that differ slight
* Work faster and more efficiently
IBM SPSS Statistics enables you to:
- Work with pivot tables using features such as sorting operations, a navigation
pane and search operations and more.
- Produce descriptive statistics (e.g. Frequencies or Descriptives) by right cli
cking on a variable in the Data Editor (when in Variable View or Data View).
- Use a smaller file compression algorithm that takes up less space on the disk,
leaving more room for your data.
- Merge data files and table lookup files without sorting by key variables, merg
e open datasets and/or external Statistics-format data files, use SQL-like state
ments to specify a merge and combine files using string key variables of differe
nt defined lengths in each file.
* System Requirements
The system requirements for SPSS Statistics include hardware requirements and op
erating systems such as Linux, Mac OS and Windows.
- For Windows
Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows XP Professional, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows
7 Professional, Windows Vista Business
- For Linux, Mac OS, go to this page:
Install Notes
1. Install the program, and activate it with EQUiNOX license code.
2. DONE!
Have a nice day

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