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Test 1 - Module 1

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Choose a, b, c or d. [odaberi a,b,c ili d]
1. Could you do me a

and bring me that bag on the table over there?

a. help

b. favour

c. chance

2. The bowling alley has a

area where you can buy refreshments and sit on comfortable sofas.

a. break

b. common

3. My parents were very

c. lounge

d. entrance

of me for graduating with the highest marks in my school.

a. moody

b. interested

c. strict

4. I can see that you have definitely made

a. progress

d. proud

and will improve even more.

b. extra

5. Mario is very

c. business

d. intelligent

which is why we are such great friends and never fight.

a. easy-going

b. stubborn

6. Clarisa loves to

c. athletic

d. bossy

with her grandma in her country home.

a. get in shape

b. spend time

c. take a course

7. Im so happy that smoking has finally been

a. satisfied
8. The

d. trick

d. keep in touch

in restaurants.

b. addicted

c. provided

d. banned

of this excursion is to learn more about the forest and the environment.

a. feature

b. purpose

9. Did you know its

a. against

c. venue

d. facility

to talk on your mobile while driving?

b. admission

c. illegal

d. competitive

2. Complete the sentences with prepositions. [dopuni predlozima]

1. David wanted his son to become a doctor but it didnt turn
2. I wish the supermarket were closer

that way.
my house so I wouldnt have to walk so far.

3. Its important that parents watch their children closely at the beach
4. Arnold works

all times.

at the gym three times a week.

5. Jerrys cousin Steve is really fond

jazz and owns over 1000 CDs!

6. After Bill told his father his business idea, his father told him he thought it was a great idea and he should go
7. Would you mind taking care
8. Over 200 people took part

my hamster while Im away this weekend.

the race but only 176 finished.


3. Choose the correct words. [odaberi odgovarajuce reci]

1. Fred has played / played the guitar since 8 oclock this morning.
2. How long have you smoked / you smoke?
3. Did you fail / Have you failed yesterdays exam?
4. Excuse me, have you paid / you pay the entrance fee?
5. Henry has gained / gained six kilos since he stopped exercising.
6. Kathys neighbour has listened / listened to the same song three times so far.
7. I have never used / didnt use a lawnmower before.
8. Miles and Kevin have earned / earn 70 since this morning.

4. Choose a, b, c or d to complete the sentences. [odaberi a,b,c ili d da dopunis recenice]

1. a. Ive had
b. I had

the time of my life at the party last night.

c. I have
d. Im having
2. a. She passed
b. She didnt pass
c. She doesnt pass

the exam so she has to take it again.

d. She isnt passing

3. a. Jim is living
b. Jim didnt live

on the outskirts but now he lives in the centre of the city.

c. Jim used to live

d. Jim hasnt lived

4. a. My sister told
b. My sister has told

some really funny jokes sometimes.

c. My sister tells

d. My

sister is telling
d. my sister is telling
5. a. Wayne travels
b. Wayne has travelled
c. Wayne is travelling
has been travelling
d. Wayne travelled
6. a. Diane has been

around the south of Europe at the moment.

d. Wayne

b. Diane has gone



to the
supermarket to pick up some milk. Shes not here.

c. Diane goes
d. Diane is going
5. Read the letter and choose the correct answer a, b, c or d. [procitaj pismo i odaberi a,b,c ili d]
Dear Julia,
How have you been? I miss you so much! I havent heard from you in ages. How long is it
we last hung out? I think it was two months (2)
when we went to see Scary Movie 4. Ever since I moved
away, it (3)
difficult to see you.
As you know, I (4)
my new school at first but its getting better and I have made some new friends. You have to
meet them when you come over. Dave (5)
got a great sense of humour but can be a bit immature at times.
Candice is very easy-going and Lisa is very intelligent, but she is sometimes shy. My classes are quite difficult because I
in the middle of the school year. Lately, I (7)
three hours every afternoon at home, but I try to have fun
too. Last month I
up a new hobby. Can you guess what it is? Write back and tell me what you think it is and Ill tell you in my
next letter. I (9)
to Alston next month to visit my grandma. We definitely should make plans to meet. Im looking
forward to hearing from you!
Lots of kisses,

1. a. before

b. since

c. so far

d. already

2. a. ago

b. last

c. before

d. yet

3. a. were

b. being

c. has been

d. was

4. a. didnt like

b. dont like

c. havent liked

d. liked

5. a. is

b. was

c. has been

d. has

6. a. am coming

b. have been coming

c. came

d. have come

7. a. have been studying

b. have studied

c. am studying

d. studied

8. a. am taking

b. took

c. have taken

d. has taken

9. a. have been coming

b. has come

c. come

d. am coming


Choose the correct question for each response. There are two extra questions which you do
not need to use. [odaberi tacan odgovor za svako pitanje. 2 pitanja su visak]
a. Why havent I seen you around?

1. He let me down.


b. Is he any good at fixing bikes?

2. Its strictly forbidden!


c. How do you usually like to spend your time?

d. What are you up to?

3. Hes definitely learnt the tricks of the trade.

e. Have you taken up playing computer games?

4. I like surfing the Internet.

f. Could I bring my cat into the shop?

5. Nothing much.

g. Who do you hang out with?

h. Why are you so upset with Chris?



6. Ive been up to my neck in exams!



Read four conversations and choose a, b or c. [procitaj 4 dijaloga i odaberi a,b ili c]
Conversation 1
Girl 1: So, David, what do you think of the new French teacher, Miss Andrews?
David: She gets a bit angry if you dont do your homework.
Girl 1: Do you think so? I think shes very cheerful most of the time.
David: She shouted at me when I said I hadnt done mine, but I had a good reason!
Girl 1: But she was really nice to you for the rest of the lesson.
David: True. One minute shes shouting at me, the next minute shes friendly! I dont get it! Maybe its just the way she is. At least
youre getting good marks!
Girl 1: Let me know if you need help with anything. Im here for you!

Conversation 2
Excuse me. Can I ask something?
Woman: Of course. But first Im going to have to ask you to put that camera away.
This is my mobile phone.
Woman: I know, but I noticed its got a camera on it. We have postcards of all the
paintings in the gift shop, if youd like to look. Its through those doors on your
left. Youll see a sign.
Thank you, but all I really wanted to know was where the nearest exit is.
Woman: Theres only one and its next to the gift shop.
Great. Thanks a lot.
Woman: Youre welcome.

Conversation 3
Woman: Hey, Jonathan. Have you been to the new Internet caf near your place?
What Cyberbytes? Yeah, I went there yesterday after work.
Woman: Really? I was there, too. What time?
Late. About half past ten. They stay open 24 hours.
Woman: I know. Did you try one of their coffees? Theyre brilliant. But dont have any
cakes. Theyre all about 2 weeks old.
Thanks for the tip. Its a nice place but I think seven euros is a lot for one hour
on the Net.
Woman: It is quite expensive, youre right. The old caf is cheaper, but it closes at
eleven, which doesnt work for me at all.
Are you going to Cyberbytes tonight, then?
Woman: Yeah. See you there?

Conversation 4

You look exhausted, Donna. Whats up?

Ive been working really hard lately.
Oh yeah, your T-shirt selling business idea. Is it getting a bit too much for you?
Not really. Its just that Ive been running around a lot today.
Whats wrong then?
Nobody seems to be buying. Ive tried selling them at school and the youth club...
Thats strange because theyre really trendy.
Do you want one?
Why not? How much?
Fifty euros.
Are you kidding? No wonder nobodys buying them. Who can afford that?
Maybe youre right.

1. What does David think about his new French teacher?

a. Shes easy-going.

b. Shes moody.

c. Shes sociable.

2. Why does the boy talk to the security guard?

a. To ask where the exit is.

b. To ask if he can use his phone. c. To ask where the gift shop is.

3. What didnt the man like about the new Internet caf?
a. the refreshments

b. the prices

c. the opening hours

4. Why isnt the girls business doing well?

a. Her prices are too high.

b. Theres too much work to do.

c. Shes selling to the wrong










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