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Episode 3

The Three Domains of Knowledge/Learning Activities

My Learning Activities
Observation Sheet #3.1
(Language/Araling Panplipunan/Science/Math)
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Cecil Pamatian
School: LECS

Teachers Signature: __________

Grade/Year Level: Grade V-2 Subject Area: Language

14, 2015

Date: September

Kendalls and Marzanos Domains of Knowledge

Domain of Knowledge
1. Cognitive Domain Information
(Declarative Knowledge)
Vocabulary, terms, facts,
concepts, principle,
hypotheses, theory
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural
Knowledge) e.g. mental skills
such as writing a paragraph.

3. Psychomotor Skills

4. Affective Values. Attitudes

Concrete Example/s for each Domain

of Knowledge from my Observation
Key Sentence
Key Sentence can be found at
the beginning, middle, and at
the last part of the paragraph.
Key Sentence has the main
subject of the paragraph.
The teacher let the pupils to
identify the key sentence in the
The teacher asked the pupils to
write a simple paragraph that
they like with only one subject
and locate to where is the key
The teacher read some
paragraphs and she let the
pupils to identify the key
The pupils raised their hands to
answer in the board.
The teacher asked a pupil to
read a paragraph they have in
their book.
The pupils will be able to find
the key sentence in the

paragraph. They can determine

the subject to help them
identify the key sentence.
The pupils can locate to where
the key sentence is found.

Observation Sheet #3.2

(Physical Education, ICT, TLE)
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Rosa Sara
School: LECS

Teachers Signature: __________

Grade/Year Level: Grade 3-1 Subject Area: Physical Education

September 18, 2015


Kendalls and Marzanos Domains of Knowledge

Domain of Knowledge
1. Cognitive Domain Information
(Declarative Knowledge)
Vocabulary, terms, facts,
concepts, principle,
hypotheses, theory
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural
Knowledge) e.g. mental skills
such as writing a paragraph.
3. Psychomotor Skills
4. Affective Values. Attitudes

Concrete Example/s for each Domain

of Knowledge from my Observation

Observation Sheet #3.3

(Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/Literature)
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Salve Teachers Signature: __________
Grade/Year Level: Grade 3
Date: September 14, 2015


Subject Area: Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

Kendalls and Marzanos Domains of Knowledge

Domain of Knowledge
1. Cognitive Domain Information
(Declarative Knowledge)
Vocabulary, terms, facts,
concepts, principle,
hypotheses, theory
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural
Knowledge) e.g. mental skills
such as writing a paragraph.
3. Psychomotor Skills
4. Affective Values. Attitudes

Concrete Example/s for each Domain

of Knowledge from my Observation

My Analysis
1. Were the lessons focused on information/cognitive domain only or
mental procedures only or psychomotor procedures only? Or were the
lessons combinations of two or three? Explain your answer.

The lessons have three combinations because there were

activities that support every domain. The teacher gave the pupils
some tasks that undergo the domain of learning activities. The
pupils did the tasks with something that focuses through the
learning domains that they needed to attain knowledge from the

2. Were the lessons focused on information/cognitive content only or

psychomotor content only or affective content only? Or were the
lessons combinations of two or three? Explain your answer.

The lessons have three combinations because the content of the

lesson relies to the domains that support the learning process of
every pupil in the class. The activities given by the teacher were
observed in a way that the pupils acted on it as a result of the
tasks. The pupils performed the activities in the lesson with the
combination of these domains of learning.

3. What was the effect on learning when teaching was focused on only
one domain?

A lesson should have all the domains of learning because thee

domains affects the thinking skills of a learner. When teaching
was focused only in one domain, there are instances that the
pupils will not understand the lesson and all of the levels of
learning will not take place. As a result, the pupils are poor
enough to reach the higher thinking skills that they needed to
continue the process of education.

4. Is it really possible to teach only in one domain like affective only or

cognitive only or psychomotor only? Or based on Kendalls and
Marzanos taxonomy? Explain your answer.

No, because there is a connection between all of the domains

that surrounds through the mind of every learner. The lesson
with three domains will be effective, meaningful and relevant to
enhance the thinking skills of a learner. Every domain played a
big role in preparing the learners to every stage of education as
well as their lives. If only one domain is present in one lesson,
there may be a loss of information to every skill of a child.

5. Do Kendalls and Marzanos knowledge taxonomy and Blooms

taxonomy of learning activities contradict each other? Explain your
No, because the two taxonomy focuses with every domain that a
learner must enhance for their high-thinking skills. These
taxonomies are indeed a help to produce quality learners. They
are differing in some aspects but as I look further between the
two, they have in common by having goal that the child will learn
through every domain.

My Reflections
Teaching learning activity is relevant and meaningful if all of the
domains of knowledge are combined in a single lesson. It has something to
do with the behavior of the learners on how they will learn on the topic. The
domains give impact to the learners especially to the learning process. The
pupils will acquire all the learning outcomes that they must have for the
process of their learning and boost their high-thinking skills. All of the
domains should be connected to each of them to provide learners relevant
and meaningful learning possibilities due to the call of their needs. Teaching
learning activities are the key to introduce to them the domain of learning
that can help them in their journey in education. The effectiveness and
power of these activities made them strong to reach their thinking skills.
With only one domain in teaching learning activity, the lesson that will
be delivered is not meaningful and relevant because the knowledge that
they will absorb is limited only. The learners will not be able to perform
things on their own. They will never reach the other levels of learning. Such
activities that a teacher will give must focus to the three domains that act
upon the reflective way of learning through own process. The thinking skills
of the learner process with understanding that may result to doing things
better. So, these domains played a role in every childs learning ability.
As a future teacher, the three domains have a great help to me to
make the lessons relevant and meaningful. These domains will secure the
mind capacity of my student to learn and establish a good performance. By
these three domains, I can easily determine if they learn from the lesson. It
boosts their skills to perform things in the class.

My Learning Portfolio

1. Blooms Taxonomy

Cognitive Domain
Identifies different types of puppet in the Philippines

Appreciates the different types of puppets

Creates a puppet that have specific and unique character

2. Kendalls and Marzanos

Information (declarative knowledge)

Identifies colors, both in natural and man-made objects, seen in the

Mental Procedures (procedural knowledge)

Expresses that colors have names, can be grouped as primary,
secondary and tertiary

Psychomotor Procedures (physical or motor skills)

Experiment on painting using different paints

Episode 4
My Learning Activities
Observation Sheet #4.1
Blooms Level of Processing Cognitive Activities
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Cecil Pamatian
School: LECS

Teachers Signature: __________

Grade/Year Level: Grade V-2 Subject Area: Language

14, 2015

Blooms Level of Processing Cognitive

1. Remembering

2. Comprehending

3. Applying

4. Analyzing

5. Evaluating

6. Creating

Date: September

What learning activity/ies in the

classroom did I observe in each
Pupils were asked if what is the
key sentence in the paragraph
read by the teacher.
The pupils were asked if where
they will find the key sentence
in the paragraph. They listen to
the paragraph to identify the
key sentence.
The teacher let the pupils read
the paragraph in their books.
The pupils identified the key
sentence and read in the class.
The pupils tried to analyze on
what is the subject or the focus
of the paragraph to determine
what a key sentence is.
The teacher therefore asks a
pupil if what a key sentence is.
The pupil said that a key
sentence has a subject that is
the focus of the paragraph.
The teacher let them write a
paragraph composing of 5
sentences only.
The teacher let them identify

the key sentence in their own


Observation Sheet #4.2

Levels of Processing
1. Retrieval

2. Comprehension

3. Analysis

Write down instances where Teacher made

learners to do any of these.
The teacher asks it what is the key
sentence on the
paragraph she have read.
The teacher repeats the paragraph for
others to understand and find out to the
key sentence is.
The teacher asks the pupils to form a
paragraph with only 5 sentences.
The teacher gave some paragraphs and
asks them what is the subject of the
paragraph or what is topic of the
The teacher asks What is a key
The pupils were asked to think about the
subject of the paragraphs or the focus in
determine the key sentence.
The pupil answered that the key sentence
has a subject that is a focus of the
The pupils were being attentive to what
their classmates says and have some
clarification that they ask to the teacher.
The teacher gave them paragraphs in
their book and it the pupils answer if what
is the key sentence of each.
The teacher asked the class if their
answer are the same with the answer
written in the board. The pupils answered
the teacher Yes, and others is no.

4. Knowledge utilization

5. Meta-cognitive system

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