The Reading Habits of University Students, Studying English Language and Literature in The Digital Age

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Vebrianti Rahayu

Sociology / B
Journal Resume

The reading habits of university students,

studying English language and literature in

the digital age
The journal is talking about the importance reading habits and attitudes of university
students, studying English Language and Literature at Atatrk University. Besides that, talk
about impact of internet use for e-resources on reading habits especially in digital age.
Now we're in the digital age, era when the world seems without restrictions or limits.
All controlled by technology. One of the products of technology is the internet. The internet
has changed the world. It has changed the way that people communicate, the way people do
business, and the way information transfered. The internet has also had a great effect on
students reading habits.
Many product digitals such as radios, televisions, computers, smart phones and
similar devices, the impact of technology on peoples lives has become easier when doing the
activities. Moreover, technology have brought about a new trend in reading, called digital
reading. Online periodicals, electronic books, and audio books can adds our reading sources.
Since they are online and in a digital format, it is easy to change, add and update their data.
They can access in portable devices with applications can easily be downloaded to a smart
phone or tablet computer. The news available can be read anytime, anywhere without an
internet connection.
The methodology of the survey use the questionnaire that provided with different
valiable. It was prepared of university students studying in English Language and Literature
department at Ataturk University in Turkey and they were quite competent in English
language. They were prepared of 76 respondents, 23 of whom were male and 53 of whom
were female.
The result of the survey was satisfactory. The survey showed that the development of
reading habits the respondents were grown rapidly. Majority affected by the media and
technology. The availability and practicality of online news makes it popular among
respondents. Internet users can easily access the latest online news via their mobile phones
and computers. In conclusion, the overall findings of the study showed that university
students had developed of reading habits. There has been a tendency towards reading online
information. However, this tendency is not seen in all texts available online to the students.
Example, though the majority of the students read printed novels, a great many of them never
read novels online.
Technology is possible to improve reading habits in the digital age. Besides to
develop the students reading habits, technology hopefully can also increase the language
skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening.

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