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Appendix A

Data Analysis
1. Prepare and discuss a table of demographic data nominal/ordinal
(gender, position, ethnic.) Include frequency and percentage (4 marks)

2. Prepare and discuss a table or graphs of demographic data (numerical

data that must be disaggregated into ordinal data: age, service,
income). (4 marks)

3. a. Report the data for Q1 to Q10 (mean, median, mode, minimum

& maximum)

Explore the data for meanknow (summation of Q1 to Q10). Report

the descriptives, stem and leaf plot and boxplot. (4 marks)

4. One hypothesis testing for Independence Sample t-test. (4 marks)


DV (meanknow) & IV (gender) or


DV (meanknow) & IV (position: 1=P&P, 2=sokongan)

5 a.

One hypothesis testing for One-way Analysis of Variance.

DV (meanknow) & IV (age which has been disaggregated into three
levels), or

5. b.

One hypothesis testing for paired sample t-test: Befgst and

Aftgst (4 marks)

6. One hypothesis testing for Pearson correlation. (4 marks)


Meanknow and Monthly income, or


Meanknow and Dependent, or


Monthly income and Car, or


Meanknow and Aftgst, or any other two quantitative variables

7. Report results for validity and reliability tests. (4 marks)

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