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International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Analysis on high-speed face-milling of 7075-T6 aluminum

using carbide and diamond cutters
Balkrishna Rao, Yung C. Shin

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA

Received 5 February 2001; accepted 26 February 2001

This research is concerned with the analytical and experimental study on the high-speed face milling of
7075-T6 aluminum alloys with a single insert fly-cutter. The results are analyzed in terms of cutting forces,
chip morphology, and surface integrity of the workpiece machined with carbide and diamond inserts. It is
shown that a high cutting speed leads to a high chip flow angle, very low thrust forces and a high shear
angle, while producing a thinner chip. Chip morphology studies indicate that shear localization can occur
at higher feeds even for 7075-T6, which is known to produce continuous chips. The resultant compressive
residual stresses are shown for the variation of cutting parameters and cutting tool material. The analysis
of the high-speed cutting process mechanics is presented, based on the calculation results using extended
oblique machining theory and finite element simulation. 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Keywords: High speed machining; Aluminum 7075-T6; Face milling; Mechanics of machining

1. Introduction
In recent years, high-speed machining has been widely recognized as one of the key processes
in fabricating aluminum parts [1,2]. This is due to the several advantages that high-speed machining offers over conventional machining. First, at higher speeds, a single heavy cut is sufficient
to produce a good surface finish. The use of heavier cuts along with higher speeds also increases
productivity. Second, lower cutting forces generated during high-speed machining of aluminum
compared with conventional machining allows for machining of parts with thin cross-sections.
Third, at higher speeds there is no formation of built up edges and burrs, thus helping improve
finished part quality [3].
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-765-494-9775; fax: +1-765-494-0539.
E-mail address: (Y.C. Shin).

0890-6955/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

PII: S 0 8 9 0 - 6 9 5 5 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 3 3 - 5


B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Over the years, milling processes have been employed to machine aluminum alloys at higher
speeds. This is due to the very high metal removal rates that can be attained by utilizing multitooth cutters at high speeds. In particular, most of the research efforts to date for high-speed
machining of aluminum alloys have focused on end milling processes. Aggarwal [4] studied the
end milling of 7075-T6 aluminum from the point of view of cutting forces. The quality of the
machined surface has been investigated by Kim and Kang [5] in the high-speed machining of
aluminum with carbide and diamond inserted end mills. Mathematical and numerical models have
been developed for predicting cutting conditions like cutting forces, stresses, and temperatures in
the cutting zone of an end milling process [6,7].
In contrast, little work has been reported on the face milling of aluminum alloys at higher
speeds. A temperature analysis in high-speed face milling was undertaken by Lezanski and Shaw
[8] wherein the hypothesis of decrease in cutting temperature at higher speeds has been proved
to be false. However, little has been reported to date that has dealt with the mechanics of the
high-speed face milling process and the resultant quality of machined workpieces. One of the
major differences is that in face milling the secondary cutting edge strongly affects the machined
surface integrity as opposed to the primary edge in end milling.
The objective of this work is to study the high-speed face milling process of 7075-T6 aluminum
in terms of cutting forces, chip morphology, and quality of the finished surface with two commonly used cutting tool materials, i.e., carbide and diamond. Various fundamental process conditions including chip flow angle, shear stress, and shear zone temperature are analyzed based on
calculated results using the modified oblique machining theory and finite element method. In
addition, this paper presents the occurrence of localized shear in chips at higher feeds and the
quality of machined surfaces in terms of surface roughness and compressive residual stresses.
2. Experimental setup and conditions
All the experiments were performed on a 100 HP variable speed high-speed milling machine.
The maximum table feed and maximum spindle speed on this machine are 16.51 m/min and
10,000 rpm, respectively. Milling tests were performed by cutting blocks of aluminum 7075-T6.
Uncoated carbide and diamond inserts of nose radius 0.79 mm (Kennametal SEEN 422J K313)
were used in a Kennametal high-velocity face milling cutter to machine the blocks. The cutter
had lead, axial rake, and radial rake angles of 15, 10, and 9, respectively. Single insert fly cutting
was carried out for all the tests in this research.
A Kistler (model 9257B) dynamometer was mounted under the workpiece to measure forces
during machining. The force signals were acquired by a computer through a LabVIEW-based
data acquisition program at a sampling frequency of 5.128 kHz. To analyze the mechanics of the
high-speed machining process, cutting forces were acquired while machining with a carbide tool
at a feed of 0.2 mm per tooth. Five different cutting speeds ranging from 518 to 1585 m/min and
three separate depths of cut between 0.51 and 2.54 mm were used for this purpose.
The surface integrity parameters investigated in this research include residual stresses and surface roughness. These parameters were studied in the following ranges of cutting speed, feed and
depth of cut: 10671676 m/min, 0.10.38 mm per tooth, and 0.762.29 mm, respectively. The
feed and depth of cut used with the diamond tool were limited due to the constraints imposed
by the manufacturer.

B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781


Residual stresses were measured using an X-ray diffraction technique. An X-ray diffractometer
was used to measure the average residual stress across a thin subsurface layer of the machined
workpiece using Chrome radiation. The power supply of the diffractometer was set to 40 kV and
20 mA. The size of the irradiated area was 100.1 mm2. The machined workpieces were successively etched to obtain the profiles of residual stresses with depth below the machined surface
using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution.
Surface roughness of the finished aluminum blocks was measured with a portable SURTRONIC
3+ profilometer. All the measurements were carried out with a cutoff length of 0.8 mm and in
each case the average of three readings was used.
3. Analytical and numerical methods
The mechanics underlying the high speed-cutting process were studied based on the results
predicted by certain analytical and numerical methods. This section describes the methods used
for investigation.
The oblique machining theory was extended to three-dimensional machining cases. Traditionally, the oblique machining theory predicts cutting forces from cutting conditions and work
material properties. Since the cases considered here are three-dimensional cutting processes, the
nose radius and the secondary cutting edge significantly affect chip formation and hence the
oblique cutting theory based on the straight cutting edge assumption cannot be directly applied.
Shin and Waters [9] have shown that most existing models for chip flow angle prediction are not
adequate for three-dimensional machining through comparison with experimentally measured
values. Since accurate determination of the chip flow angle is the key to obtaining better predictions from the theory, the measured cutting forces are used to determine the chip flow angle
following the approach presented in [9]. The measured quantities such as cutting forces, chip
thickness and chip width together with the actual chip flow angle are used to predict shear plane
angle, stresses, strains, and temperatures in the cutting zone. The equations pertaining to this
modified theory are outlined in Appendix A.
In order to validate the calculated values pertaining to process mechanics, finite element simulation has been carried out for each of the cutting conditions. The finite element analysis (FEA)
software used in this research is called AdvantEdge, developed solely for machining processes
by Third Wave Systems, Inc. This software uses a Lagrangian approach that accounts for dynamic
effects, heat conduction, and full thermo-mechanical coupling. AdvantEdge also has the ability
to refine the mesh near the tool tip through adaptive remeshing. The aforementioned features
along with its excellent graphical user interface makes AdvantEdge a very convenient tool for
simulating machining processes.
Since the results of FEM simulation depend on the material data as well as the solution procedure, its accuracy was first tested by comparing the predicted cutting forces by FEM simulation
with the measured values. To account for the three-dimensional cutting tool geometry, the effective rake angle was calculated and used for the tool rake angle in the FEM simulation. A comparison of specific cutting pressures normal and tangential to the cutting tool rake face is shown in
Fig. 1. Good agreements indicate that the FEM simulation results are reasonably accurate.
The approach outlined by Shin and Waters [9] was utilized for extracting specific cutting force


B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Fig. 1. Comparison between numerical results from the FEM simulation and experimental results: (a) speed=1067
m/min, feed=0.1 mm per tooth, depth of cut=1.27 mm; (b) speed=1676 m/min, feed=0.1 mm per tooth, depth of
cut=1.27 mm.

coefficients and chip flow angle from the force data gathered through experiments. Fig. 2 presents
frictional and normal components of specific cutting forces and chip flow angles extracted from
measured force data. The chip flow angle decreases with increases in the depth of cut, while
increasing with cutting speed. Both the normal and frictional cutting pressures slightly decrease
with the increase of cutting speed and effective chip thickness. Overall, the lower values of the
frictional component are due to the lower toolchip interface friction in the high-speed regime.
These empirical coefficients were used for predicting the cutting forces through the mechanistic
force model given by Shin and Waters [10]. Fig. 3 depicts the comparison between measured
and predicted cutting forces for a set of cutting conditions other than those used to extract the
data shown in Fig. 2. The good agreement seen in Fig. 3 confirms the accuracy of experimental
values, e.g. Kf, Kn and chip flow angle, obtained in the present study.
4. Results and discussion
4.1. The mechanics of cutting process
The chip flow angle was determined from the measured forces by using Eqs. (A1), (A2) and
(A3) in Appendix A. Fig. 4 presents the variation of this angle with cutting speed for the depths

B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781


Fig. 2. Specific cutting force coefficients extracted from measured cutting forces during machining of AL7075-T6 by
carbide tools. (a) Frictional component of specific cutting force; (b) normal component of specific cutting force; and
(c) chip flow angle.

of cut of 1.27 and 2.54 mm. The chip flow angle values depicted in Fig. 4 show that the Stabler
rule does not hold true in the high-speed regime. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the chip flow
angle increases with the cutting speed, reaching 50 at 1676 m/min. This increase, which has also
been observed by Shin and Waters [9] while cutting 4140 steel, is due to a reduction in the
friction coefficient with increasing cutting speed. Moufki et al. [11] have confirmed this fact in
their research on the oblique machining of CRS 1018 steel. Moreover, the increase in the chip
flow angle at higher cutting speeds, not predicted by the available analytical models, will affect
the prediction of other important quantities pertaining to the shear zone
The effective shear plane angle is an important parameter that influences the accurate prediction
of shear stress and temperature in the primary shear zone. Determination of this parameter is
accomplished through Eq. (A7) in Appendix A, which is given in Armarego and Brown [12].
Eq. (A7) uses the measured chip width along with measured chip thickness for determining the
effective shear plane angle. The variation of this parameter is shown in Fig. 5, and can be
explained as follows. According to Mathew and Oxley [13], the increase in toolchip interface
temperature at higher speeds is sufficiently large compared to the increase in strain rate. Thus,
the decrease in the toolchip interface shear flow stress due to temperature increases exceeds the
increase due to strain rate. This decrease in the shear flow stress at the toolchip interface results


B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Fig. 3. Comparison between predictions from the mechanistic force model and experimental results (machining of
AL7075-T6 by a carbide tool, speed=1259 m/min, feed=0.2 mm per tooth, depth of cut=1.27 mm, entry angle=117
and exit angle=65). (a) X force; (b) Y force; and (c) Z force.

in low frictional forces. Fig. 6 shows the decrease in the frictional component of the specific
cutting pressure for three different chip thicknesses with increasing cutting speeds. It can be
clearly seen that specific friction force decreases with increasing speed and higher chip thickness.
The lower friction at the toolchip interface and higher shear plane angles produce thinner chips
in the high-speed regime, leading to cutting ratio values greater than one, as shown in Table 1.
Referring to Fig. 5 and Table 1, shear plane angles as large as 66 and cutting ratios as high as
3.65 are observed, which are not possible in the realm of conventional machining. Komanduri et
al. [1] made similar observations and argued that the presence of flank wear and shear localization
in chips are responsible for these abnormal values. However, the use of a fresh cutting edge for
each of our tests and continuous chips generated for all the entries in Table 1 refute their argument.
The lower friction at the toolchip interface and high chip flow angle with increasing speed
also influence the chip velocity. With low toolchip interface friction in conjunction with the high
shear angle the chip flows at a velocity higher than that of the cutting velocity, which is evident
from Fig. 7. The reverse is true in conventional machining where higher frictional conditions
result in chip velocities being less than the cutting speed and chips being thicker than the uncut
chip thickness.

B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781


Fig. 4. Variation of chip flow angle vs. cutting speed (machining of AL7075-T6 by a carbide tool with feed of 0.2
mm/tooth). (a) DOC = 1.27 mm; and (b) DOC = 2.54 mm.

The shear force and temperature along the shear plane were predicted using Eqs (A10) and
(A11). The shear force data along with the area of shear plane were later used to compute the
shear stresses along the shear plane. Eq. (A9) was used to evaluate the area of the shear plane.
As shown in Fig. 8, the area values predicted by Eq. (A9) are in good agreement with those
predicted from the three-dimensional model given by Usui and Hirota [14], thus justifying the
use of Eq. (A9). The shear stresses and temperatures so obtained from the modified oblique
machining theory are compared with the results generated independently from the FEA software
in Fig. 9. The FEA results plotted in Fig. 9 represent average temperature and stress values over
the shear plane. The trends in shear stress and temperature predicted by the oblique machining
theory agree well with those of the FEA, although there is a slight under-estimation by the FEA
in predicting the stresses and temperatures in the shear zone.
Both the modified oblique machining theory and FEA predict shear stresses that are much
lower than the yield strength of 500 MPa for AL7075-T6 in the high-speed regime. This is due
to thermal softening in the high-speed regime. It is also shown that shear stress and temperature
in the shear plane are nearly constant in the range of 5271585 m/min in speed.
4.2. Toolchip interface
Rake faces of carbide and diamond inserts were analyzed under an optical microscope for traces
of chiptool contact. The appearances of these faces after machining are shown in Fig. 10 where


B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Fig. 5. Variation of the effective shear plane angle vs. cutting speed (machining of AL7075-T6 by a carbide tool
with feed of 0.2 mm/tooth). (a) Depth of cut = 1.27 mm; and (b) depth of cut = 2.54 mm.

Fig. 6. Variation of the frictional component of cutting pressure (machining of AL7075-T6 by a carbide tool).

the images are magnified 100 times. As seen in Fig. 10, there is no trace of any kind of contact
on the diamond rake face. In contrast, the carbide rake face shows a distinct toolchip contact
area for all the speeds investigated. The absence of any toolchip contact marks on the diamond
rake face is due to its high hardness.
The frictional coefficients obtained during the high-speed face milling of aluminum 7075-T6

B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781


Table 1
Experimental conditions and corresponding chip thickness values in the high-speed regimea
Sr. No.


Depth of cut

Uncut chip
thickness (m) uncut chip

Chip thickness Cutting ratio









Feed=0.2 mm per tooth carbide tool. Data presented pertain to maximum chip load position.

Fig. 7. Variation of velocity ratio with cutting speed (machining of AL7075-T6 by a carbide tool with feed of 0.2

Fig. 8.

Comparison of shear plane area models.


B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Fig. 9. Average stresses and temperatures in shear plane (carbide tool with feed of 0.2 mm/tooth). (a) Depth of cut
= 1.27 mm; and (b) depth of cut = 2.54 mm.

are shown in Fig. 11 as a function of the cutting speed for different chip thicknesses. The decrease
seen in Fig. 11 with increasing chip thickness has been reported by earlier research efforts [15,16]
and also explained by Radwan [16]. As for the effect of cutting speed, a slight reduction is seen
in the coefficient of friction with increasing speed for the carbide tool. Very similar values of
friction coefficients were observed for the diamond insert in the speed range of 10671676 m/min.
This is in contrast to the trend shown in Fig. 12 where diamond tools show much lower friction
coefficients during machining of the aluminum 390 alloys, which are gummier than aluminum
4.3. Chip morphology
The chips collected during the high-speed face milling experiments were examined for their
shape and texture. The focus here is on the end of the chip, which corresponds to the maximum
chip load. No significant variation was seen in the morphology of the chips with changes in
cutting speed and depth of cut in the range used for this study. However, there was a notable
change in chip morphology when feed was varied. Fig. 13 shows the appearance of the chips
generated under three different levels of feed with a carbide insert. As seen in Fig. 13, the highest
feed has resulted in chips of shorter lengths due to chip segmentation. The shear localization at
the highest feed is clearly evident in Figs. 14(b) and (c) where the images were taken under a
scanning electron microscope. A representative continuous chip without any chip segmentation

B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Fig. 10.


Appearance of tool rake faces after machining (feed=0.1 mm/tooth and depth of cut=1.27 mm).

Fig. 11. Friction coefficients for machining of AL7075-T6 with carbide tool

is also shown in Fig. 14(a) for the carbide tool, which was produced while cutting at a lower
feed. The shear localization seen in Fig. 14 for both the tool materials is contradictory to most
of the previous research [1], where only continuous chips have been reported for aluminum at
higher speeds due to its lower hardness and higher values of thermal properties. Recently Sandstrom [17], however, reported an observation of shear localization in an aluminum alloy while
orthogonally machining it at a feed of 0.25 mm/rev and a speed of 3048 m/min. In addition, Vyas
and Shaw [18] also acknowledged the formation of saw tooth or shear localized chips at higher
undeformed chip thicknesses. They attempted to use the crack theory to explain the types of chip


B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Fig. 12.

Comparing the frictional coefficient for the two tool materials (workpiece material: aluminum 390).

Fig. 13. Chip appearance for different feeds with carbide tool (speed=1250 m/min, depth of cut=1.27 mm).

formation. The saw tooth chips observed by Vyas and Shaw [18] at higher feeds were obtained
by cutting steel, titanium, and brass workpieces at low speeds or low strain rates. In contrast, the
shear localization observed at larger feeds in our research occurs at high strain rates due to the
high speeds employed for machining. At this point, the exact reasons for this phenomenon are
unknown and are the subject of future research.
4.4. Integrity of the machined surface
The study of the residual stress left in the machined surface was limited to the tangential stress
component in the cutting direction. In addition to being the major residual stress component, this
component lends itself to better averaging across a given length. A typical depth profile of the
tangential component of the residual stress is shown in Fig. 15. For this plot and all the others
studied in this research, the maximum value of the residual stress occurred within 40 m beneath
the machined surface.
The variation of the maximum value of the residual stress with different cutting parameters is
shown in Fig. 16 where each stress value is the average of two readings. Referring to Fig. 16,
the residual stresses are predominantly compressive in nature. This is because of the fact that in
face milling the secondary cutting edge rubs along the machined surface intermittently which in
turn does not allow an excessive build up of thermal energy associated with frictional interaction
[19]. Besides, fresh cutting edges used in our experiments limit the heat generated due to friction
associated with flank wear at the secondary cutting edge, which further curtails tensile stresses.

B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Fig. 14.


Continuous and segmented chips of AL7075-T6 (cutting speed=1250 m/min and depth of cut=1.27 mm).

Fig. 15. Typical profile of residual stress with depth (speed=1372 m/min, feed=0.38 mm per tooth, depth of cut=0.76

Overall, reduced thermal impact leads to cold plastic deformations producing compressive residual
stresses in the sub-surface layers.
Among the cutting conditions studied in this research, the feed of the milling cutter has a
positive influence on the machined workpiece in terms of the stresses left after machining. As
seen in Fig. 16(b), an increase in this parameter leaves higher compressive stresses in the machined


B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

Fig. 16. Variation of maximum residual stress with cutting conditions: (a) feed=0.1 mm/tooth and depth of cut=0.76
mm; (b) speed=1372 m/min and depth of cut=0.76 mm; (c) speed=1372 m/min and feed=0.1 mm/tooth.

workpiece. A possible reason might be the lower specific cutting energy at higher feeds, as shown
in Fig. 2, which in turn generates lesser heat flux. Thus, with increasing feed a colder plastic
deformation process results in higher compressive stresses. This is good from a fatigue life point
of view because the presence of tensile residual stresses can impair the proper functioning of a
machined component. Use of a proper feed in the high-speed regime has also been recently
suggested by El-Wardany et al. [20]. Although, their research deals with the high-speed hard
turning of tool steel, the similarity of results is noteworthy.
The increase in the speed pushes the stresses towards the tensile domain as is evident in Fig.
16(a). The residual stress variation with cutting speed seen in Fig. 16(a) disagrees with the con-

B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781


clusion by McGee [21], who reported earlier residual stresses were believed to be independent
of the cutting speed in the high-speed regime.
Increase in the depth of cut also pushes the maximum residual stress towards the tensile domain.
Thus, it is clear that the thermal impact on the sub-surface layers of the machined surface increases
with an increase in the following cutting parameters: cutting speed and depth of cut.
The arithmetic mean deviation Ra of the machined surface is plotted as a function of speed,
feed, and depth of cut in Fig. 17. As can be seen in Fig. 17(a), a steady improvement of surface
roughness is shown up to 1524 m/min, beyond which the surface begins to deteriorate. The variation of the Ra value with increasing cutting speed for both the tool materials agrees with the
trend obtained by Schultz [2], although the speed range studied by Schultz is broader than the

Fig. 17. Variation of surface roughness vs. cutting parameters: (a) feed=0.1 mm per tooth and depth of cut=0.76 mm;
(b) speed=1372 m/min and depth of cut=0.76 mm; (c) speed=1372 m/min and feed=0.1 mm/tooth.


B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

one used in this research. The variation of surface roughness with feed shown in Fig. 17(b) is in
line with work reported earlier by Schultz [2], as expected. The increase in the depth of cut
deteriorates the surface finish of the machined surface left by the carbide tool, as shown in Fig.
17(c), and this effect has also been observed by Kim and Kang [5] while end milling aluminum
2024 with carbide and diamond end mills.
There is no appreciable difference in the surface finish left by both the tool materials in the
range of cutting conditions chosen in this research. In contrast, a previous research effort by Kim
and Kang [5] reported a better surface finish of aluminum when end milling with a diamond
insert as compared to a tungsten carbide insert. At a cutting speed of 377 m/min, a feed of 0.0022
mm per tooth and a depth of cut of 0.25 mm, they reported a 50% decrease in the Ra value of
the machined surface left by diamond over by carbide. This discrepancy in the surface finish is
due to the very light feed and lower depth of cut employed by Kim and Kang [5].
Based on the surface integrity analysis presented within the range of cutting conditions considered in this research, it is clear that although higher speeds result in high efficiency, higher
material removal rates and improved finish up to 1524 m/min, the compressive nature of the
residual stresses diminishes. Increasing the feed parameter leads to higher efficiency, higher
material removal rates and better residual stresses, however, at the cost of a bad finish. Lastly,
increasing the depth of cut improves the material removal rate with a negative impact in terms
of the residual stresses and finish.

5. Conclusions
In this paper, high-speed face milling of 7075-T6 aluminum with carbide and diamond inserts
has been studied. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study:
1. High chip flow angles and chips thinner than uncut chip thickness were observed in the speed
range of 6101524 m/min.
2. Shear stresses and shear plane temperatures, obtained by applying the extended machining
theory and finite element simulation, showed nearly constant values in the high-speed regime.
Shear stresses of 250300 MPa were much lower than the known ultimate tensile strength
(500550 MPa) of 7075-T6.
3. Shear localized chips were observed while face milling the aluminum alloy at higher feeds in
the high-speed regime.
4. Compressive residual stresses were observed from the workpiece subsurface in the range of
cutting conditions considered in this research. An increase in feed is shown to leave higher
compressive residual stresses in the workpiece while cutting speed and depth of cut show an
opposite effect.
5. Surface roughness improved with cutting speed up to 1524 m/min, beyond which it showed
degradation. Increasing depth of cut is shown to slightly deteriorate surface roughness.

B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781


Appendix A
Fig. A1 depicts a typical oblique cutting tool and the forces acting on it in different coordinate
systems. This tool has a side cutting angle of CS, inclination angle of I, and normal rake angle
of an. The equations pertaining to the modified oblique machining theory are listed below:


cos(CS) sin(CS) 0

FY sin(CS) cos(CS) 0





where FX, FY, and FZ are the measured components of the cutting force.


cos(an) sin(an) sin(i) sin(an) cos(i)

FR 0

sin(i )


sin(an) cos(an) sin(i) cos(an) cos(i)





Chip flow angle:




Uncut chip thickness:

f cos(CS)
t 1


Width of cut:

Fig. A1.

Typical oblique cutting tool.


B. Rao, Y.C. Shin / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 17631781

d cos(hc)
cos(CS) cos(i)


Normal shear plane angle:


Effective shear plane angle:


t1/tc cos(hc) cos(an)

1(t1/tc) cos(hc) sin(an)

rtrb cos(ae)
1rtrb sin(ae)

Shear flow angle:



tan(i) cos(fnan)tan(hc) sin(fn)




Shear plane area:




Shear force:
FSFC cos(feae)F2R+F2T sin(feae)


Shear plane temperature:

rcVbt1 0


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