Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration - Analytical Methods

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Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods

Sing-Kwan Lee, Min Liao, and Suqiu Wang
American Bureau of Shipping
ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive, Houston, Texas, USA
Proceedings of the 2nd International Ship Noise and Vibration Conference
London, UK, June 28, 2006
The recent increase in size and speed requirements for certain ship types, particularly container and passenger ships,
accentuate the need for a more sophisticated understanding of, and response to, vibration of the hull structure due to
propeller excitation. This paper overviews the methodologies and the state-of-the-art computational analysis tools that
ABS developed in order to more accurately estimate propeller-induced hull vibration.

In ship vibration, the propeller is frequently a trouble
source which can cause an excessive ship stern vibration
problem. The consequences of excessive vibration in the
stern area can be severe. Deterioration of the structural
members can be accelerated as a result of fatigue caused
by long term cyclic vibration. Excessive vibration can
damage or adversely impact the in-service performance
of the ships mechanical and electrical equipment.
Prolonged exposure to vibration can also contribute to
crew and passenger discomfort, increasing the
opportunities for human error.
Increased flexibility of the hull girder of larger, and
particularly longer, ships with a fine, underwater form
can significantly increase susceptibility to vibration.
Moreover, as the weight and distribution of steel within
ship structures are optimized as shipbuilders attempt to
control production and material costs, the propensity for
vibration-related troubles, particularly in the stern section
of the vessel, increases. As the demand for higher service
speeds for many of these vessels also increases, attendant
increases in the propulsive power are required. This
translates into higher loads on propellers, which in turn
lead to greater propeller excitation and an increase in the
risk of vibration and vibration-induced failures. Stern
vibration problems arise from the unsteady cavities that
attach to the surface of the propeller blades. These create
an intense, fluctuating pressure impact on the ships hull.
With modern propeller design, a small to moderate
amount of sheet cavitation is often unavoidable in order
to maintain the required propulsion efficiency.
Reconciling the challenges posed by these conflicting
technical and operational demands is essential if further
improvements in the speed-power-size ratio are to be
realized, particularly for ultra-large containerships.
To predict propeller-induced hull vibration is not simple.
It is a synthetical analysis involving methodologies of
many cross-field topics such as Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Method (FEM), and

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods

fluid cavitation dynamics. In propeller induced hull

vibration assessment, the prediction of stern flow is
central to the problem of unsteady propeller loads,
cavitation, and propeller-induced hull pressure. The
solution to these problems requires detailed knowledge
of the turbulent stern flow (including thick and perhaps
separated boundary layers), bilge vorticity, and
propeller/hull interaction. Traditionally, in ship design
the technology for these predictions was mainly based on
regression and empirical formulae. At best, the use of
ship flow codes was restricted to potential flow
calculation augmented by boundary layer predictions to
approximate viscous effects. Propeller calculations were
performed using empirically generated effective wakes,
and the propellers interaction with the hull was
approximated with a thrust deduction coefficient.
The use of CFD in ship hydrodynamics has increased
dramatically over the past decade. The increase is due to
continuous advances in computational methods together
with the increase in performance and affordability of
computers. Also, due to the emergence of many
unconventional propulsor designs such as tractor PODs,
tip plate propellers, and propellers with wake equalizing
ducts/spoilers, empirical methods based on the historical
databases developed for conventional propeller designs
become questionable in the innovative designs. More
sophisticated analyses based on direct simulation using
CFD and FEA methods are required to associate with the
model tests for propeller-induced vibration studies.
Nowadays, with advances in CFD techniques, more
comprehensive analyses can be performed for
propeller/hull interaction flow problems. It has been
demonstrated that CFD simulation, particularly using
RANS-based methods, can provide more flow details in
understanding the complex propeller/hull interaction
process. This paper provides an overview of the
methodologies and the state-of-the-art computational
analysis tools that ABS has developed in order to more
accurately estimate propeller-induced hull vibration.



Complexity of ship stern flow
As is well known, a propeller installed at ship stern area
is operated in a turbulent flow environment. Unlike
turbulent flows around airfoil with a thin boundary layer,
turbulent flows around ship stern are thick boundary
layer flows. At typical laboratory Reynolds numbers of
around 5 million, the extent of the viscous flow
(boundary layer) normal to hull at the stern is often of the
order of 0.5 draft around midgirth. To model this thick
boundary layer flow, any simplifications of the NavierStokes equations based on boundary layer theory are no
longer valid. Instead, the three dimensional full NavierStokes equations have to be used. As is well-known, the
correct simulation of fluid vortical turbulent motion is
critical to an accurate prediction of propeller cavitation
and induced hull pressure. In order to capture these
physics correctly, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes
(RANS) equations with turbulence models is adopted in
the current simulation system.
Iterative computations for propeller/ship interactive flow
In ship design practice, in order to enhance the efficiency,
a propeller is usually designed to keep its diameter as
large as possible. Therefore, it is common for the
propeller tip to rotate closely to the hull surface, sweep
the thick turbulent boundary layer attached to the hull
and strongly interact with it. To correctly simulate this
strong interactive flow, a propeller performance program
(lifting surface code) needs to couple with a ship flow
simulation program (RANS solver) in an interactive and
iterative manner to predict the ship wake flow including
the propeller effect. Based on the final convergent ship
wake flow the blade pressure, cavitation, and propellerinduced hull pressure are in turn to be calculated.
Modules in Simulation System
Three modules are included in the integrated simulation
system, namely they are the Propeller/Ship Flow module
(PSF), the Hydro-Load Assessment module (HLA), and
the Finite Element Analysis module (FEA). Figure 1
shows the details of the analysis programs and their
functions involved in the modules.
In the simulation system, the PSF module is mainly for
the propeller and ship flow simulations. Four
components are included in the module. They are the
propeller flow analysis program, MPUF3A, developed
by Lee et al (2003) for propeller performance and
cavitation analyses; the Chimera RANS program (RANS
model) developed by Chen at al.(2002) for turbulent ship
flow simulation; the GBFLOW program (Euler model)
developed by Choi et al (2002) for propeller effective
wake calculation; and the propeller/ship flow interaction
program SHIP-PROP (Chen and Lee, 2003a, 2003b, Lee
and Chen, 2003) developed in ABS for propeller/ship
flow coupling calculations.


In the HLA module, hydrodynamic loads of fluctuating

pressure induced by propeller cavitaton, unsteady
bearing forces/moments and blade pressure due to nonuniform ship wake are assessed through the programs
HULLFPP developed by Young and Kinnas (2002),
PUF3HRM developed by MIT, and PropS2 developed in
ABS (Lee, 2000). In the FEA module, a commercial
FEM package NASTRAN is used for stress and vibration
Procedure of Comprehensive Analysis
The sequence of comprehensive analyses in the
integrated simulation system is summarized as follows:

Bare hull wake field (nominal wake) simulation

Simulation of wake field under propeller-ship hull
interaction (effective wake)
Propeller performance analysis (thrust and torque
coefficients, KT and KQ)
Propeller cavitation analysis (cavity patterns on
propeller blades)
Hydrodynamic loading assessment (pressure on
blades, propeller induced hull pressure and bearing
FEM analysis for vibration and stress on ship hull,
shaft and propeller blades

Propeller ship flow analysis is initiated from nominal

wake simulation, which is the first guess for the effective
wake solution. In the current stage of the ABS integrated
simulation system, effective wake simulation can be
performed based on either the viscous flow model
MPUF3A/RANS coupled calculation or the inviscidrotational flow model MPUF3A/GBFLOW coupled
calculation. If propeller-ship hull interaction is not strong
such as the cases of tractor PODs, twin screw propellers
or propeller with large aperture, effective wake
simulation can be performed based on the inviscid flow
model MPUF3A/GBFLOW coupled calculation. For a
strong propeller-ship hull interactive case such as a
single screw propeller with a small propeller/hull
clearance, the viscous flow model MPUF3A/RANS
coupled calculation needs to be applied. After propeller
ship flow analysis, hydrodynamic loadings, such as
fluctuating pressure on ship hull due to propeller
cavitation, bearing forces and moment on shaft, and
blade pressure on propeller, can be calculated by
programs HULLFPP, PUF3HRM, and PropS2,
respectively (Figure 1). Then, FEM vibration and stress
analyses are performed for hull structure, shafting system
and propeller blades based on the calculated loads. For
structural safety check, ABS provides vibrations and
stresses criteria (see ABS Rules (2003), ABS guidance
note on ship vibration (2006) and related ABS technical
reports (Lee and Seah, 2000; Lee, 2001)).

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods


In this paper, several simulation cases are selected to
demonstrate the simulation capabilities of the integrated
simulation system. The first group of the simulations
focuses mainly on the hydrodynamic aspects of strong
propeller-ship hull interaction for a model ship with its

propeller operating under design (ahead) and off-design

(backing and crash-astern) conditions. In the second
group of simulations, the structural vibration problems
induced by propeller excitation are addressed through a
comprehensive analysis for a tanker.

Figure 1: Procedure for comprehensive analyses using integrated simulation system

Propeller/Hull Interaction Flows Simulation
Propeller can operate in four quadrants as defined by the
ship velocity Vs and the propeller angular velocity .
The four modes of propeller operation are defined as
ahead or forward (+Vs, +), backing or astern (-Vs, -),
crash-ahead or reverse backing (-Vs, +), and crashastern or crash-back (+Vs, -). During crash-astern and
crash-ahead operations, the reversal of propeller rotation
creates a relatively large angle of attack, causing the flow
to separate at the leading edge of the blade. These offdesign propeller flow phenomena are dominated by
viscous effects and cannot be accurately predicted by the
potential flow methods. Jiang et al (1991) extended the
inviscid flow propeller design methods for the simulation
of backing and crash-astern conditions. They adopted a
simplified approach in propeller flow analysis program

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods

PSF with three-dimensional correction factors to account

for the leading-edge separation under crash-astern
conditions. More recently, Chen and Stern (1999) solve
the RANS equations for propeller flow including forward,
backing, crash-ahead, and crash-astern conditions.
However, the above backing and crash-astern
simulations were limited to the open water conditions
with uniform inflow to the propeller without any
propeller-ship hull interactive effect.
In this direct simulation case, calculations were
performed for a series-60, CB = 0.6, ship hull with a
MAU propeller (Toda et al., 1990) using the
MPUF3A/RANS coupled model in the integrated
simulation system. Figure 2 shows the chimera grids
used in this calculation. In the present chimera domain



decomposition approach, a 1223531 O-type numerical

grid (block 1) was used around the ship hull to provide
detailed resolution of the turbulent boundary layer and
wake flows generated by the ship motion. Since the ship
keel plane is a branch cut in the ship grid, a small
61353 (block 2) was constructed around the keel plane
so that the solution on the branch cut can be obtained
directly from the RANS calculation. Both grid block 1
and 2 were embedded in a 1218131 rectangular grid
(block 3) representing the ambient water. Furthermore, a
213162 cylindrical grid (block 4) was generated
behind the ship stern for propeller body-forces
calculation. The cylindrical grid is completely embedded
in the ship grid (block 1) to provide a more accurate
resolution of the inflow to the propeller as well as the
wake flow induced by the propeller thrust and torque.

In Figure 3, the values of KT and KQ for the 0th coupling

are based on open water condition and for the first
coupling, KT and KQ were calculated based on the bare
hull solution (nominal wake). Details of the KT and KQ
values for the propeller responding to open water,
nominal wake and effective wake inflow are summarized
in Table 1. The final KT and KQ with propeller-hull
interactive effect are 0.2420 and 0.0405. Compared to
experimental data, KT is over-predicted about 3.4% of
and KQ under-predicted about 1.5%. For the nominal
inflow condition, the predicted thrust coefficient is KT =
0.2073. It is about 11.4% lower than the measured value,
KT = 0.234. The corresponding torque coefficient KQ =
0.0354 was also under-predicted by 14% compared to the
measured KQ = 0.0411. This indicates that the nominal
wake is not accurate enough for propeller loading
prediction. In order to improve the prediction, it is
necessary to apply the interactive RANS/MPUF3A
method to compute the effective wake resulting from the
complex interactions between the ship hull and the

Figure 2: Chimera numerical grid for CFD simulations

Ahead design condition CFD validation
For the ahead operating condition propeller design
condition, calculations were performed first for the bare
hull case with Froude number, Fr = 0.16, and Reynolds
number, Re = 3.94x106, based on Toda et als experiment
condition (1990). Then the bare hull solution was used to
initialize the RANS/MPUF3A coupling calculation.
According to the experiment condition, advance
coefficient J = 0.88 and cavitation number = 155.65
were used in MPUF3A for the propeller flow analysis. In
the present MPUF3A/RANS coupling approach, the
RANS method was employed to provide the inflow to
the propeller (i.e., effective wake) and the MPUF3A was
used to compute the propeller loading distributions based
on the effective wake at the propeller plane.
It should be noted that the propeller loading distribution
depends on the inflow to the propeller and the propeller
inflow, in turn, depends on the propeller operating
conditions. In order to obtain the correct inflow to the
propeller or the effective wake, it is necessary to couple
the MPUF3A and RANS codes in an interactive manner
for accurate resolution of the propeller-ship interactions.
Convergence histories of RANS/MPUF3A coupling for
KT and KQ values are shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3: Convergence history of RANS/MPUF3A

Inflow condition







Open water













Table 1: KT and KQ comparisons

In addition to the evaluation of propeller general
performance through thrust and torque coefficients, it is
desirable to examine the detailed ship stern flows
induced by the propeller to facilitate a better
understanding of the propeller-hull interactions. Figure 4
shows the axial velocity contours and crossflows induced
by the propeller. In order to quantify the propeller effects,

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods


nominal wake solution is also plotted as a baseline for
comparison in the figure. It is seen from Figure 4a & 4b
that for nominal wake solution, the axial velocity and
secondary flows are quite small at the propeller plane
since the propeller is located in the thick boundary layer
and wake region behind the ship stern. However, for

effective wake solution shown in Figure 4c & 4d, strong

axial flow accelerations and swirl at the propeller plane
and behind the propeller can be seen. Moreover, the
inflow to the propeller was also found to be significantly
stronger in comparison with the nominal wake.





Figure 4: axial velocity contours and crossflows for ahead operation

To further evaluate the performance of the
RANS/MPUF3A calculation, the axial velocity
contours at x/L=0.98125 (front of the propeller disk,
where x is the distance from ship bow to downstream
location and L is the model ship length) and at the
propeller disk (x/L=0.9875) are plotted for the bare
hull and the interactive solutions (Figure 5). As can
be seen, although some discrepancies exist due to the
absence of modeling the propeller shaft in the RANS
calculation, the basic flow pattern and magnitude of
axial velocity are still captured by the calculations as
compared to the experimental measurement.

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods

Off-design condition flows

Off-design conditions for propeller under backing and crashastern operations were also performed in this direct simulation
study. The simulation results are summarized in Figure 6. For
the backing case, the ship is moving backward and the
propeller also reverses its rotating direction. Therefore, the
flow is moving towards the ship stern and the propeller wake
impinges directly on the ship stern. As seen in Figures 6a and
6b, the flow is nearly uniform at the inflow plane location,
which is behind the propeller for this backing case, but
significant axial flow accelerations were observed at the
propeller plane. It can also been seen from the figures that the
propeller produced a strong suction near the root of the
propeller blades. However, a distinct ring vortex with axial
flow reversal was observed near the propeller tip.



For the crash-astern case, the ship is moving forward
but the propeller is operating in the reverse
(counterclockwise) direction. This not only leads to
negative thrust and torque, but also results in a
negative angle of attack with respect to the propeller
inflow. Due to the negative thrust and torque, the
propeller produces a net suction towards the ship

stern and the propeller-induced swirling flow is rotating in a

counterclockwise direction. The negative thrust leads to a
local flow reversal in the axial direction, as seen in Figure 6a.
It is also interesting to note that there is a large flow
recirculation region above the propeller shaft. In addition, a
smaller recirculation region was also observed in the blade tip
region just behind the ship keel line.



x/L=0.98125 (nominal wake)

x/L=0.9875 (nominal wake)

x/L=0.98125 (total wake)

Figure 5: Axial velocity contours near propeller disk


Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods






Figure 6: axial velocity and crossflows for backing and crash-astern operations
Hull Vibration Analysis
After demonstrating the general performance of the
integrated simulation system for propeller/hull
interaction flow analysis, the next group of simulations
will be focused on the propeller-induced structural
vibration problem for a tanker.
Propeller cavitation and its induced hull pressure
As known earlier, once the effective wake inflow
solution (propeller/hull interaction flow) is obtained,
propeller cavitation analysis can be performed. In the
integrated simulation system, cavitation analysis is
performed by the program MPUF3A, which can compute
the time history of the blade cavity volume based on the
effective wake input. In fact, the rapid change of cavity
volume is the main source of intensive fluctuating
pressure on ship hull. In general, both full and ballast
load conditions are needed to be checked to see whether
or not vibration problem occurs.

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods

Figure 7: Cavity volume for full and ballast conditions



For this specific tanker selected, the draft at ballast
condition is reduced about 11 meters compared to full
load condition thereby causing a large reduction of
suppression pressure to blade cavitation. As expected,
large blade cavitation occurs in ballast load condition
compared to full load situation. Figure 7 shows the time
history of the cavity volumes for the both load conditions.
As seen, cavitation obviously increases in the ballast load
case. This also can be seen in the comparison plots of the
cavity pattern between full load and ballast condition
given in Figure 8.

rate mode (1st blade rate) shows a more concentrated

pattern compared to the higher blade rate hull pressure.
This feature appears more clearly in the full load
condition (see Figure 9(a) and Figure 10(a)).

(a) Full load condition

(b) Ballast load condition

Figure 9: 1st blade rate propeller-induced hull pressure

Figure 8: Blade cavity pattern

Propeller-induced hull pressure has been calculated
based on the previous cavity volume results by using the
HULLFPP program. Hull pressure distributions for 1st
and 2nd blade rate mode under full load and ballast
conditions are plotted in Figures 9 and 10. As seen in the
figures, due to the draught change in the ballast condition,
the wet area subjected to propeller-induced pressure
becomes much smaller. This finally influences the total
vertical force under the ballast condition to be smaller
compared to the full load condition even though the hull
pressure in the ballast condition is much higher than the
full load condition (see Table 2). Also, it is interesting to
note propeller-induced hull pressure of the lowest blade


(a) Full load condition

(b) Ballast load condition

Figure 10: 2nd blade rate propeller-induced hull pressure

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods



1st blade rate

Full load


2nd blade rate

Full load

Table 2 Comparison of 1 & 2 blade rate pressure and

vertical force for full and ballast conditions
In the integrated simulation system, HULLFPP not only
can provide the pressure amplitude for different blade
rate frequencies but can also compute the phase
difference associated with the pressure amplitude for
different locations on the hull. As will be shown later,
this phase difference can have an important influence on
the final structure vibration responses.
Hull vibration
As seen in Table 2, compared to ballast condition, the
total forces at full load condition have higher values and
are expected to cause more structure vibrations. For the
sake of briefness, later discussions will be mainly
focused on the full load case.

dominated force for excitations. Compared to vertical

force Fy, horizontal forces Fz of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd blade
rate frequencies are small which are 20%, 8.5% and 6%
of the 1st blade rate vertical force Fy.
Vibration analyses are performed based on the propellerinduced pressure obtained earlier (see Figure 10) with
phase difference effect included. Results of vibration
velocity of the whole ship in x, y and z directions are
plotted in Figure 12 for the 1st blade rate frequency

(a) Vibration velocity in x direction

To have a general picture of the propeller-induced

surface forces for this tanker, a summarized table for the
first three blade rate forces are provided as follows:
1st blade rate



2nd blade rate



3rd blade rate



Table 3 Propeller surface forces for full load condition

Here, Fx, Fy, Fz are the total forces obtained by
integrating the hull pressure including the phase
difference effect. The directions of x, y, and z are in
longitudinal, vertical and starboard directions,
respectively (Figure 11). The phase definition is 0o at 12
oclock position and increases in a counterclockwise
direction with 90o to port side, 180o to centerline
(downward) and 270o to starboard side.

(b) Vibration velocity in y direction

(c) Vibration velocity in z direction

Figure 12: Vibration velocity of the whole ship under 1st
blade rate forced excitation

Figure 11: xyz coordinate for surface forces

As seen in Table 3, all the surface forces decrease at
higher blade rate frequencies and vertical force Fy is the

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods

As usual, propeller-induced hull vibrations are localized

in the stern area. Basically, from the velocity contour
plots we see that propeller induced vibration cannot
affect the bow area; in fact, it almost stops in front of the
desk house structure. Since vertical force is the
dominated force, vibrations are also dominated in y



direction. As seen, there is a large area in transom under
the vertical vibration due to the propeller excitation but
almost negligible vibration in x and z directions at that
area. It is also interesting to note at the bridge wings of
the desk house structure the vibration velocity (~1.12
mm/s) in x direction shows the same order of magnitude
as the vertical vibration velocity (~1.8 mm/s) at the
transom area. This is mainly because the local xdirection stiffness of the bridge wing structure is weak
and it is easy to excite the x direction vibration even
though we know the x direction force Fx is only about the
40.8 % of the vertical force Fy (see Table 3). Basically,
as seen in Figure 12, maximum vibration velocities in x
and z directions occur at the bridge wing ends and the
top of funnel as the structures have the weak local
stiffness in these directions. However, the lateral force Fz
(21.8% of Fy) is small compared to Fy and Fx.
Consequently, the z direction vibration shows a much
smaller value (~0.6 mm/s at the top of the funnel) than
the x and y direction vibrations.

To have a general picture of the vibration reduction at

the higher blade rate excitations, the vertical vibration
velocities due to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd blade rate propeller
excitations are also plotted (Figure 13). Here, all the
color contours are drawn based on the same level range
the one used for the 1st blade rate. As seen, stern
vibrations reduce rapidly at the high excitation
frequencies. Roughly, the y direction vibration velocities
(maximum values) at transom locations are about 1.75
mm/s at 1st blade rate frequency, 0.7 mm/s at 2nd blade
rate frequency and 0.03 mm/s at 3rd blade rate frequency.
To investigate the phase difference effect on the structure
responses for the same tanker, vibration analyses are
performed by applying the same propeller induced
pressure amplitude but without phase difference. Figure
14 shows the comparisons of the x and y vibration
velocities for with and without phase difference effects
under the 1st blade rate frequency excitation. Here, for
convenience of comparison, contour level ranges are
roughly set to be same for the plots (0 ~ 0.0019 for x
velocity plot and 0 ~ 0.0021 for y velocity plot). As seen
in the figure, if propeller-induced pressure is applied
without phase difference, the structure vibrates more.
The detailed vibration velocities for some critical
locations such as transom and bridge wings are also
summarized in Table 4. As expected, phase difference
has a significant effect on the structure responses. Due to
the phase difference, the total net forces, including Fx, Fy,
Fz, on the hull are reduced and the structure tends to have
less vibration.

(a) vertical velocity due to 1st blade rate excitation

(b) vertical velocity due to 2nd blade rate excitation

(c) vertical velocity due to 3rd blade rate excitation

Figure 13: Comparison of vibrations for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd


Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods


Bridge wing port side
Bridge wing starboard side

Transom port side

Transom starboard side

x vibration (mm/s)
phase effect
no phase effect
y vibration (mm/s)
phase effect
no phase effect

Table 4 Comparison of the vibration velocity at critical

locations with and without phase effects

(a) x velocity with phase effect

(b) x velocity without phase effect

As known previously, the net forces given in Table 3 are

calculated by taking the phase difference into account.
These net forces may be regarded as the equivalent loads
which can generate the same structure responses as the
previous calculations if they are applied at the center of
the forces. However, this presents an interesting question
to ask. If the vertical force is applied as the only
excitation how much is the discrepancy of the vibration
result compared to the previous one? For this tanker,
vibration analyses are performed again by using the three
blade rate vertical forces. The application point of the
forces is located at the upper point of the propeller disk
on the hull. The vertical velocity contours due to the 1st,
2nd, and 3rd excitations are plotted in Figure 15.
As seen in the figure, basically, this vertical force tends
to over-predict the vertical vibrations. A detailed
comparison between the vertical vibrations caused by the
vertical forces and the vertical vibrations caused by the
distributed hull pressure are given in Table 5 for the
maximum values picked up in the transom area. In
general, the over-prediction of the vertical velocity is
about 1.5~2.6 times depending on the blade rate

(c) y velocity with phase effect

(d) y velocity without phase effect

Figure 14: the comparisons of the x and y vibration
velocities for with and without phase difference effects

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods



(a) vertical velocity due to 1st blade rate excitation

Figure 16: x-direction velocity due to the 1st blade rate

vertical force.
An integrated simulation system for a more accurate
estimate of propeller-induced hull vibration is presented
in this paper. In this simulation system, state-of-the-art
CFD and FEM tools are assembled together for
propeller/ship interaction flow simulation and propellerinduced hull vibration analysis.


(b) vertical velocity due to 2 blade rate excitation

(c) vertical velocity due to 3rd blade rate excitation

Figure 15: Vertical vibration due to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
vertical forces

1st blade rate
2nd blade rate

y-direction velocity
due to distributed
hull pressure mm/s

y-direction velocity
due to vertical
force only mm/s

Table 5 Vertical velocity comparison at transom area

For x vibration velocity, the contour plots for the 1st
blade rate excitation are shown in Figure 16. As expected,
the vertical force can not excite the x direction vibration
too much.


In propeller/hull interaction flow simulation for a series

60 hull with MAU propeller, it is found that
propeller/hull interaction plays an important role on the
propeller performance and effective wake prediction. By
comparing the calculated thrust/torque coefficients (KT
and KQ) and wake field velocity with the available
experimental measurement data, it shows that the CFD
simulation can provide reasonable accuracy for the
propeller/ship interaction flow resolution.
In propeller-induced hull vibration analysis, a tanker is
selected to perform numerical study for different loading
applications, namely, they are distributed hull pressure
with phase difference considered, distributed hull
pressure without phase difference, and a net vertical
force. The findings of the vibration analyses results are
summarized as follows:
Pressure phase difference has an important influence
in structure vibration.
For the load without phase difference considered, all
the vibration velocity in stern area tends to become
more violent.
For a net vertical force excitation, vertical vibration
tends to be over-predicted.
Also, this vertical force excitation can not capture the
x-direction vibration on the structure especially at the
critical locations such as the ends of the bridge wing.
In structure vibration analysis, in order not to overpredict/under-predict the structure responses, it is
recommended that propeller-induced pressure with the
phase difference should be used.

Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods


The authors wish to thank the ABS management team,
especially Dr. Roger Basu, Dr. Han Yu, Mr. Ernst Kotte,
and Dr. Bill Shi, for permission to perform this study. Dr.
Sing-Kwan Lee would also like to acknowledge Mr.
Yoshi Ozakis support and encouragement in publishing
this paper. Thanks are also due to Mr. James Speed for
helping to proofread this paper.
ABS, (2006), Rules for Building and Classing Steel
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Propeller-Induced Hull Vibration Analytical Methods


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