Koran A Cult Antipeople

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was a ruler, conqueror, enslaver, bandit, murderer, rapist, polygamist, pedophile and a selfKORAN WAS NOT REVEALED TO MOHAMMAD

Koran is a serious blasphemy. {The Quran (Arabic - - al-kuran, literally the recitatio

d even today) that the Koranic verses were revealed to him from 610 AD to 632 AD.

ts consider a few of the important proofs:

o. Mohammad recites many verses to support his terrorist activities. These satanic verses w
r raping.

e verses were uttered by Mohammad as and when required and he used to change it imme

ses being written and these verses are influenced by the religious books of Christianity and
d Upanishads are copied as it is in Bible, Koran, Torah, etc.)

a person reads the original Arabic Koran, he or she will be shocked to learn that Mohamma

es from Bhagavad Gita and Upanishad?

d himself and not a self declared prophet. The Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Lord
Hinduism is the only religion based on following a God who has been actually seen
information regarding God, the soul, material nature, birth, death and life after de

n the reader. It was specifically designed for this very purpose, so that Mohammad could c

ghtens his screws to make you believe and order you to follow him and kill the non-Muslims

cution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from t

ve, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.

are killed."

death. How they smite their faces and backs saying "Taste the penalty of the blazing Fire"

s were those before them: for we have already sent down Clear Signs and the Unbelievers

and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).

he unbelievers but merciful to one another."

they say, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,' and whoever says - none has th
will be with Allah, (either to punish him or to forgive him.)"

victory over Ta'if so that I might obtain a slave girl from them and make her pregnant."

ill they testify there is no god but Allah, that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah, and th


hey are true


m are accepted by Muslims.

im. For instance, he said no man can have more than four wives but he himself had eleven

name is an example of cultic obsession.

m. Religions usually have a path of learning and being wrong and maturity. Even Jesus had

nd a set of unsubstantiated doctrines presented by him. Monotheism is used as a pretext to

followers. These methods ranged from threat of hellfire, and promises of paradise, to exha
arfare, keeping his followers in perpetual state of agitation.

lowers and the only source of guidance to the extent that they looked up to him for every d

f anyone dared to question him or his decisions, Omar swiftly unshielded his sword and th
must question Mohammad and his authority. 1400 years later, the message remains the sa
Satan and they often avoid reading critical views about their Faith

ght. Preserving the image of Islam is of utmost importance and Muslims lie with clarity of
as deficient in intelligence. Every Muslim knows that including the women, who blame the
aggressive war to expand Islam. Every Muslim knows that. Yet all of them lie and say Jiha
Mohammad had slept with a 9-year old child and at the end he said the damage is already
what bothered him was revealing this fact.

ly true religion. This truth however is not self evident. It is "true" because Mohammad sa

es in two forms. One is the fear of Hell and of eternal punishment and the other is the fear

sts. The Muslims circle the Kaaba seven times as part of their rituals. They circle it COUNTE
correct way of bowing to God.

e world. Killing yourself or others is only glorified in Islam.

enjoy life.

ims. There are instances when Muslims have even killed their own parents and siblings.

with even a baby as long as you do not penetrate too much. Mohammad says, "A man can
ild is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This g

golden utterances whenever any of his wives refused sex with him due to some genuine

d she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning." (Sah

when a man calls his wife to his bed, and she does not respond, the One who is in the hea

his desire she must go to him even if she is occupied at the oven." (Al Tirmidhi Hadith No. 1


were forcibly converted to Islam since the times of Mohammad, we have to know how Mo
lims proudly announce that this pervert called Mohammad was a Prophet.

d when Mohammads troops raided Khaybar. She was the daughter of Huyayy ibn Akhtab, t
nu Quriaza and women were taken as sex slaves. The tribe of Banu Nadir had been already

ader of Khaybar. When Mohammad raided that fortress, he killed its unarmed men and cap

e money in some ruins. Mohammad ordered Kinana to be tortured to reveal the whereabo

e brought to him.

sex with her on that very night, only hours after torturing to death her husband. She resist
strolling up and down, he asked him what he meant by this sentry-go, he replied: "I was a

nifying that she is now his. Safiyah was groomed and made-up for Mohammad by Umm Su
ght. Muslims call this marriage. I call that rape. I am certain not many young women would
poor woman had no choice - therefore that marriage was nothing but a mockery of this sa

om the tribe of Banu Quraiza. Mohammad massacred all the men of that tribe. Then wome
r than being a wife of Mohammad who murdered her father, brothers and uncles.

e bore him a son, Ibrahim, who died in infancy.

tercourse with Maria in Safiya's room. "O Prophet of God, in my room and in my day!" fulm
uch Maria again if she would keep the incident secret. But she spoke out, and Mohammad

y creating Allah to satisfy his high level sexual appetite.

hat of Duba Bint Amr who "was among the most beautiful of Arab women....her hair was lo
Bint Amr, although attractive, was aging.

ested in physical beauty and not in providing protection for widows or some other

Jahsh. But one day Mohammad "beheld in a loose undress, the beauty of Zainab, and burs

ed him to marry Zainab with the following verse:

adopted son) whom Allah as well as you had favored: Keep your wife in wedlock and fe
ore appropriate to fear Allah. So when Zayed divorced his wife, we gave her to you in ma
mmand had to be carried out.

with such Quranic verses so that he can have sex with sensationally beautiful Zainab. No G

o follow the tradition set by our great Perverted Prophet Mohammad.

mated in marriage. Aisha said, "The Apostle of Allah married me when I was seven years old

r hand. Abu Bakr thought it was improper, because, as he said "I am your brother" - Moham
the help of Mohammad. Mohammad says to the little child-bride Aisha:

you were clad in white silk. The angel said that it was your consort and showed me by open

ring a slave woman), Prophet Mohammad said in anger Indeed? All is for me and I am for

mes and food. Mohammad tells her that Women and the perfumes are the only delights o

(TabaqAt, vol. II, pp. 147. 164).

hammad. What a great Prophet to take as example and follow!!

y or have sex with anyone whom he liked irrespective of whether they were children, widow

nd terrorist as our Prophet.


uns into more than 80. All those incidents expose the cruelty of Mohammad. If yo
ohammad and his gang:

aining major tribe of Jews in Medina : Banu Qurayza. The larger background of this atrocit

25. The Banu Qurayza was a Jewish tribe who lived in the northern Arabia during the 7th ce

s order to the Market of Medina. Trenches were dug and the men were beheaded, and
number of them being distributed as gifts among Mohammads companions. The women a
es to satisfy the unending sexual appetite of Mohammad and his soldiers.

he instruction of Mohammad and were bundled as used goods and taken as sex slaves
dditional "booty" among the Muslims. Mohammad chose one of the Qurayza women, Rayh

enslaved the women and children. In doing this, he wiped an entire tribe off the m

the courage to

criticise the murderous actions of Mohammed and his gang

y had given refuge to such a blatant criminal and his followers in their city. Many began pr
ty's conscience and were free to criticise, satirize and examine the actions of people. The t
gift of superb verse.

, which described the atrocities committed by Mohammad & his gang composed by Asma b

d entered her house that very night along with two assistants. She was lying in her bedro
and hacked it to pieces before her very eyes. They then made her watch the murder of all
p to her back).

Mohammad asks him Have you slain the daughter of Marwan?. He replies, Yes. Is there

hundred years old and renowned for his sense of fairness, was killed brutally in the same

es were killed in more or less the same way as described above, in the past 1500 years, o

ts to show that he was not at all a Prophet. The following are just five of such inc

ut was defeated and had to flee for his life.

unable to do any miracles. They plead for some such proof in suras 17:90-93 and 13:7 whe

y girl Al Shanba Bint Amr bin Ghiffuriya, she told him that if he was a real Prophe
cked her out and divorced her without consummation of the marriage.

th for doubting Mohammad.

Copt d.637). Maria was a gift from Negus of Abbyssinia in 628. Ibrahim died in 630 when

veryone showing that he can cut moon into half by his famous crescent sword (Scimitar).

l trauma he underwent was uncontrollable. He had to undergo such trauma for the sins he
ophet? I am Mohammad and I am Allah.

s as possible.

their womenfolk before converting them to Islam. These womenfolk included both married

ted readily to Islam as they felt that it was less traumatic than being killed or raped. And s

as weak, he propounded "La Ikraha Fiddeen" which means "There is no compulsion in relig

"There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet". Finally when he conquered the m
d prevail all over the world."

oppressing non-Muslims.

special treatment and try to build up the community with the ultimate intent of establishing

the Abode of Islam, in which Islam is in full religious-political control and Dar-Al-Harb, the

read of Islam and violence. (Alternate spellings: Muhammad/Muhammed/Mahammad)

from sexually transmitted diseases on Monday, 12 Rabi al-Awwal, the eleventh year after H

house idols of Shiva, Agni (Fire), Moon, etc.

ds original name. This name was taken at a later period by him. Mohammad was originally

Mohammad bin al Abdullah. Mohammad was of the important Quraish tribe, but his own fa
about six years old when he also lost his mother and became an orphan. Then his grandfat
mads uncle, Abu Talib, though poor himself, took him under his wing and into his house.

Mohammad became his assistant and uncle's little helper and later on when Abu Talib beca

preaching. However they became annoyed when he started insulting and defaming their r
m. He slunk out of Mecca one night with a gang of his followers and fled for his life.
on the Meccans. He escaped to Medina , which had a sizeable Jewish population, and start
have documented in detail.

er. However, a number of people, both Jew and Arab, opposed him. Mohammad began to s

em were ordinary people who lived in the area and thought nil of Mohammad. They spoke t

t terror, Mohammad gained power in Medina .

s and destroyed all the 360 idols found in Kaaba. In other words, he did not want any comp

nce that he was receiving revelations from Allah:

Even prior to the rebellion, Mohammad had problems with the Jews of Mecca and Medina ,
us, Zoroastrians and some of Mohammads own soldiers who never believed that Mohamma

ual desires and energy. He wanted to exploit as many women as possible till his death. All
gthen his point among his followers, he announces that he was the messenger of God. So,

him. Losing soldiers means losing his leadership leadership to loot, rape and spread his e
D to till his death. Remember that Mohammad proclaims himself as Prophet at th
ing on even today in many parts of the world.)

me up with the brilliant idea of receiving revelations from Allah through Angel Gabriel. He e
ending Angel Gabriel to reveal the Message of God. Mohammad had influenced a lot of peo
self - One who doubts Mohammad doubts Allah and such a person has to be murde

self. So, for writing this article I am eligible to receive Fatwa.

but also wanted to ensure that it was the month of Ramzan that he received the revelation
of the ground. [Arabic: , Ramadn or Ramzan in several countries) and it is the nin
ia for centuries. Mohammad continued this tradition and fooled everyone that he received

day for Eid known as Eid-ul-Fitr.

ve his point again and again:

he unbelievers but merciful to one another." (Sura 48:29)

aa shareekalahu, washhadu anna Mohammadan "abduhu wa rasooluhu (I witness that no




hing invented by Mohammad or revealed for the first time in Koran. The deity Allah was w

shipped]. Arabic chronicles suggest a pre-Islamic recognition of iLat as Sun, Allah as moon
by names like Anuradha, Uttara, etc.

s one of the pre-Islamic religions in Saudi Arabia had also installed many of the 360 idols i

he Middle East, and from the mountains of Turkey to the banks of the Nile .


e central, cubic, stone structure, covered by a black cloth, within the Great Mosque called
Kaaba has been demolished and rebuilt several times in the course of its history. Around th
ng the entry of non-Muslims was obviously to prevent its recapture.

pass. In the eastern corner of the Kaaba is the "Rukn-al-Aswad (the Black Stone called
("The Levantine corner") and at the south "Rukn-al-Yamani" ("The Yemeni corner").

ls of Hindus are followed by Muslims in Kaaba:


r-al-Aswad in Arabic for describing this Black Stone is from the Sanskrit word Sanghey As
In India , even many Muslims are devotees of Shiva and Parvathi)

eter. However, it can be recognized instantly by the large silver band surrounding it. There

al in shape and is the pedestal of the Hindu deity Brahma, the creator. Kaaba was one of th
he other 360 idols but Mohammad was clever enough to retain the pedestal and name it as
ed the very concept of Allah.

es (tawaf). In no other mosque does the circumambulation prevail. Hindus invariably circu
the one who have given us the concept of Brahma, the creator of universe and hes the on
slims circumambulate in Kaaba in anti clockwise direction, which is considered as satanic w
gions like Hindus!). Also, in Hindu marriages, bride and the groom go round the fire seven

throne in heaven and Kaaba was ordained by Allah to be built in the shape of the House in
m of Kaaba. When Kaaba itself was present even before the invent of Islam, how can it b
e center of Kaaba even today, could be a place of holy shrine to Muslims? So, it is not diffic
e God of War.

word Mahadev, another name for Lord Shiva.


s law. The term means "way" or "path to the water source".

Sunna (the practice of the Mohammad), is considered to be one of the worst laws to be ad
have been hanged based on Shariat. But our Prophet, who was a master criminal mind, ne


e copied by Mohammad. Actually, the list is huge, but here only few are mentione

and Griha which means to worship and house meaning A house of worship or A pl

ule. The Muslim month Safar signifying the extra month (Adhik Maas) is from the Hindu
being the popular version of Sanskrit language). The Muslim sanctity for Gyrahwi Sharif is

Arabic numbers 786 and this is the most sacred number for Muslims and copies of the Arab

m-Zam water with reverence and collect it to take home. This practice is of pre-Islamic pe
Zam water is regarded as sacred Ganga , the wife of Lord Shiva and devotees collect the w
he initial stages of this well, a far-reaching humming sound could be heard, hence the nam
he water of Zam-Zam and take the water home.)

edic Hindus practice of Chaturmasya, which prescribes the method of praying and fasting.
llowers. The significance of Chaturmasya among Vedic Hindus is completely divine and spir

ns and the creation of the universe have been completely copied and incorporated from th
erate, Mohammad got this translated through his followers, which was confirmed even by

maz is derived from Sanskrit roots Nama meaning to bow and Yajna meaning to w

nction of Panchmahayagna (five daily worship - Panch-Maha-Yagna) which is part of the da

ho clean five parts of their body before commencing Namaz. All the Muslims follow this inju
ur Prophet Mohammad that for a Muslim, except Friday bath, other days can be bath-free-

rayers. When Muslim men enter mosques to offer prayers or when the Muslim women offe
temples, they also take bath at their home/convenient place (if possible) before entering t
ith thumb while praying was adopted from Vedic Hindus while offering Namaz.

the methods for invoking Shakti Goddess.

akti forms when they offer Namaz.

y Mohammad from Vedic Hindus and he did alter those postures slightly:

p and purity, start by saying Bismillah.

a brush whenever it is possible.

hree times.
from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin and from ear to ear.
, and then do the same with the left arm.

outer sides with the thumbs. This should be done with wet fingers.
h the right foot.

on Moon. It is called Hejri Qamari (Moon based departure):

onomical sense are the bases of this calendar and the year starts from the time in which M
ecame one of Mohammads miracles as a prophet.

half). This incident shows how blindly Mohammads followers were accepting whatever he
hammad knew about the dates in which moon is full or half or crescent shape. And him kno
n in half. So at that certain time and night he set up the stage to give his preaching and th
o all enemies of Islam and eventually this became one of his miracles and documented fact

tries to strengthen himself and Islam through the five pillars of Islam:

ed of Islam as follows There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is His Prophet)


of Allah and tries to free his Allah from the popularly accepted prevailing moon god
yone by the miracle of "Shaq-ol-Qamar" (dividing the moon in half) as explained above an

nt from moon god. So after the miracle of "Shaq-ol-Qamar" (dividing the moon in half),

h , Afghanistan , China , Indonesia , etc, were all once Hindus and Buddhists.

ral groups induce victims to adopt defensive mechanisms. Hindu women in South Asia ado
to Dr.Younis Shaikh (Pakistani author of A Study of Islam and Women'), eighty million
practice for Islamic warlords like Ghori and Ghazni to unleash the mass rape and enslavem
geny of forcible conversions and systematic rape campaigns by marauding Muslim invaders

he eyes of rapacious Islamic conquerors. This was especially prevalent in regions with high
o burning cremation grounds after their husbands' death, gained widespread acceptance du
er than submit to the rape and slavery that would follow, eight thousand heroic H

Mughal emperor Jahangir.

g sand was poured over his bare body. He was seated in red-hot caldron, and was bathed i

hal forces bravely and killed Wazir Khan, the governor of Sirhind who had brutally execute

executed in the following manner. Such torture and cruelty can be done only by Muslims.

top of an elephant, and he was dressed in the mock attire of an emperor, with a c
ed behind the elephant and this procession then passed through the streets of De
were again offered a choice of two alternatives: conversion to Islam or death. All c
ged in a circle around Banda who was now squatting on the ground. There were h

ed to kill his own son Ajai Singh. As he sat unperturbed, the executioner moved fo
d thrown in to Banda's face. His liver was removed and thrust into Banda Singh's
er. But before that, Mohammed Amin Khan, who was standing near, spoke as follo
also very intelligent. Can you tell me why you have to suffer all this here?

e limit, then God sends men like me on this earth to mete out punishment to them
e. God is not being unjust to me in any way."

his dagger into Banda's right eye, pulling out the eyeball. He then pulled out the o

eft foot, then both his arms. But Banda's features were still calm as if he was at p
ortures, they cut his body up into a hundred pieces, and were satisfied.

he battle of Panipat on the 13th January, 1761 A.D., and plundered Delhi at will. Abdali ma
e destroyed large parts of the Golden Temple complex. Same terrorism is being carried on

ted us to Islam:

f the Ghaznavid Empire from 997 until his death.

and plundered most of its wealth. Fifty thousand Hindus were massacred in just one of
ets. The highly cultured and civilized daughters of the noble Hindu families were sold to th
wives each, there were lots of surplus women left and the evil Islamic mullahs responde
mited number of women as concubines.

bur (February 14, 1483-December 26, 1530) was a Mughal emperor from Central Asia . He

hours. We got the infidels slaughtered and the place which had been Darul-Harb (natio

h vermilion - those heads were shaved with scissors, and their throats were choked with d
ngs of pearls were broken. Their wealth and youthful beauty, which gave them so much ple
g to God's Will, He bestows greatness- if it pleases His Will, He bestows punishment.

s death the empire's coffers were almost empty; troops were even ordered to return a th
d also bled fluid from his ears. He was a heavy drinker and took hashish, perhaps as a
, although in the Baburnama, Babur does write without censure of relatives in Ferghana w

terror among the subjugated Hindu population. His general, Mir Baqi was in charge of the
mple which was built on the place where Samrat Shri Ramachandra, an ancient King of Ind
avatar of Vishnu.

mmemorate their King Samrat Ramchandra. Mir Baqi built a mosque at the site of the destr

second Mughal emperor who ruled modern Afghanistan , Pakistan and parts of northern In

age. He was an addict to opium and by far, more degenerate and cruel than his father. Wan

men was sitting on Kamran's knees. He was pulled out of the tent and a lancet was thrust i

as the son of Humayun.


tutes of the realm collected at the shop could scarcely be counted, so large was their numb
His Majesty's permission. In the same way, boys prostituted themselves, and drunkennes
eir virginity

, ordered a general massacre of 30000 Rajputs after he captured Chithod on February 24

nconscious before Akbar and Bairam Khan, Akbars guardian. Bairam Khan pleads with
en severed the head of unconscious Hemu with his saber.

as Akbars son and was cruel to the core like Mohammad.

y Tuzk-e-Jahangiri, also referred to as Jahangirnama. Jahangir ordered his men for the des
angir got cut off the tongue of Bikramjits son for marrying a Muslim girl, but not convertin

drinking. He was trying to restore it by visiting Kashmir and Kabul . He went from Kabul to
urb of Lahore .

hosen Imperial title Alamgir I (Conqueror of the Universe). He was the third son of Shah Ja
for, would run into thousands of pages. For now, the following information should suffice.

Aurangzeb got his brothers Shah Shuja, Murad Baksh, Dara Shikoh killed. He was so crue
b kept Shah Jahan under house arrest at the Agra Fort and got the window of the Agra For

mple, he ordered all temples destroyed, among them the Kashi Vishwanath temple, one o

reach equally suffered destruction, with mosques built on them. A few examples: Krishna
w overlooking Benares; and the Treta-ka-Thakur temple in Ayodhya. Aurangzeb did not sto
ed conversions. Aurangzeb completely destroyed 172 temples and looted the costly idols a

as executed in the cruelest way by Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb had demanded that all Kashmiri
Bahadur and converted many Kashmiri Brahmins into Islam right in front of Guru Tegh Baha

n, the Dai-ul-Mutlaq of the Dawoodi Bohras (An Ismaili-Mustaali-Tayyebi sect of Shia Islam
xecuted by beheading and the Dawoodi Bohra community persecuted and their human righ

in Central Asia, which survived until 1857 as the Mughal Dynasty of India .

8 to invade the reigning Sultan Nasiruddin Mehmud of Tughlaq Dynasty in Delhi .

capture of towns and villages was often followed by the looting, massacre of Hindus inhab
disdain for the 'idolatrous' Hindus.

d, destroyed, and left in ruins. Even before the battle for Delhi started, Timur had exec
he vividly describes the massacre at Delhi as follows:

he sword, and in the course of one hour the heads of 10,000 infidels were cut off. The swo
year had been stored in the fort became the spoil of my soldiers. They set fire to the house
and children, and their property and goods became the spoil of the victors. I proclaimed thr
do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order

ain. Maulana Nasiruddin Umar, a counselor and man of learning, who, in all his life, had ne



ajor religion of the Persians was Zoroastrianism. The Persians had rich culture and were
started their usual methods of conversion i.e. killing, raping and forceful conversion. Tho

destroy the very culture and thinking of people.


m in South Asia when the Taliban broke down the Bamyan statues, in spite of frantic appea

break down himself the first stone Gods? Thereafter, it became a holy duty for all good Mu
there myself, ordered the executions of all the leaders and practitioners of this abominati

rely faithful executors of Quranic injunctions. It is not the Muslims who are guilty, but Islam
e "heathen" Buddhist statues.

yed periodically in Bangladesh and Pakistan ? The HRCBM, a Santa Clara-based organisatio
ngladesh during the year 2000: On March 29, 2000, Malarani Roy of Karagola village was

j town to migrate to India . When she refused, she was abducted, gang-raped and brutally
dead by local Muslims. On October 6, 2000, Muslim devotees, after offering namaaz at the
du-owned shops.

neighbours: in 1941, there were approximately 25% Hindus in Pakistan and 30% in Bangla
desh .

sia, Hindus are the Kaafirs by excellence: the Buddhists adore only Buddha, the Christians
s is why Kashmir is so important: it is not about territory, it is about a Holy war against Hin
s: Pakistan , Afghanistan , Bangladesh , with soft nations, like Nepal , often lending them a

wards Hindus than the Hindu Kush . Historically, the passes across the Hindu Kush have bee
in 327 BC, to Timur Lane in 1398 AD, and from Mahmud of Ghazni, in 1001 AD, to Nader S
ar - to slaughter or carnage, because all Hindus living there were slaughtered.

lly 'Kill the Hindus', a reminder of the days when Hindu slaves from Indian subcontinent die

ppears in 1333 AD in the writings of Ibn Battutah, the medireview Berber traveller, who sai

Hindu genocide suggested by the name Hindu Kush is not available. However the number is
in December 1398 AD, Timur Lane ordered the execution of at least 50,000 captives befor

'ordered the massacre of about 30,000 captured Rajput Hindus on February 24, 1568 AD,
ng one of the many repeated invasions on the city of Herat in western Afghanistan, which u

Hindu Kush genocide? The horrors of the Jewish holocaust are taught not only in schools in

g issued a directive for the rewriting of school texts. Among other things it stipulated that:
Negationism, has become India 's official 'educational' policy.

tle against Muslim fundamentalism in Asia . The French for one, who have a definite proble

y local Muslims in collaboration with ISI. A total of 59 people, including women and childre

place of Ram. A mob of 300 Muslims surrounded this coach and closed the door of the trai

and Hindus died.

he Council for International Affairs and Human Rights concludes as follows:

ct of terrorism planned at the behest of Pakistan to foment communal riots all over the cou

ewatia, Former Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court, which also included Prof. Kuthiala,
Krishan Singh and journalist Jawaharlal Kaul.

e region, the team released their report, describing the Godhra incident as an act of intern

idence to prove that it was not spontaneous. The vacuum pipe was also cut in the train, wh
were used to burn the train..." said Prof. B K Kuthiala.

Abode of Islam), in which Islam is in full religious-political control and Dar-al-Harb (Abode

hole motive is the expansion of the Islamic empire. In the name of Allah, the number of pe

hundreds of years on ways and means to achieve that. Islam has destroyed millions of live

roperty to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment ther

n of terrorism. Ever since Islam was found, it has left behind a legacy of violent atrocities a
e interests of Islam. It can clearly be called a specific instruction manual of terrorism. So, d
es are destroyed by Muslim men. It has the sanction of Muhammads Allah.

or the sake of power, sex and wealth. If Mohammads imaginary Allah really exist

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