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Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Advanced Geotechnical and Foundation

Tutorial 1
Prepared by: Eng. Ahmed Elmaraghy

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Main Topics:
1-Total and effective stresses
2-Lateral earth pressure
3-Shear resistance
4-Settlement in clay soil

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Total and effective stresses

Components of Stresses in Soil

Existing overburden pressure (due to soil self weight)

v=vertical normal overburden pressure
h=horizontal normal overburden pressure (=k* v)

Added loads and/or excavation

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Total and effective stresses

Stresses due to existing overburden pressure
For a saturated soil deposit (sat) with groundwater table above
ground surface.
The total vertical stress ( ) at depth (z) equals the weight of
solids and water per unit area above that depth:
= sat*z+whw
The total vertical stress ( ) is divided into 2 parts:

Portion carried by water in voids = pore-water pressure (u)


Portion carried by solids at their point of contact = effective

stress ( )

The total vertical stress ( ) can be expressed as:


Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Total and effective stresses

Stresses due to existing overburden pressure
The pore-water pressure (hydrostatic) at depth z:
= w(hw+z)

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Total and effective stresses

Stresses due to existing overburden pressure
, u, and all vary linearly with depth.

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Overburden Stress Distribution with Depth:

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Total and effective stresses

For the soil formation shown, plot the variation of the vertical total and effective stresses as well as the pore
water pressure with depth


Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Lateral earth pressure

In a homogeneous natural soil deposit, the ratio h/v
is a constant known as coefficient of earth pressure at
rest (K0).


Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Lateral earth pressure

Estimating K0
For normally consolidated clays and granular soils.
K0 = 1 sin
For over consolidated clays,
K0,overconsolidated = K0,normally consolidated* .5
From elastic analysis,


=Poissons ratio

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Lateral earth pressure

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Lateral earth pressure

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Shear failure in soil

When a cohesive soil is subjected to an external load, deformations in
different directions may occur. The pore water pressure and water
content of the soil may also change. When the stress exceeds a
certain limit, accompanied by a certain strain, failure of the soil
occurs. This failure is usually characterized by movement of the
affected soil mass by slippage along a certain plane, which is called
the shear plane

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Failure mechanism
Local failure takes place at points where shear stresses () > shear strength (S).
When local failure occurs at sufficiently large number of points within the soil mass, a
general failure takes place.
Failure takes the form of sliding of a soil block over a Failure/Sliding/Slip surface
within the soil mass.
To study shear failure at a point, we need to calculate:
1. Stresses (,) on any plane through this point

2. Shear resistance (S) at this point

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Shear failure in soil

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Shear Resistance
Shear resistance in soils is due to:
Friction and interlocking between soil particles

Friction Component

Inter-particle attraction forces (due to electro-chemical effects)

Cohesion component

The shear strength (S) of soil at a point is expressed as a linear function of the
effective normal stress () acting on plane of failure:
= + tan
Where, cand are the shear strength parameters :
c: effective cohesion
: effective angle of shearing resistance

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Shear Resistance

Settlement of Cohesive Soils:

Winter 2015 - Advanced Geotechnical and foundation Engineering CIS 902

Settlement in Soil



Where S is the final settlement,

CC :is a dimensionless value representing the slope pf the linear portion of the stress-void
ratio curve on a semi log plot and named the compression index.
Cc=0.009(liquid limit -10)
H: is the total height of the soil layer subjected to loads.

:Is the initial effective vertical stress on the soil.

:Is the change in stress between the initial stage and the final one.

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