Sample On An Ecosystem

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Activity: Sample an Ecosystem

Purpose: Identify the biotic and abiotic factors that make up a real
ecosystem. Observe the relationships between organisms and their
environment. Understand that each part of the ecosystem performs an
important function important for maintaining balance in such ecosystem.
1. Choose a natural area inside your school.
2. Divide the class in teams. Each team should:
Choose a site to observe.
3. Discuss with your team the following questions and write your group
answers in your journal or notebook:
A) Name the non-living things that are found within the area you

B) Name the living things you find (you can dig a little using the

C) How do you think the living things relate to each other and to
the non-living things in that ecosystem?

D) What would happen if one of the components was lost of


E) Draw a mini food chain for the area you sampled


Name the non-living things that are found within the area you sampled. Ans.
soil, water, air, rocks...
Name the living things you find (you can dig a little using the shovel) Ans.
worms, ants, grass, tree, flower
How do you think the living things relate to each other and to the non-living
things in that ecosystem? Ans. The roots of the flower absorb water from the
soil. The ants dig their tunnels in the soil, which is their shelter. The tree is
the house for other animals. The ants eat the dead bugs
What would happen if one of the components was lost of reduced? Ans. If
there was no water, the plants would dry out. If there was no tree, the birds
wouldnt have a place to build their nest. If there were no worms, the soil
would be more compacted and it would be difficult for plants to lay their

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