Good Reference

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The number one rule for the actual GD initiates is to never tell the secrets to outsiders, therefore this

is nothing but a misdirection for profit. It's filled with inaccuracies such as Osiris' story(it's what Isis
DIDN'T find not what she found that can be seen as a "monument" all over the world), the meaning
of INRI is contrary to other sources and actually has 3 or more meanings, etc etc. Here's a secret,
when it comes to the occult societies you need to triangulate(no pun intended), meaning read 3
books on the same subject especially occult subjects. The older the source in time the better, get
Agrippa, Paracelsus, Iamblichus, Plato, Origen, etc Don't just trust people like Regardie, Crowley
etc. They were part of the Illuminati order dominated by the Rothschilds, Windsors and the others
found in Springmeiers work. Their benefactors are the most dishonest dastardly elite rulers in our
time period roughly from the French Revolution. Treat it like the Masons or Mafia, you have pretty
much no idea of what you are getting yourself into UNTIL it's too late to get out, spiderweb. The
only modern times occult writer I trust is A.E. Waite, since people like Westcott, Regardie, and
especially Crowley had a huge dislike for him and mention it in their books in some places. I do
admire the writing of Eliphas Levi but Waite makes such cogent analysis of them as to expose his
either sloppiness or deliberate misdirection in many places. Ever notice how Levi, Marx and Albert
Pike all physically looked similar? Disgustingly fat,huge ugly beard of Baphomet and known liars
when it came to their writings. Be careful with anything written in the last 100-200 years on the

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