Talent Management Project

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Talent Management
Talent management implies recognizing a person's inherent skills, traits, personality and offering
him a matching job. Every person has a unique talent that suits a particular job profile and any other
position will cause discomfort. It is the job of the Management, particularly the HR Department, to place
candidates with prudence and caution. A wrong fit will result in further hiring, re-training and other
wasteful activities. Talent Management is beneficial to both the organization and the employees. The
organization benefits from: Increased productivity and capability; a better linkage between individuals'
efforts and business goals; commitment of valued employees; reduced turnover; increased bench strength
and a better fit between people's jobs and skills. Employees benefit from: Higher motivation and
commitment; career development; increased knowledge about and contribution to company goals;
sustained motivation and job satisfaction.
In these days of highly competitive world, where change is the only constant factor, it is
important for an organization to develop the most important resource of all - the Human Resource. In this
globalize world, it is only the Human Resource that can provide an organization the competitive edge
because under the new trade agreements, technology can be easily transferred from one country to
another and there is no dearth for sources of cheap finance. But it is the talented workforce that is very
hard to find.
Talent signals an ability to learn and develop in the face of new challenges. Talent is about future
potential rather than past track record. So talent tends to be measured in terms of having certain attributes,
such as a willingness to take risks and learn from mistakes, a reasonable (but not too high) level of
ambition and competitiveness, the ability to focus on big picture issues, and an awareness of their own
strengths, limitations and impact on others.
Several talent management processes need to be in place on a strategic level in order ensure its
success. Such processes/strategies include talent identification, recruitment & assessment, competency
management, performance management, career development, teaching management, compensation,
succession planning etc.
Talent management has a number of benefits to offer such as employee engagement, retention,
aligning to strategic goals in order to identify the future leadership of the organization, increased
productivity, culture of excellence and much more.

1.2.Industry profile
1.3.Company Profile

The talent in an organization refers to the current employees and their valuable Knowledge,
skills and competencies. Talent management (or succession management) is the ongoing process of
analyzing, developing and effectively utilizing talent to meet Business needs. It involves a specific
process that compares current talent in a department to the strategic business needs of that department.
Results lead to the development and implementation of corresponding strategies to address any talent
gaps or surpluses.
Talent management for the HR Community is a priority of the HR Strategy for the HR
Community. Not only does the HR Strategy support the HR Community as its own professional group,
but it also recognizes and will support the role human resource professionals have to help their clients
become skilled, committed and accountable public servants. The implementation of a talent management
process that is transparent and equitable is expected to create an environment for people to develop their
skills in preparation for a range of future possibilities thereby preparing the workplace for changing roles.
The goal of this process is to map the business needs of the HR Community with the potential and career
development needs of our people in order to develop a comprehensive Talent Management Plan.


This Talent Management Project I completed from Company, for the fulfillment of the full time
course of MBA of Pune University for the year 2009-2010. In Company I made research on Talent
Management process because company want to know that, is it talent management is really beneficial for
them or not. I proved them that talent management is really beneficial for company by doing this project.
I completed this project because it was a requirement of our MBA full time course. I learned
various things in this project, like audit, SAP HR module, and personal administration. Etc.



All the functions are only related with the personnel department.
Limitation about the working hour of the worker in the factory.
Limitation about the time and absenteeism.
Company not allowing to disclose confidential information
Time factor was the major limitation of this survey. Because during survey any activity of
organization which is directly or indirectly related to the production process should not
disturb due to survey.

Talent Management for the HR Community is an opportunity for HR professionals to develop in
their areas of expertise and in their careers. A strong HR Community helps create a strong public service.
The goal of talent management is to better understand our people in the HR Community so we can

support professional and career development and align individual needs and goals with the business focus
of HR. We also want to ensure that we as a Community have the ability to develop people so that we are
meeting the future needs of the community and government and our clients. This first broad sweep of the
Community provides a foundation on which to ensure leadership continuity, knowledge transfer and
service continuity. The initial implementation resulted in a number of important human resource priorities
and strategies, such as performance management, leadership and management development, attraction
and retention, employee learning and development and culture, all of which are supported by the HR
Strategy for the HR Community. The critical next step in the process is the implementation of the Talent
Management Plan for the HR Community. Individually, members of the community and their managers
should work together to move forward individual career development plans. The HR Community must
work together to promote a talent management mindset, commit to supporting development as a
professional group, and integrate talent management into the daily fabric of doing business.
We understand it help to ensuring the right people are attracted to the organization.
We understand it help to developing and implementing practices that reward and support
Talent Management ensuring continuous informal and formal learning and development.
Talent Management is specific processes that nurture and support performance, including
It used to make planning for business and general changes, including the older workforce
and current/future skills shortages.

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