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Formal Outline Worksheet for Informative Speech

You must type your formal outline using this format as your model. This model provides all the
required components of a preparation outline. The number of main points and subpoints may vary but be
sure to include ALL the components included in the Introduction, Conclusion and Works Cited. A sample
preparation outline and link is provided in the assignment box. You are welcome to download and use
this document as an outline template. However, do not include any words in parenthesis; they are
there as a guide for you to know what to place where.

Introduction (pp. 287-288)

(the order of the introduction components may vary)

Attention Getter (p. 287)

Introduce Topic & Relate It To Audience (pp. 287-288)
Central Idea (p. 288)
Establish Credibility (p.288 and pages 350-352)
Preview of main points (p. 288)
(Signpost/transition to first main point)

Body (pp. 280-284)

(pp. 285-286)

(Review Use of Outline Symbols)

I. (First main point)

A. (sub point or supporting material)
1. (oral citation)
2. (supporting material)
a. (supporting material)
b. (supporting material)
B. (sub point or supporting material)
(Signpost/transition to second main point)

II. (Second main point)

A. (subpoint or supporting material)
1. (oral citation)
2. (supporting material)

B. (sub point or supporting material)

1. (oral citation)
2. (supporting material)
a. (supporting material)
b. (supporting material)
(Signpost/transition to third main point)

III. (Third main point)

A. (sub point or supporting material)
1. (oral citation)
2. (supporting material)
a. (supporting material)
b. (supporting material)
B. sub point or supporting material)

Conclusion (pp. 288-290)

Signpost (brakelight coming to the end)
Reemphasize Central Idea
Recap of main points
Final, memorable thought

Works Cited
(Use MLA format; list sources at bottom of this outline or a separate, attached page)

Librarys MLA guidelines link:

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