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What are 4 steps in negotiation process 4 steps: 1) preparing and planning 2)

definition and ground rules 3) clarification and justification 4) bargaining and

problem solving 5) closure and implemntation

preparing and planning 1st step of negotiation process; think of your goals, what
other party is likely to do, how relationships will change

definition of ground rules 2nd step of negotiation process; define with other party
the ground rules and procedures of the negotiation itself- also, parties will exchange
their initial proposals or demands

clarification and justification 3rd step of negotiation process; both parties explain,
amplify, clarify, bolster, and justify your original demands

What is advantage of clarification and justification provides an opportunity for

educating and informing each other on the issues, why they are important and how
you arrived at your initial demands

bargaining and problem solving 4th step of negotiation process; the actual give-andtake in trying to work out an agreement and both parties will undoubtedly need to
make concessions

closure and implementation 5th step of negotiation process; formalizing the

agreement that has been worked out and developing ay procedures necessary for
implementation and monitoring

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