Daniel Crowe, General Election Questionnaire

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Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for 2016 General

Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.
For those of you who filled out our Primary Election questionnaire this year, this
one is similar although some questions have changed. We ask that you fill this out
completely, instead of referring to the previous questionnaire, or your resume, etc.,
because we will be posting this questionnaire online.
Why this matters: The Statesman Journal Editorial Board will use this
questionnaire in deciding whether and whom to endorse for the Nov. 8 General
Election. Reporters, who operate separately from the Editorial Board, may use your
answers in writing stories.
Please return the finished questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an email or an
attached Word document to Salemed@StatesmanJournal.com. (Handwritten, pdf,
WordPerfect or fax responses dont work.)
Important: Please return the questionnaire by the end of the day Monday,
Sept. 12.
Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727,
dhughes@StatesmanJournal.com, or Editorial Assistant Nancy Harrington, 503-3996864, nharring@StatesmanJournal.com.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your name as listed on the ballot: Daniel Crowe
Age: 47
(If your age will change before Nov. 8, please indicate your birthday. We want to
ensure we use accurate ages in pre- and post-election editorials and news
City/town of residence: Mount Angel, Oregon
Political party, if this is a partisan office: Republican

Position you are seeking (name of position, district number, etc.): Attorney
Are you currently a full-time resident within the boundaries of the specific area
(district, county, etc.) that you seek to represent? Yes, I am a full-time resident of
Mount Angel.
Number of current, consecutive years living within the district you seek to
represent: We moved to our farm in 1969, so I suppose 47 years. However, I left
for West Point in 1987 and served our country from then until coming home to
Oregon in 2011. I have always been an Oregon domiciliary, always had an Oregon
drivers license, always voted and paid taxes in Oregon.
Family (name of spouse/partner; number and ages of children if at home, or
number of grown children): My wife is Anita Air Dittrich-Crowe; Anna Bettina
Crowe is 20 and is a senior at John F. Kennedy High School in Mt. Angel (she is
disabled and will graduate with an Extended Diploma this year); Thomas Zene
Crowe is 17 and is a Junior at Riverdale High School in Portland.
Your education (high school, trade, college, post-baccalaureate; indicate degrees
you earned):
Graduate, John F. Kennedy, 1987
U.S. Military Academy at West Point, 1991, Bachelors in Philosophy
Various Military Schools (Air Assault, Airborne, Ranger, Armor Officer Basic Course,
Scout Platoon Leaders Course, Master Fitness Trainer, Judge Advocate Basic and
Advanced Courses, Command and General Staff College)
University of Washington School of Law, 1998, J.D. (under the Armys Funded Legal
Education Program)
European School of Management and Technology, Berlin, Germany, MBA, 2006
If employed, current occupation, employer and job duties:
I run the Veterans Justice Project, which is based in the Metropolitan Public
Defenders Office in Portland. The mission of the Veterans Justice Project is to
assist Veterans throughout Oregon who struggle with homelessness, mental illness,
and addiction, particularly as a result of combat injuries.
Previous employers and when:
Valley Hop Farms, Mount Angel, 1980s
U.S. Army, Worldwide, 1987-2012

Metropolitan Public Defenders, Portland

Military service and when:

Extensive service in the military, 25 moves in 25 years. I can share every
assignment or provide a copy of my Officer Record Brief, if that would be useful.
Volunteer/civic/religious service and when:
Wrote my MBA thesis on assisting the German nonprofit Children for Tomorrow,
which provides psychiatric care for children in war zones, worldwide
Founded the Innocent Warrior Project and Oregon Veterans Legal Services to
advocate for Service Members and Veterans in Oregon
Serve on the Board of the Military and Veterans Law Section of the Oregon State
Bar and am Chair-Elect
Serve on the Mount Angel School Board
Lector and Lifelong Member, St. Marys Parish, Mount Angel
Please list all public offices to which youve been elected, and when:
Elected to Mount Angel School Board after coming home to Mount Angel
Extensive military service
Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public office, and when:
Never was unsuccessful candidate for public office
Other prior political and government experience:
As previously indicated, spent 25 years in the military, first as a combat arms
officer and then as a Judge Advocate (military lawyer) in positions of increasing
How the public can reach your campaign (remember that this information will be
made public):
Mail address: Oregonians for Legal Equality, PO Box 850, Mount Angel, OR 97362


E-mail address: Team@OregonsLawyer.org

Web site URL: www.OregonsLawyer.org
Phone: 503-405-0653
Facebook and other social media: @DanielCroweforAG (FaceBook);
#DanielCrowe4AG (Twitter)
Please limit your response to each of the following questions to about 75 words.
1. To an outsider, how would you describe the region you wish to represent -geographically, economically, politically and socially?
Oregon is an inspiration. Whether you come to it, or are born to it, you become
entranced by our state's beauty, the opportunity she affords, and the independent
spirit of her citizens. I grew up in Tom McCalls Oregon; and I saw a political
tradition that was uniquely our own. It was characterized by consensus,
moderation, solution-orientation, candor and squeaky-clean politics. Weve lost
that reputation, and it pains me to see our beloved Oregon humiliated.
2. Describe the positives and negatives of this region (ward, district, county or
state) that you wish to represent:
Oregonians have always had an independent streak, thats why people come here
to live and let live. But rampant corruption has impoverished our state while an
out-of-touch Attorney General has been AWOL. Were too trusting: we want to
believe that every government official is honest and every government project is
necessary for the public good.
3. What specific skills or experiences do you have that would make you effective in
this office?
As a career Army Officer and long-serving military lawyer, my professional
background has been in providing non-partisan, impartial, non-political legal
services for the public good. Thats the spirit of service and integrity I will bring to
the Oregon Department of Justice as Attorney General. For example, as the lawyer
administering the $1.3B per year we give the Egyptians pursuant to the Camp
David Peace Accords, I made sure that Raytheon, General Dynamics, and the
Egyptians were held accountable. As a person who served as both a public
defender, a prosecutor, and a District Attorney, I will make sure that no one
especially the Attorney General places a finger on the scales of justice.

4. What separates you from your opponent(s)? Be specific.
My loyalty is to the Rule of Law and to the ultimate source of the law: Our People.
The incumbent Attorney General has shown that her primary loyalty lies with her
political party and its patrons. Oregon is 50th in the country in prosecutions for
public corruption and has received an F from the Center for Public Integrity every
year of this AGs tenure for lack of transparency, this AG lost $500M of the
taxpayers money and then failed to effectively advocate for Oregons interests in
the Klamath River Basin Agreement. She has overseen a complete surrender to
child sex traffickers while profiting from that same traffic as the owner of the
Willamette Week newspaper. At the same time, she has overseen a politicized
Oregon Department of Justice that has failed to serve as an honest broker in ballot
What separates us is that I will bring absolute integrity to tending the machinery of
the law, because I believe justice is never a question of left or right; it is only a
question of right or wrong.
5. How much will your General Election campaign cost? Be specific.
As much as we can raise.
6. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a professional
licensing board/organization or had an ethics violation filed against you? If so,
please give the details.
7. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other
major accounts, or been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give the
As an Army Officer and a lawyer, I have lived my life with the utmost integrity and
8. Is there anything (such as health issues, etc.) that would affect your ability to
serve your full term? Are any relevant changes in your life situation expected or
contemplated before the election or before you would take office?
9. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected, and
how? (75 words for each issue)

A. Unlike the incumbent, I will prosecute government corruption and organized
crime in Oregon. The incumbent has turned a blind eye to massive fraud,
waste, and abuse in Oregon government: horrific physical and sexual abuse of
our foster kids, like Hayden Tyle in Dallas; child sex trafficking; corruption in
ODOT making our roads and bridges unsafe while $200M disappears not
building a bridge across the Columbia at I5; massive fraud in the Oregons
Green Energy program.
B. I will ensure that every contract and agreement Oregon enters into is
thoroughly and carefully reviewed. From Cover Oregon to the Klamath River
Basin Agreement, this AG has taken a hands-off approach to one of her most
critical jobs: protecting Oregon in the contracting process. This goes along
with rampant corruption and lack of transparency in Oregon government,
because bad contracts often happen because of kickbacks and bribery. Oregon
deserves careful lawyering. I will deliver.
C. I will serve as an honest broker in ballot titling, which is the AGs job. Heres
the incumbents proposed ballot title for an initiative making English our official
language: Changes state/ subdivision (undefined) laws regarding
English/other-language use and requirements; exceptions; authorizes lawsuits.
My alternative: Should English be declared as the official language of
Oregon? Regardless of your position on English, Oregonians have a right to be
heard. This AG has abandoned neutrality and her duty.
10. What do you see as other important issues?
My goodness, there is so much low-hanging fruit for an activist AG who only cares
about serving our people. This AGs motto is Ive tried nothing, and its not
working. Instead of appointing a blue-ribbon panel on transparency to kick the
can down the road, I will deliver a transparency law based on the Freedom of
Information Act. Organized crime must be fought, especially when it comes to
child sex trafficking; instead, this AG has profited from it. I have already
recommended to my partners in the legislature that ORS 180 should be amended
to make the position of AG nonpartisan. Good programs in the ODOJ must be
nurtured, supported, and expanded like Consumer Protection, Child Support
Enforcement. Unlike the current AG, Ill make the rounds throughout the state and
visit our various departments regularly. They deserve my support and my
attention. Ill work cooperatively with both sides of the aisle, like I already did in
helping deliver HJR 202 (Measure 96) 58-0 in this Oregon House and 28-0 in this
Oregon Senate. I was shocked to learn that the incumbent has met with Sen.
Ferrioli once during the past four years. That is not acceptable. I will represent
Oregon by appearing before the Oregon and U.S. Supreme Courts when Oregon is
a litigant; to my knowledge, this AG has avoided that part of her job like the
plague. I will work with Oracle to find a win-win solution to our current dispute, but
I will vigorously defend Oregon within the limits of our ethics rules. I will oversee a

return to an ODOJ which is civil, professional, and non-politicized; it pains me to
see ODOJ lawyers admonished by Judge McShane for unprofessional behavior, but
thats what happens when leaders dont lead. I will elevate Veterans issue to equal
priority for ODOJs civil rights division. I will work with the Governor to allow him
(or her) to responsibly exercise their clemency and commutation powers in a nonpolitical way so that we can reduce Oregons incarcerated population by 50% in
order to reduce prison crowding, ensure prisoners are protected from physical and
sexual violence, and free up $500M without raising taxes to fully fund a parallel
system of care, outside of the criminal system, for our people who struggle with
mental illness and addiction. I will withhold investigation of police shootings to my
level to ensure transparent and public investigations occur whenever a police
shooting occurs, as I will withhold prosecution for any technical violations of SB941
et al, to ensure that our gun laws are being consistently and humanely applied. I
will ensure every one of my ODOJ lawyers who are seconded to other departments
clearly understand that their first loyalty is to the law, not to their departments. I
will institute a policy of rotation so that my lawyers do not experience
departmental capture. I will apologize for Vanport. I will hire more minority
lawyers; it is scandalous that there are 5 African American lawyers amongst ODOJs
1,200 employees. I will focus unapologetically on social justice, because our
people are entitled to believe in the possibility of justice. I will stand up a Special
Investigative Service within ODOJ and send investigators into our prisons to make
sure our prisoners are not being maltreated. I will push back against federal
overreach and sue the federal government when they abuse our people. One
example: It is unacceptable that our cannabis industry is denied access to the
banking system. It forces our cannabis businesses to deal in cash, which makes
them a target and jeopardizes public safety. Other example: Bill Case is a farmer
in Albany. He got permission to remediate some subsistence in one of his fields
along the Santiam River from ODEQ. The EPA then came along and fined him
millions, notwithstanding ODEQs permission. We need an AG who will push back
against that type of regulatory roulette.
Bottom line: I will enforce the law without fear or favor, because the only
alternative to Rule of Law is arbitrary rule; and I see a culture of coercion that is
rising in Oregon. The Rule of Law allows us to live in peace with one another, and I
believe it is dangerous to all of us to trifle with it.
11. There is a strong anti-government sentiment in much of the nation and Oregon.
How would you deal with that?
The standoff in Harney County was a tragedy, and it was compounded by this AGs
refusal to lead, engage, or ever take any risks. The most important role of any
government official is to prevent unnecessary bloodshed. It was why Gov. McCall
bet his governorship on Vortex I. Had I been AG during the standoff, I would have
asked the governor permission to speak with the occupiers on her behalf. In
addition, I would have deconflicted with federal authorities to ensure we were all
working together to defuse this situation. (I have spoken to friends of mine in the

FBI, and they tell me that they would have been amenable to giving it a try, as
they dont want another Ruby Ridge, either; they admit they were stuck, too, as
they couldnt be seen to back down to the occupiers.) I would recommend to the
Governor that she grant them safe passage out of Oregon is they peacefully
dispersed. I would have negotiated with them in good faith and under the
following terms: you have placed us in an impossible position, we cant give in to
this publicity stunt, but I will continue to work to advance the separation of powers
which makes Oregon sovereign, which will in turn advance the things you care
about, but in a peaceful, lawful way; therefore, you are going to have to disperse
peacefully and return to Nevada or the Oregon Guard will clear you out. The
occupiers wanted a federal over-reaction, and the missed opportunity here is to
approach them on behalf of the government of general jurisdiction. I believe those
occupiers were engaged in defiance of the duly constituted authority of Oregon;
and, as such, the Governor had the right to declare they were engaged in sedition
against Oregon. I have already checked with my friends in the Oregon Guard, and
they were very confident that their people would have followed orders.
That is simply one example of what I believe is the most critically important
responsibility of the AG: To work tirelessly to safeguard our people. Antigovernment sentiment is, in part, a product of peoples loss in faith in the integrity
of the government. By showing these people that there is a pathway to peacefully
resolving our disagreements with the federal government, we would have
vindicated the Rule of Law, advanced the sovereignty of Oregon, avoided
bloodshed, and showed that publicity stunts like this are unnecessary. If we can
show Americans who harbor strong anti-government sentiment that their concerns
are worthy of attention and can be addressed peacefully, we will have avoided the
next round of bloodletting which I am terrified will happen some day.
12. How would you evaluate the work of the Attorney General's Public Records
Reform Task Force. Are the proposed changes adequate, inadequate or just right?
The Public Records Reform Task Force is the inevitable result of an Attorney
General who refuses to lead. Just because AG Kroger couldnt deal with the
legislature effectively does not give the current AG an excuse to do nothing for
three years. AG Krogers 2010 plan was actually pretty good, and this AG could
have used it as a framework to deliver badly-needed transparency to our people.
Instead, she waited until the last second and then cravenly convened the clichd
Blue Ribbon Commission to make recommendations after the election. Like
Harney County, it was a missed opportunity. The incumbent could have run her
election in 2012 or even this year as a referendum on transparency. She wasnt
going to lose in 2012, and she could have easily claimed a mandate to push it
Instead of delivering a plan which will count up the 500+ exemptions from
disclosure and change very little, she could have pushed the issue and made one

of those three elections a referendum on government transparency. If she had
done so, I believe accountability would have been facilitated.
With greater transparency, tragedies like Madaline Pitkin dying of heroin
withdrawal on the floor of the Washington County jail (and the multi-million dollar
lawsuit which Oregon taxpayers will have to pay) might never have happened.
That is the cost of refusing to push the issue.
Of course, my answer is premised on the assumption that the incumbent AG
actually wants to do something about transparency. That may be nave on my
part, as I havent seen many politicians who want to diminish anything they think
is working for them.
I am going to work hard to introduce a truly broad Freedom of Information Act for
Oregon. Ive worked on both sides of FOIA, as both a reviewer for production of
very sensitive governmental information (including questions on U.S. European
Commands Human Intelligence (HUMINT) program in Europe and Russia that I
administered while I was a senior lawyer there), as a requester when I collected
information on courts-martial. FOIA, at 5 USC 552, defines agency records subject
to disclosure, outlines mandatory disclosure procedures, and grants nine (not
500+!) exemptions to the statute. Look, no one thinks that some judge in Union
County is going to throw a clerk in jail because they missed a deadline because
theyre one deep. But right now, the system of production of government
information made with taxpayer dollars is ridiculously opaque; and that opacity is
obviously being exploited by government to conceal screw-ups. That is inevitable,
and we need reform that presumes that government information should be
produced unless there is a darned good reason not to.
13. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing information that
you should disclose before it comes up in the campaign?
Other than loving Oregon too much and being a Tom McCall Republican, I spent too
long in the Army to ever get into proper trouble. If you think its relevant, I am the
only adult male in my family who hasnt been incarcerated for some substance
abuse problem, so I come by my desire to reform addiction treatment and justice
14. As a political candidate, your views on national politics are relevant to voters.
Whom do you support for U.S. president in the General Election?
To answer this question, I must distinguish between whom I am supporting and for
whom I will vote.
As for my official political support: This office is not yet nonpartisan, so I am proud
to run as a Tom McCall Republican. My party has spoken, and I believe it is

critically important to support the choice of our party, especially this year. Of
course I am concerned about some things Mr. Trump is reported to have said no
leader should get a free pass. I will be watching both candidates closely to assess
whether Mr. Trump can discipline himself and whether Mrs. Clinton suddenly
becomes honest and is able to overcome her troubling ailments. Mr. Trump's focus
on protecting the liberty and job of every American regardless of race, creed, or
political affiliation is refreshing. Just as Mr. Romneys 47% gaffe troubled me
deeply, Ms. Clintons Bucket of Deplorables comment would make it very hard for
any fair-minded person to support her. I am also deeply troubled by how badly
Bernie was treated this year. I thought Bernie made a lot of sense, and I would
have been really hard-pressed had he become the Democratic nominee; but now
we know that the DNC cheated to push Hillary over the top, then lied about it, all
the while the incumbent AG endorsed Hillary and served as a Superdelegate.
Thats sticking a thumb in the eye of every Oregon Democrat, people whom I will
be proud to serve.
As for my vote: We have a couple of months before I make my final decision. As
far as I am concerned, every candidate for office needs to carefully vetted and
scrutinized through Election Day. If I had to vote today, I would vote for Mr. Trump
because a person should be judged by their deeds, not their words. Unless Mrs.
Clinton shows a level of honesty and integrity I have never seen from her, I cannot
imagine letting her back into the White House. I had the great privilege to serve as
an Army Officer under five Presidents over 25 years in uniform, both Democrat and
Republican. By her "extremely careless" handling of classified materials (as well as
a demonstrated track record of lying, covering up, and co-opting government to
advance her own personal interests), Mrs. Clinton risked good people's lives,
including people whose lives were in my hands when I served at U.S. European
Command. In my professional, apolitical opinion as a senior military lawyer, Mrs.
Clinton has completely disqualified herself from any position of public trust.
Oregonians are sick of cronyism and disrespect for the Rule of Law, at both the
federal and state level. But rest assured: If either President Trump's or President
Clinton's Administration tries to bully Oregon, I will stand up to them and
vigorously push back. Oregon deserves an advocate. We can do better, and we
will do better when I am Attorney General.
And as for those Republicans who have given aid and comfort to Ms. Clintons
campaign, I have no patience for self-serving, careerist politicians. There will
always be a small number of malcontents intent on advancing themselves, but I
would instead focus on the millions of loyal Americans who are supporting our
nominee and opposing Mrs. Clinton's demonstrated track record of cronyism,
corruption, warmongering, and lying. I believe that's why hundreds of thousands
of Bernie supporters are going to be voting for Mr. Trump in this election.
Oregonians are as sick of corruption as I am.

15. As a political candidate, your views on state ballot measures are relevant to
voters. Please indicate whether you favor (YES) or oppose (NO) each of these
Measure 94, Amends Constitution: Eliminates judges mandatory retirement age.
I am torn on this one. Different people age at different rates, but I am leaning
against, simply because the risk of one senescent judge is so much worse than
retaining five great ones who have crossed across some magical threshold. Ill
need to think about this one a lot when I poring over my ballot, though, because I
can see the arguments in favor of retaining experienced judges, as well.
Measure 95, Amends Constitution: Allows investments in equities by public
universities. YES NO
Ill defer to Oregons next Treasurer, Jeff Gudman, on this one. He is generally
favorable, with the only caveat that this would be acceptable if professional money
managers managed the money, as they traditionally are able to obtain higher
returns with less risk than universities managing the money directly. That Measure
94, I am going to need to chew on this one a bit more.
Measure 96, Amends Constitution: Dedicates 1.5% of state lottery net proceeds
to services for Oregon veterans. YES NO
I am not only strongly in favor of Measure 96, I help get it through the Oregon
Legislature, 58-0 in the House and 28-0 in the Senate. This bill has broad,
bipartisan support because the fiscal case and the moral case are perfectly
aligned. This Measure will help Oregon help Veterans more effectively. Every year,
Oregons 325,000 Veterans and their families leave over $5B of potential Veterans
Benefits unclaimed. And for every $1 Oregon spends on Veteran Service Officers
(who help Veterans get their benefits), Oregon Veterans get $77 of increased
Needless to say, aside from the fact that its great for Oregon taxpayers, I believe
we have a sacred obligation to care for those men and women who have gone into
harms way for our country, and for their families. That is why I have dedicated my
life since coming home to Oregon to advocating for our Veterans and Veteran
Families. It has been a tremendous honor, and we have made a difference in
thousands of Veterans and Veteran Families lives.
Measure 97, statutory: Increases corporate minimum tax when sales exceed $25
million. YES NO
Regressive, economically distorting, hard on farmers, will cost an Oregon family of
four $200 extra per month to survive (and they cant afford more taxes), no

controls on where the money goes, will drive Oregon businesses out of state.
Measure 97 is a blank check from Oregons most vulnerable taxpayers to an
Oregon government that has blown $500M in the past couple of years on Cover
Oregon and the Columbia River Crossing. A sales tax, in its various incarnations,
has been soundly rejected by Oregon taxpayers at least eight times previously.
Weve always hated a sales tax because the politicians never offer any tax relief in
exchange for one. Its always more, more, more. My mission as AG will be to bring
money back to the taxpayers through aggressively fighting fraud, waste, and
abuse in Oregon government. Like Oregons taxpayers, Oregon government must
learn to live within our means. I sit on the Mount Angel School Board, and I know
how critically underfunded education in Oregon is; but the answer is to force the
Legislature to come up with solutions on their own, not to hand them a blank
Measure 98, statutory: Requires state funding for dropout prevention, career and
college readiness programs in high schools. YES NO
As a member of the Mount Angel School Board, we understand the critical value of
vocational education, as well as our most critical fight as a school district:
ensuring every kid completes school. This bill will deliver support for that critical
priority, and I am proud to support it.
Measure 99, statutory: Creates Outdoor School Education Fund funded through
Lottery to provide outdoor school programs statewide. YES NO
I am leaning yes on this one, as applied science education is a critically important
educational device. Outdoor School should deliver that for our kids.
Measure 100, statutory: Bans purchase or sale of parts/products from certain
wildlife species. YES NO
This is a tough one, as the language of this bill is a little loose for my liking. I
absolutely agree that we must work hard to prevent poaching and the illegal trade
of animal parts. That trade impoverishes third-world communities (they see little
of the value, which mainly goes to middlemen, but lose the value of those animal
for sustainable purposes like tourism), the trade breeds lawless and instability and
violence, and it is completely unnecessary. The barbaric practice of slaughtering
animals for their horns or ivory horrifies me. However, I want to be careful to not
accidentally outlaw historical items which may have great sentimental value as
family heirlooms, and I want to make sure that we dont place an overly heavy
burden on people who possess those items and who may now have the impossible
burden of proving a negative, which may be impossible. If this doesnt pass, it will
only be because people are concerned that the law is ambiguous and might hurt
ordinary Oregonians. If it fails, then we need to raise the issue immediately in the
Legislature so that we can address this in a deliberate way. (I am actually
surprised this wasnt addressed by the Legislature already.) We must do

everything we can to balance the critical importance of stopping the illegal trade in
animal parts with ensuring that ordinary Oregonians arent caught up in
impossible, expensive legal actions.

Thank you. Please return this questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an

attached Word document to Salemed@StatesmanJournal.com by Sept.
12, 2016.

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